When will the FBI and google unmask everyone on this sites? What will be the fallout? Will your relatives be shocked at the tranny porn you've watched? Is it righteous justice?
One day we'll be fucked
See you in September
All I will say
I talk to my relatives about everything I do, everything. I'm not a coward like you.
My family, friends, and employers will get a good chuckle
out of all the times I've teased the losers who inhabit Sup Forums.
>I've teased the losers who inhabit Sup Forums
What does that say about you? That means you're an ultimate cuckold loser.
probably this September
probably not much
I don't watch tranny porn. I go to giferoni for ylyl threads so even if they try to paint it that way i have plausible deniability.
for some
Why are happenings always in September?
>I spend all my time on Sup Forums trying to convince myself that I'm better than people that hang out on Sup Forums
Good job guy, you sure are showing us!
Who cares.
I'm pretty open about my beliefs.
The only thing some people might be surprised about is just exactly how harshly I scrutinize niggers.
>When will the FBI and google unmask everyone on this sites? What will be the fallout?
good question.
Everyone will realize that everything I have ever posted here is satire and does not reflect my real views whatsoever
>the virgin fapper vs the chad splooger
The climate for personality asasination has been established. The commies fought for so long to just be tolerated, than they infiltrated all orgs. Now the coma will purge and permanently render you poverty stricken. It's starting.
Also this. I even watch tranny porn ironically
Actually tranny porn is the litmus test for heterosexuality.
Friendly reminder that righteous indignation only adds fuel to the fire.
>going through porn history
Don't watch tranny porn but wouldn't want people knowing how much I watch rape porn
Hope so, can't wait to be on the stand again.
I'm going to make them dump every single shitpost I've ever made here.
I don't watch tranny porn but I do like cuckhold porn which would be super embarrasing.
And I like the kind that go all the way... where the boyfriend is forced to succ the black guy off.
ill see you in 2012 buddy, oh wait
They are going to DOX the site, figure out that half of us are LE, FBI and other Alphabet Agents and remember we have more on them, then they have on us. And let us carry on with our lives and 4ch comedy bread.
>They are going to DOX the site
*commits sudoku in protest*
We can go into my history with GATE, Excelsior, etc.
It'll be great fun!
Nope. I live in a deep red state and my family ranges from normie Jeb! cucks to die-hard Infowars viewers who actually buy the supplements. Everyone I know voted Trump.
Must suck to be a Sup Forumsack living in a blue state with libshits as friends.
>One day we'll be fucked.
If you have a mass doxx, than everyone is exposed and united. All those folks ya thought were normies turned out to be Sup Forumsacks
What happens is one of us gets out of line, and they blackmail us.
What they have on us is only powerful as long as it's a secret.
I've always been open about my support of LGBT issues and love of Howard Stern. In fact, if you dig through the archives of her podcast there exists a show where I very publicly flirted with Bailey Jay. I actually beat off to still nude photos though, I just look up porn for shitposting purposes. You guys know full well how many IPs I employ, don't think you're aware of even 1/10th of the trolling I've done.
I already made up my mind that I'm going public and launching a podcast/Internet radio show anyway, I've had it with this shit tbqh. If I thought there were enough interest/support I might consider a GoFundMe to buy enough equipment to get off the ground and maybe license music for an icecast stream.
just try it shareblue
you cant take down the honey pot, it's too sweet
>Will your relatives be shocked at the tranny porn you've watched?
I hope so. I'm still shocked by the tranny porn I've watched...
I am sure they have better things to do that monitoring all fags.
>When will the FBI and google unmask everyone on this sites?
Nobody cares about the chans except butt hurt identitarians.
>Will your relatives be shocked at the tranny porn you've watched?
I'm a tranny. I would be embarrassed if they found out I prefer straight porn.
what thats gay
also checked
>I'm a tranny. I would be embarrassed if they found out I prefer straight porn.
what a tweest
>Unmask us
>Wtf I love invasion of privacy now!
>chain reaction
>they're unmasked
>all their black ops shit that they've done in secret in both friendly and unfriendly countries becomes public
>leaders of countries are outraged
Somehow, I dooooooooon't think they are gonna risk it with the consequences on their end.
Shilling for both sides muddies the narrative.
>implying we don't already have a death wish
>implying that would be in any way credible
"Nah I never said that, I don't know what you're talking about"
>B-b-b-b-b-b-but google said this text written on this anonymous image board is linked to your I.P! bbbbtbtbbtbutbuut ubtubutbubutbbutut
BTW guys, I will be going live with a Twitter and GoFundMe in the next day or so. I'll post the twitter which will have a current photo of me that can be verified and tweet a link to the GoFundMe. All I'm asking is that you remember I didn't run like some people and I never recanted my support of Trump. I'll post it over at /r/The_Donald too but I don't know if it'll get noticed. I didn't want to do the whole asking for money thing, but sometimes shit happens. I promise you that I can out-broadcast any of these Youtube plebs if I just get rolling.
I hate all the eceleb talking head garbage.
But, if you have interesting points and a genuine drive, you'll get it going.
Don't give people what you think they want, be genuine. There is enough fake garbage out there already.