My family believes that just because homosexuality isn't a choice, it's socially acceptable...

My family believes that just because homosexuality isn't a choice, it's socially acceptable. How do I convince them otherwise?

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How do they feel about pedophelia? That’s not a choice either.

Also, from a religious standpoint, every religious scripture condemns homosexuality, from an atheistic/scientific standpoint, the main reason for sex is reproduction. We are wired to survive and make more of our species, if you’re not sexually attracted to the sex that you need to reproduce with, clearly there’s something mentally wrong with you.

Your family believes incorrectly. Homosexuality is a choice. Find the study about twins where one ends up gay and the other doesn't and redpill them with it. If it was genetic, both would be gay or both would be straight. Science.


Well they're "religious" but the lite version of Catholicism. I think the pedophilia angle is the strongest, since that's still socially unacceptable (God willing it will stay that way)

It's especially touchy for them though because my one great-uncle is a fag who lives in Commiefornia.

Interedasting. Link plox?

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Straight males carry gay genes:

Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:

Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:

Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28


what do you mean isn't a choice

*s m h

In this video a gay guy mentions that he can't make his cat gay. This suggests that gays believe that you can make people (and children) gay. So much for "being born gay."

Explain how pedophilia isn't a choice either and by their logic they should be accepting of that too.

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

if we are determined creatures then we can not hold murderers responsible for their actions.
or anyone else.

>Also, from a religious standpoint, every religious scripture condemns homosexuality
>from an atheistic/scientific standpoint, the main reason for sex is reproduction
>We are wired to survive and make more of our species, if you’re not sexually attracted to the sex that you need to reproduce with, clearly there’s something mentally wrong with you.
What about surpopulation ? Maybe moter nature predicted that shit? Who knows...
>inb4 doesn't exist
Also how can you explain that homosexuals exist among animals, in almost the same ratio as humans? Sexual deviance is manifest of downfall in in civilizations, not it's cause. Universe 25, look it up.

look up "gay uncle theory"

Show them pride parades and make sure they see all the fags in faggorty

Aesthetic preferences are subject to change.
Thinking they're immutable because it suits one's narrative flies in the face of all experience which people's tastes change, which is a volume so great it could only be willfully ignored.

>the homosexuality exists in animals meme\
No it doesn't. You would be accurate in saying bisexuality exists in animals, but that still likely comes our of their lack of understanding.

Why do we even use animals as any kind of example? Breeding with a female the moment she is physically capable is common in animals. Rape is common in animals. Cannibalism is common in animals. Incest is common in animals. Eating feces is common in animals.

animals also engage in cannibalism, pedophilia with infants, among other things, they just do it as an impulse for sexual reproduction. like if you get on the ground and position yourself in a suggestive way your dog might start trying to hump you.

Tell them about porno's and how some DUDES get so addicted that they get all fucked up and start wearing skirts and LARPing out their sexual fantasies IRL. Plenty of evidence, science evidence out there, plenty of bible, koran, budda (brahmacharya ) evidence out there too, no matter what one's persuasion is.

That is by far not the most convincing explanation.

We have twin studies showing 50-100% concordance rates with identical twins indicating at least some genetic component.

We have epigenetic tags that vary even between identical twins to account for additional variation with up to 70% accuracy.

We also know that female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids. There is a lot of evidence. There is no one particular gay gene but there is no quality evidence to indicate sexuality is not fixed at birth and based in a mixture of genetic factors and epigenetic tagging.

Ignore naturalistic arguments in the first place. They're fallacious in principle - people can't define what's natural vs what's not natural without revealing how stupid their initial thought processes are to begin with.

stop trying to convince your family. no matter how many facts you present they wont accept the fact that they are wrong, just be a happy family


It is both a choice and not a choice. Homosexual desire is just like every other fetish or paraphilia: it can be cured by abstinence from pornography and masturbation for a period of at least six months. Many men have testified to this.

Transgenderism is an another example of the same thing: it is a manifestation of the paraphilia called autogynephilia, or sexual arousal at the thought of oneself as being a woman. It can be cured by the same means. The reason why so many transgenders kill themselves after the surgery is that, not only does the realization that they have mutilated their body strike them, but the demon remains inside them, uncured.

People choose to feed their paraphilic desires; but at the same time, the paraphilic desires are involuntary, and, if people do not know any better about what is wrong with them and how to cure it, but rather are told incessant propaganda about "being born that way" and there being nothing wrong with it, what chance do they possibly have?

We, the humans, are trying to get away from things such as anthropomorphageous tendencies, rape, and incest through civilization, because those things are factually dangerous for us, but I don't see how homosexuality/bisexuality is a problem.
cannibalism is naturally dangerous because a species that eats itself dies out rapidly, rape, even though it's only a moral choice, is considered fucked up amongst most civilizations, incest causes children to have fucked up genes, but what does homosexuality do? And reminder that aids wasn't always a thing.

actually it is a statement used to describe the normal function of sex which sexual pleasure encourages naturally(reproduction). engaging in a sexual relationship with members of the same gender is incorrect.

Homosexuality degrades civilization.

A hugely disproportionate number of male serial killers have been homosexual; figures run from 40 to 60% depending on definitions. Some of the most famous—John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Juan Corona, Wayne Williams, Dean Corll—certainly were. It is unlikely that the National Institutes of Health will fund research to look for a causal relation.

such proof!

Show them pic related

Why do you talk about homosexuals with your family?

Hormonal disorders

Jesus would kick all sorts of ass.

We've never been able to find a gay gene. Homosexuality is a choice.

We don't know exactly what genes make people left handed either. Does that mean left handed people are actually right handed?

I'm well aware of all these facts, but I want a practical way of conveying them to my family. Basically I want to shift their Overton window

Twins aren't perfectly genetically related - ever. Some twins have diseases, one twin can be born with down syndrome while the other isn't.

It isn't like pedophilia because it doesn't hurt anyone.

Why would a kid in Africa choose to be gay when it could literally get him killed?

If the point of sec is purely procreation, then infertile men should never fuck women? What if you were infertile, would you never have sex?

If you think homosexuality is a legitimate issue then you aren't paying attention.

How ? Reminder than ancient greeks, the guys people like you like to quote all the time, fucked teens in the ass during men-only dinners.
I am talking about homosexuals/lesbians, not the rest of the lgbtazerty commmunity, gays!=trans and other fuck ups

You don't.
Just give up and accept the fact that people like what you don't.

Who are you responding to? Hopefully not me, given I can't for the life of me find the object you're trying to address.

Where is the gay accent from? It is conditioned and learned. Most gays have been abused. Also I believe in science and science says it's a mental disorder and a choice as it goes against evolution. Therefore encouraging this behavior acceptance is anti science.

>We don't fully understand gay people's mannerisms therefore they were all abused.

>Science says it is a mental disorder

[citations needed]

I'm unfortunately the one seen as most politically aware of my family, so they asked me my thoughts on Trump's ban on trannies in the military. It snowballed from there.

Easy user you're intelligent one, but be carful what you say. Always remind yourself that there are idiots in this world, who would take what you said an twist it for personal gain. By the way we're being audited by several political powers, be mindful of that.

The shills are strong in this bread

Sexualizing feces is a choice. A disgusting one. Your parents don't believe in God, they believe being comfortable with evil keeps them from having to stand up for something. Go along to get along people. The cancer of every society.

Saved user. Good stuff only wish it contained factual sources

Rape them, they do not have a choice in wanting to be raped, so it should be socially acceptable.