A country consisting of ugly drunk skanks & hooligans, Pakis and poo-loo's. I present you: the United Kingdom.
Britbong hate thread
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Meanwhile this is the HEALTH MINISTER in Belgium
I'd expect this to be America's Surgeon General, good lord.
What would you know about being a country Belgium?
Why do you hate us :(
I thought ogres were a myth.
its okay to be upset it must feel like shit being a fake country.
why do you care what we think? is it because you acknowledge we are better than you?
Lol, so much for this being a British hate thread.
Waffle-niggers BTFO.
\fuckin kek/
Ah yes Owen Jones. The man who abandoned Corbyn and Momentum only to immediately going back to sucking their dick when Corbyn reasonably.
>1 post by this OP
lmfao! Nice return
You wanna fuck with us? We fuck with you, no lube.
Yeah fuck the country that lost millions in wars fighting for your freedom.
>Ebin JIDF slide thread
>I wonder how many goyim will be divided!
>Sup Forums unites as one
>Larp flag
Your face now
Nice comeback.
your police are cucks but i still love you guys
I had 3 litres of soup earlier. I'm literally shitting oxtail now lads
This night il give a go to search english milfs on the internet. I might even do as statistics say and search for chav porn and see how it goes.
>"fook mah cunt ya dirty basterd!"
>pretty much a non-country
Is Belgium renowned for anything? You are beyond bland.
i got a b in maths gcse but i still don't know how to do long division an im 28.
3 liters of soup, holly shit. I had about 6 oz of egg sandwich n 6 oz of tuna sandwich.
She's hot thooooo
>Last name is de Block
she's finnish tho
Belgium hate thread?
top oxtailing, fucking love the tail,,,gonna sup some now
>Implying Belgium is better off now that its an independent country
Classic anglo moralizing. Create a narrative that is completely different from the actual reasons why you do something, and believe it anyway because it makes you feel good
The best guns on the planet are from there, anons.
Fun fact, the best beer of the planet is not from there as ppl think but from Czech Republic.
>The more you know
no one cares federalist fag
can someone explain what's wrong with OP girl's face? never seen an horizontal philtrum crease like that before
dear walloon, bongolian duffer here, not only are you considered an international joke of zero merit or culture, you are also considered the biggest ponces in europe , standing around with your paw out, begging the EU for any and all the'll give, what is the point of belgium sooner you split in two the better, just saying
you can only reply to this post if your health minister weighs less than 120 kg
not so fat, belgium
>Even google is unsure if you're a real nation
God, what a fucking self-hating cuck... he probably likes BLACKED porn and offers his gf/wife to the Syrian refugees for comfort.
English milfs are a pasty and a bit doughy but certainly serviceable for a change of pace. A lot of dirty blonds, and short straight fake red hair. Good for a 90s flashback fap.
I went to Belgium once. An old man shat himself in a burger shop and he didn't even care.
>dem bantz
Belgium btfo will they ever recover?
Sorry Belgium, only real countries allowed here
Alright m8 how's it going?
They are known for having extremely ugly megacucks in important positions in the EU.
Seriously, are Belgians even human?
Pedo chocolate
How about you take that reddit flag off and show us where you're from pussy
Rampant paedophilia.
Nice id toothless poof
I can't even tell what gender half of these things are trying to be.
Nice reddit flag :)
>reddit flag
reminder that /ournige/ irrevocably blew belgium the fuck out forever
>reddit flag
Haha another coward
Fucking black and tan cunts.
one of the best first posts I have seen on Sup Forums. Bravo.
Why'd you post nordic fitness model Oona Tolppanen to make fun of bongs?
Daily reminder that London has more knife attacks in 2 month than Poland in whole year.
London injuries due to knife attack per 2 months ? 800
Whole Poland injuries due to knife attacks per year ? 700
Why should I post under a flag I have no allegiance to
damn talk about a counterpunch
Why are you in a country you have no allegiance to?
Now this is a thread I can get behind. Beady eye mother fuckers.
Nothing like the sight of drowning blacks.
blown out
We may have lost a battle but the war is not over. We're playing the long game.
Where should I go? I'm waiting for globalists collapse and restructure of peoples. No state supports my views, goals, or vision. Fuck you morons claing each other over meaningless bullshit. Just cats trapped in a sack, drowning together.
>long game
Typical lazy niggers
slow and steady
that tweet doesn't exist
C'mon, you're just embarrassing yourself.
All I read there was a load of obese autism. Get a job.
It's fake.
I bet you opt for the trilby as a fedora's too mainstream
im dissapointed
It's ok send them to Deepcut. The wrong type don't survive there long.
We're just waiting for the inevitable collapse of the union to strike. Scotland will lead the way and then everything will fall into place.
You're barely even a real country, just those scraps of land even the French and Dutch didn't want