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What if we archive that

Conspiracy bs no one buys it

>people start pointing out that they dropped the russia conspiracy completely even before charlottesville

>oh shit lets make up something quick the goyim know

sure thing friendo.

>The same source said Dearborn in the email appeared skeptical of the requested meeting.
Articles like these only add further proof to why the FBI viewed the Trump campaign as victims, not collaborators.

Wow it's nothing

Someone tell me what I'm supposed to think of this.

The real question is if the MSM can keep this false narrative up for 7 1/2 years. If they say something clearly false about him, would he be able to sue for defamation of character?

>defamation of character

What character?
The bankrupt draft dodging divorcee that hung out with Epstein?


You do realize Trump is going to either quit, get impeached, or get indicated at this point, don't you? Please gtfo.

You seriously just linked to CNN? They haven't stopped crying about last night yet, give them some time to mourn you fagget

>says the increasingly nervous cuck for the 6000000th time this year

If maybe next time they could concentrate on getting the woman, black, gay, muslim, hispanic, trans, abortion, open border, climate change and fag bathroom vote.. They could win!

Dems dont stand a chance till 2024



over time, they'll space out further and further apart until literally no one cares

Do you write for Yahoo?

Lel, neck yourself nigger faggot

>bigot line fails (again)
>quick! write some new fake news about muh Russia!

OP posts an article of CNN and thinks that Sup Forums is scared.
OP is one of the most retarded people to ever post on Sup Forums

Congrads, OP. You are a real horses ass.

Everyone is laughing at you.

Damn. You are one stupid fuck.


bet that!

>Trump unironically thinks clean coal means washing the coal
Thank God he's not my president

>i-it w-was her t-turn!
Awww, lil' sad guy! Please post more butthurt! Mmmmm!

Literally the only people who believe this Russia bullshit are the people who want it to be true. Which (((coincidentally))) are the same people who hate Trump so much that they would sooner incite civil war than to actually develop a coherent party platform, and put forward a sane candidate that might actually challenge him in 2020.

no ones give a fuck if its clean, real people are back to work in real mines, you can get fucked with your fag tier bull shit

All coal is actually washed before it is sent to the end user, whether that be for steam or metallurgy.

so this is what it has come to, hoping trump will get fed up and quit
fucking absolutely pathetic

>nothing I said was a lie

Хopoшaя пoпыткa, тoвapищ!

michael obama has a penis

MUH NAZIS isn't working. Quick, switch back to MUH RUSSIA and hope nobody notices.

nice. my first redpill circa 2003/2004

Thread Theme for this FAKE NEWS:

>implying the investigation isn't rolling on

Wait is this russian narrative shit still going?

Does anybody even take the Russian investigation seriously anymore, whenever they had something that looked like it would be a big break, it later turns out to be either fake, misrepresented, or something so minor nobody gave a shit about it. Plus we had several intelligence agencies, untold amounts of journalists, and congress attempt to find something only to come empty handed and with even evidence against Trump's opponents. A majority of Libtards don't buy it anymore, what makes them think the common American will.


I think it's just so that way everyone turns off the news and does something more productive with their lives.


There was a poll last week on Sup Forums and 88% of people still support trump, cut the bullshit stop trolling and return to Sup Forums where you can jerk off to men with tits.

Where is the pee-pee tape!

>muh russia didn't work
>muh raycis didn't work
>back to russia

>Russian contamination policy
>dipshit, libshit, apeshit useful idiots continuing to play along because they hate nationalism
>former communists exploiting the free market through an esoteric understanding of subversion
>burgers bicker like idiots
>white man remains compliant and stupid, instead of focusing on the JQ

Everything here checks out.

Why not migrate to a better thread, lads? Here is an important lecture on the JQ I am AMAZED that Yahoo still has a comment section at all desu. It must be demoralizing for the jornos who actually read them. I think they realized that it's what normal faggots come to Yahoo to do. If they can't vent against soy gelato spooning coastal faggots, there will be no ad revenue shekels in their future.


Does anyone have the google trends graph image that's been going around?
It shows a cycle between Russia, Spencer/WN and something else. A few people were saying that Russia was going to be back in the news after Charlottesville. And here we are.

it was proven the only way the files were downloaded was by a USB 3.0 flash drive plugging into the sever locally...

then the media droped, its dead stop kicking it

> implying Dems have any chance at winning future elections while leftists throw violent toddler tantrums

that video would just melt the heads of every single leftist twat that follows shit like CNN

You mean Debbie Wassmern Schultz? Fuck off, kike.

>u mad

I fucking called this in one of the boston riot threads
I said "next week they'll be screeching about "m-muh russia" again mark my words"
Fuck I need to find that post in the archives
these guys are getting absurdly predictable
