ACLU Causes Twitter Chimpout by Using White Child


Look at those fucking comments LOL, literally all they did was use a white kid for the picture of what they wanted the future ACLU to look like

Other urls found in this thread:


>future of the white race
>holding rainbow unicorn

it checks out.

>people are chimping out over a picture of a white blond child
You are lost lmao. Hope you have fun under communism. Protip: you won't.

Was pretty dumb, though it is a cute picture.

Jesus fuck my kids are both whiter than that
t. Iranian

Are (((they))) trying to cause the biggest white chimpout ever to remove all non whites in the world?

I know, we are screwed here in Merica lads, what country should I move to?
moar chimpout for u

lol what i thought that they wanted to do the opposite of that???

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Are the ACLU /ourguys/ now?

Acedia's not wrong. It was pretty stupid to defend neonazis, then post something that literally could have been ripped from a whit nationalist website.

Haha, God i love those tears, they sustain me

the democrats should change their symbol from an ass to an ouroboros

this desu

Lol that cat lady at the top

But seriously these people need gassed unironically

LOL nah they meant the onesie they are just autistic
true that kid is almost definitely a white supremacist neo nazi ! ! ! 11
Your welcome :)

I wish I knew what that meant...
That's why I'm moving, need to find a new country to build a house in
move the plan into action my friend

>little less blonde in the future
It's gonna be great when people try and pull this shit on my little white blonde hair blue eyed minions and I shut their shit down and scream racial epithets for lols

I really dont know what to even say anymore.

r8 my fresh meme

>ACLU defends alt right at Charlottesville
>tweets this a week later

Literally our guys

>tfw blond, blue-eyed and native German
it feels powerful to trigger these fucks with my mere existence
And yet, i'm gonna procreate with an East Aryan girl


How do people still think 'diversity' isn't just another word for anti-white? This article isn't even trying to hide it.

Somebody do a pic of an African Genocide next.


We must prepare for battle.
Stand up and speak out against white people who are all nazis! Especially blonde ones!

nigger baby isnt bug-eyed enough

W-who has that one mixed babby that Polish woman had

Another one


The number of troll accounts is truly heartening. I believe we are achieving critical mass.

>le diversity
These people won't ever stop until everyone looks like a Brazilian mutt

like so

go back to furrypol with your tranny friends faggot

Any American flag?!? Don't they know that's a hate symbol?

>White genocide isn't real
>Simply displaying a picture of a white child in a positive manner is considered an inflammatory statement

Pick one.

that's a prop from alien resurrection

God damn, these people truly are the enemy aren't they? I hate their idiotic post but, they wont stop until all society is as ugly and stupid as they are.

reading the Youtube comment section can be pretty eye opening as well.

noun: ouroboros

a circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity.

dank meme
i wish
what the fuck why would you do that ?
that would be great but i don't have any

Maybe if US didn't try to make it look like we have more blacks than we actually do... they're what, 13% of the population? We've got more spics by far, but they're too busy working to sit around and cry for representation all the time. Unlike our precious little kangs and kweens.



That isn't the point and you know it.

Yeah but still not enough to drown out these freaks user
if everyone looks exactly the same it is MORE diverse
TRUE it's a system of slavery
white genocide isn't real! we just want everyone to be brown!
that is literally their goal and they think it's funny

>what the fuck why would you do that ?
because she is a great woman and i love her and i'm not really a white supremacist, but merely want the muslims and most niggers gassed.

OP I want you to shoot a stream of warm orange piss down my throat while I strangle my cock to the tune of some gay 70s disco. Oh god and then let me fart in circles like it's an evil ritual and sniff my ass til you pass out and let me beat off my purple, half-strangled dick onto your mustache.

can't believe the aclu would fuck up this hard
baka why pipo

>the left hates whites so vehemently that a picture of a toddler causes them to lose their minds
Yeah, we're ready for a war.

Das it mane

This. It is like a permanent warm blanket of smug superiority to know that my appearance strikes fear into spineless leftists.

>abbos are 2.5% of the population
>we're meant to retool the entire education system to suit their "learning style"
The only reason to apologise for the stolen generation is we shouldve purged instead of tried to assimilate them

then you are good in my book and carry on! hopefully you have a lot of wonderful children user
yea this is MASSIVE
we would win that war in like a week btw

i say stay and fight for your country bro

you wouldnt be any better than the immigrants that come here anywhere else.

Das it mane

>I know, we are screwed here in Merica lads, what country should I move to?
Nowhere. You were too busy fucking up the rest of the world this whole time, remember?

