What does Sup Forums think of Timothy McVeigh? /Ourguy/, or a detriment to the cause?
What does Sup Forums think of Timothy McVeigh? /Ourguy/, or a detriment to the cause?
His face was too oblong and he was not trustworthy to lend things to.
False flag all the fucking way.
His "psychiatrist" was Jolyon West ffs.
It was a false flag all the way. Look at the date. April 19th, the cusp of taurus the bull/baal/muloch. Kids died by fire = pass through the fire to moloch. Same day as waco,
where children were also burned by fire.
Jews/freemasons venerating their god with child
sacrifice. Militias/right wing were getting very
big/well organized in the 90's so they staged a
false flag to demonize them.
listen to the interviews Scott Horton did with reporter JD Cash, Charles Key and the interviews with lawyer Jesse Trentadue. The whole thing is fishy. There were many undercover police informants at Elohim City. Andreas Strassmeir for example was an informant for the german government and Morris Dees' SPLC. And there's a video somewhere on Youtube, a TV reporter on the scene says the bomb squad has found additional bombs inside the building.
>And there's a video somewhere on Youtube, a TV reporter on the scene says the bomb squad has found additional bombs inside the building.
If someone knows which video I'm talking about please post the link
>Militias/right wing were getting very
>big/well organized in the 90's so they staged a
>false flag to demonize them.
you have no idea. Evening news, every news show (60 minutes, etc) movies of the week, late night talk show jokes was all about evil white supremacist government haters
t. was there
Overall detrimental, just like all the early to mid 90's right wing extremist events.
Should have detonated it during non peak hours. Children can only be used as a shield if you're stupid enough to strike someone using children as a shield.
He only demonized his beliefs
Only thing I'm wondering is why terrorists don't bomb buildings like he did. There was what, 100 dead or so ?
We only need chad now to show up
i dont think the feds learned their lesson yet
double this
>no atf agents in the building
>white water evidence destroyed
>framed the militia movement to boot
Hero who put a stop to ATF raids.
Anyone claiming it was a false flag is trying to demonize the man's sacrifice.
Wouldn't want him to be seen as a good guy after all. Easiest way to demonize Tim in the eyes of patriots is to associate him with a government conspiracy, and the feds know it. Hence why the feds perpetuate the idea of a conspiracy. They HATE the fact that they were caught off guard and that it could easily happen again.
>Only thing I'm wondering is why terrorists don't bomb buildings like he did. There was what, 100 dead or so ?
Because you need to put bombs inside the building to destroy it like that. That truck bomb alone didn't do all the damage
what /lgbt/
omar mateen got 49 fags
A shaped charge can actually do that. Stack the barrels inside the truck in a certain manner and you get a huge shaped charge that can cut support structure from a building like a hot knife. Such is the power of the Munroe Effect.
>Anyone claiming it was a false flag is trying to demonize the man's sacrifice.
Hello FBI. Anyone here claiming the official story is exactly what happened is either ignorant, stupid or a shill
Half an exp point per kill. 4xp psychology = Islam
Suicide: By Cop = 8xp
Timothy "hippity hoppity, the FBI ain't got no property" mcveigh
Faggot I gave you a link in the very post you qre asking me to explain.
Sort yourself out, clean your room and watch the fucking vid.
Really? I mean, why wouldn't the government want to put out the idea that Tim was part of a conspiracy? The "official story" only makes him look like a hero. So the feds had to concoct a conspiracy story to make him look bad in the eyes of patriots. Wouldn't want a martyr.
Fuck off.
And tv reporters have never lied or said anything before all the facts were in before.
there were structural flaws in the building that caused it to collapse, only 20 or so died from the actual bomb
There it is folks, the shill promoting the official story and the official narrative
federal government probably had it coming.
Fun fact in high school the bullies called him "noodle" and shoved him in lockers for being a lanklet
I'll have to find it and watch it again but what I remember is that she points to the building and she says the bomb squad is there and they found additional bombs inside the building.
I also listen to LPoTL
Man, I remember watching that episode of Jeopardy. It was hysterical, they put in all these categories on politics for Blitzer and he couldn't get anything. Meanwhile Andy Richter had 40,000 entering into final Jeopardy because the questions were so dumbed down and he ended the game with like $60,000. They had to bump Wolf Blitzer up from negative $5,000 to positive $1,000 in final Jeopardy so that he could plug his charity.
Occam's razor.
>but muh destroyed evidence!
As if the feds need to fake a terrorist attack to destroy evidence. The same feds that burned women and children alive on national television need to fake a terror attack to get rid of evidence. Riiiiight.
Or maybe...
