Our. Fucking. Girl

>Laci is now literally defending the alt-right

If you haven't taken the /greenpill/ yet then ask yourself, what kind of nationalist are you anyway?

all she needed was some of that RAYGUN COCK

She's saying they're not little dicked faggots. Congrats I guess?

>body shaming is wrong!
>right wingers are tiny dicked fatasses!
Typical and expected.

good if true, most likley just wants money, and can sense the changing narative

I wonder if Tits McGee sees better opportunities in pandering to rightists than lefties.

I saw that same woman in Charlottesville.

Her sign read something along the lines of "racist white men with flacid penises yadda yadda" I don't remember exactly tbqh senpai. I just remember the flacid penises part.

She was always an uber-feminist and I think it was her who started an online witch hunt campaign when some disabled guy either "manspread" or said Hi to women on a public transportation too many times or something like that, I forget. He ended up getting death threats from the lynch mob these feminazi cunts summoned. Do not like and do not trust. Fuck this fat cunt.

She stepped away forever when she got blacked and started shooting drugs.
Fuck her she's not welcome back.

The line of insult was always going to backfire on leftists anyway. They're the group who claims to be for the down-trodden, the weak, the poor. So when they start insulting their opponents as losers, they're directly alienating a large fraction of their support, look at any leftist numale to see this.

Its why we always win. We've never claimed to care for the dregs of society, aside encouraging them to fix themselves rather than wait for papa government to fix them, so it highlights no hypocrisy when we do use insults.

Yup fat cunt is irredeemable.

she never got blacked, at least that we know of. that one pic was debunked.

/ourgirl/ confirmed?

numales don't even realise what they are. these ugly, limp-dicked retards with the frames of children think they're men

She just realizes that this kind of judgemental name calling is hypocritcal coming from leftists

"muh dick"

Daily reminder that Trump has a certified 9 inch member.
>inb4 muh dick
They started with this BS.

Attention whore. Sage.

brought to you by the same retards who think "cheeto in chief" is a funny insult. these people have the mental age of toddlers.

I don't understand how someone goes from ultra hardcore feminist to white nationalist.

I don't get it at all. When Trump won she threw a super tantrum saying we was in fascist america or some shit like that.

And then when the left said they had to do some soul-searching, she went and actually did it.

She's practically unique in that respect, and so she has mine.

>Implying this is about anything other than YouTube shekels and a woman submitting/confirming to her boyfriend

>yuh dik
Do have anything else? Do they conceive of the notion that people just might be motivated by something besides having small genitals?


Gets proven accurate every single day.

>YouTube shekels
Damn, those e-celebs are raking in billions from their YouTube money. You're right, user, how could I ever have been so blind?

>tfw small dick & very feminine
these insults hurt my soul

I don't care what she's done in the past if she keeps dropping little red pills among the public like this. E-celebs will do what they've always done. Might as well be one who can fight fire with fire.


At least she is doing a little bit of critical thinking

check what

Stop eating soy.

Was a bit baffled myself desu.

>muh dick
>muh sex

ive eaten it since i was one year old
its far too late user

muh sport ball
muh hard manual labor
muh marriage
muh beer

I'd pay her $1000 to let me fuck her brains out and then never speak to her again.

>I'd pay her $1000
>paying for sex
>not making them PAY YOU
what are you a fucking cuck?

Fuck off with your green pill shit. Everyone knows the green pill is really just the purple pill.

She's still an SJW. She's just trying to have real arguments now.

Because white women are fast learning that a race war WILL happen and when it does, ALL white people, whether they're "allies" or not, will be targeted.

Any white person self cucking themselves for the brown movement is going to be forced to join our side when shit goes down.

>Real arguments
>Pick one user