Yes I would I'm a white male who has never committed any crimes and isn't going to spread sharia or rape anyone or do anything wrong

plus i pay taxes

i am a blonde white male that voted for Trump, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

That wasn't my fault I didn't vote for Obama and Bush!

>try to show you're not white-hating marxist scum
>all you PoC supporters chimp out at you due to your attempt to trick the gentiles back to sleep


Jesus these nigger and commies going rampage

well you should go back to germany nazi

germany is not nazi anymore
i'm not a cuck and i am not mudslime

>implying this started with Bush
Europe has been an American protectorate since '45. The world has been an American protectorate since '89.

black man too smart, with a hot take!

This pisses me off so much. What the fuck. They're calling a blonde kid now a nazi

You bros weren't shitting me when you were making memes about white genocide. tfw

i love that painting and you were so right to pick it, it feels just like that moment

Yeah, it is time to gtfo if this country.

Sink with the ship, "nationalist".

That black chick seems to think this is really divisive.

Man, this is fucking with me worse than I thought it would.

I hear Chile is nice in some parts.

I'm taking a hard look at Belize right now.

Sad truth is that none of this shit would have happened with Hillary. Different kind of shit maybe, but I wouldn't have menacing stares because of my whiteness in one of the wealthier sections of the country.

fuck me

lol yea
nope we serious over here now
yes i'm looking at other countries too
they hate us cause they ain't us
Chile looks really nice, Belize could be alright but it is really poor I think...



Ecuador is where you want to be, my man.

white flight faggot, too much of a beta to stand up for your god given right to exist


lol this wouldve happened sooner or later, dont be blind about that

what did you expect? that we'd become extinct silently? without a fight like what you're doing by running away?

Do American Coloreds not like how white people look? They are really beautiful.

BTW it would have been way worse with Hillary, white males would be shot on site for historical crimes against humanity

Niggers can't understand abstract concepts such as cause and effect.

Why Ecuador?
they just hate any white people cause whitey = nazi!!!!

No that's exactly why they have that hate.

>Sad truth is that none of this shit would have happened with Hillary

Yeah, this. We could have just passed all of this sociologically meme'd animosity to our children, and they would have endured this far worse, with fewer white people to support them and even less political power to fight zog. That way we could have destroyed manufacturing here and have have borders eliminated, and our laws dictated by bankers even more. At least we got our money and lived /comfy/ right?

You a boomer, brah?

It's funny how these lefties have been being fed """multicultural""" garbage propaganda for so long that even seeing a white person in any form of media triggers them

Stand your ground you fucking weak ass
If you let gommies get into power there, Chile is going down next. There is no escape in the entire world from this people

You're a fucking coward if you don't stay and fight. Even if it means certain death and even death by torture.

I've been waiting ten years for the shit to hit the fan and I believe that the only way to win is through divine intervention, but I still chose to stay.

I would type more but I don't feel like buying another computer.

Whites will die out if they keep the guilt for something they never did.
I hope you faggots sorry it out before it's too late.
There is literally nothing wrong with being white and taking pride in it.

*Sort it out

on suicide watch

you a bitch nigga for running when there is nowhere to actually run


Oh, so fucking #woke #progress

Today's been a real turning point for me, lads.

Blonde is a recessive trait, blonde white Americans are most likely of vast majority European. They're getting triggered because blondes aren't supposed to exist in a future where we end racism by becoming Brazilians. It's becoming more apparent that the left believes that as a part of their idea of progress racial lines will dissolve even if most don't really talk about it.

Black people are particularly accepting of this idea because they know that mulattos consider themselves black most of the time, essentially making them believe in the future African Americans will be the majority.

The left admitting that they want white people to die out like in those comments will just cause more white people to drop the guilt shit. Most subscribe to it to virtue signal because they want to be seen as good.


The first time I felt the truth and being awake it was the most amazing feeling i'd ever felt. No drugs ever produced that.

It was like being alive for the first time and all those suspicions i'd had growing up were real. We were being lied to about everything everywhere. I knew before I truly knew. The only time I recreated that feeling was when I woke up one group of my friends and spoke to them about 911 truth for two hours. It was simply amazing.

calm down losers i'm literally just trolling on the intervwebz

what do you mean? are you going to stand and fight with us now brother?
i linked him a map of race and iq but i think he blocked me for it

well, according to MSM, only whites want free speech, so if I believe CNN, there are no black children who they could get to pose for this
>funny thing is, if they actually used a black kid, the left would be "but, we don't support free speech, that's literally nazism"
wtf, i love the aclu now!