Tim and his pals caught the feds off guard with tools of the rural man's trade. Fertilizer, fuel, and a truck. And guess what? It can happen again. And the feds know it. Which is why the ATF raids stopped after OKC. The fucks were put on notice.
>and they found additional bombs inside the building.
It was an ATF headquarters. They stored evidence there(disarmed bombs from cases are evidence). They also stored flashbangs and other assorted destructive devices used by law enforcement.
Not strange at all for there to be "bombs" in the rubble.
>The "official story" only makes him look like a hero.
Is this your first day on the job?
>tfw we'll never know who the other john does were because the gubmint is hiding the CCTV tapes
>Occam's razor.
>he thinks he's on Reddit
>Occam's razor.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the number of competent sane people that are willing to die is actually very small.
It's the reason such "acts of terror" are so rare. When one individual becomes a determined, motivated attacker (and has the tools to inflict some damage) he can fuck up commerce in a whole town.
Like this BLM nigger, it could have easily been an ISIS jihadi.
That subtle difference is the reason policing activity and counter-terrorism is so different.
As surprising as it is, most people aren't prepared to die. Perhaps I'm wrong though and this man is no different than the others.
Perhaps even ISIS jihadis are cowards like Antifa, the only difference being ISIS has the consent of their collective--their permission and support, to fight and likely die.
Was the Dallas BLM nigger only a coward who actually believed some figure of authority said it was okay, and his peers would do the same?
The so-called "lone wolf" is something of a myth, it seems. Was Timothy McVeigh really a "lone wolf" or was there a puppeteer, some kind of group he gained the courage from?
>need to fake a terror attack to get rid of evidence.
No Mr.trainee who thinks he's on Reddit, they need to set up a terrorist attack by 'domestic terrorists' groups infiltrated by informants and put the blame on a patsy to push the narrative that your average 'rightwing' militiaman patriotard with bad teeth is a national menace and associate the defense of the constitution with terrorism, something they have done regularly since it happened. for example:
MIAC Report: Ron Paul Supporters Labeled Domestic Terrorists?
You can control populations with fear. It works. And sacrificing a few lives to achieve that goal isn't beyond the type of people who start wars for no good reason and kill a lot of innocents.
>You can control populations with fear.
But no one except fedscum was made afraid by the OKC bombing.
Perhaps I'm wrong and they are all cowards, they simply become a part of something that allows them to believe their peers are already sacrificing (dying) for the cause they want to fight for.
If Antifa faggots were lighting themselves on fire in times square, I think it would be likely that more Antifa would join them.
So selfish they are not willing to sacrifice their lives and livelihoods for a cause as long as the other participants are not willing to.
And so Sup Forums, the cowardly selfish Antifa faggots resort to trolling Sup Forums in their spare time--shitting up reasonable discussion.
With all of the jihadi terrorism occurring in the world it shouldn't be too hard to pin down the man's motivation. Does it make sense for Timothy McVeigh to have done what he did?
>It was an ATF headquarters. They stored evidence there(disarmed bombs from cases are evidence). They also stored flashbangs and other assorted destructive devices used by law enforcement. Not strange at all for there to be "bombs" in the rubble.
Well then I guess it would also make sense that the truck bomb caused some of the bombs inside the building to explode as well, generating much more damage than what the truck bomb alone would have done.
>says the clown who's probably too young to remember the day it happened
go back to Re dd it faggot, you're very bad at this and no, I'm not going to help you become a better shill. fuck off
You're both right, there was some evidence on the Clinton/CIA drug ring that was run out of Arkansas being researched and stored there that they had to get rid of, plus some stuff on WACO. It was a 'kill multiple birds with one stone' scenario: destroy dirt on the gubmint and pass more legislation that restrict our freedom in the name of 'fighting terror'.
The C4's were strategically placed on the building's structural beams, which were detonated from the inside-out. The type of bomb that was in the truck wouldn't have caused enough damage to the building to set off anything inside.
That was a government psy-op. By definition no-one involved with it can be /our-anything/
Actually, yes. You would be correct in your guess.
Any explosive with a sensitivity equal or greater to TNT would likely have been detonated by the blast, if hit directly by the propagation front. Shaped charges and their explosive lensing effect are extraordinarily powerful. Most people think the truck bomb was just parked and made to go BOOM, but it was designed to cut away the bottom supports of the building. Anyone with a little military experience, like McVeigh, would have known the distinct advantage of a Munroe Effect type blast over just a park-it-and-forget-it. You can take a kg of HE and cut through 10+cm of steel plate using the Munroe Effect in a shaped charge.
That's how anti-tank rounds work.
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Alex Jones said he talk to Tim Mc and Tim told him he was giong to get revenage for Waco.
The FBI is getting a bit too transparent in their attempts to manufacture domestic terrorists.