I'll start
>Human being
Buzzwords or phrases that make you REEEE in the current year
>alt right
that reminds me of
>cultural apropriation
>toxic masculinity
this is an excellent one
>Undocumented Immigrant
>As a
>Black Lives Matter
>First Nations
>black "people"
>people of color
>glass ceiling
>sexual emergency
Oh, and
>conversation about race
i feel like that's getting more into an overused word
that bothers you. toxic masculinity and cultural appropriation are better fits since they inherently mean nothing and are used in the place of an actual point or argument.
>Schutzsuchende (shelter seekers, same as above)
>social justice
everything here
>white supremacist
>sugar daddy
--> /bantz
This one right here, you tolerate things you don't like but don't care enough to do anything about.
>ctrl + f diversity
>Phrase not found
> one race
not really a buzzword but smug nigger faces plastered everywhere
>my body my choice
>fragile masculinity
>affirmative action
It goes on forever.
stop this
>fake news
Shills have been using this one a lot
Those are all what we are though
>Fairness and equality
>White Irish
as if there was other kinds of Irish
>Far (insert your disliked political expression her)
>New Irish
>individual (as a noun)
>any word ending in "-phobe" or "-ist"
>literally (figuratively)
>we need to have a "conversation" about _______
>speaks volumes
>people/person of color
anything with "phobic". Phobias are a product of natural survival instincts.
Shills have a habit of copying words they see without actually knowing what they mean. It's part of the reason they constantly (((redefine))) everything. Basically they're thick as fuck.
I've lost count how many times I've seen >[insert fallacy] and no fallacy has even been used. But they've been bamboozled with it themselves (due to them being thick as fuck) so they throw it out and hope whoever they're talking to will be as equally bamboozled.
Specially "love is love" and "all you need is love"
virtue signal
reproductive rights
shutting down my free speech
these are bothersome because they've become ubiquitous despite how inherently wrong they are. they subconsciously equate dislike with fear
Don't forget that they act like if something is a fallacy it's immediately wrong. Fallacies just aren't proof, they are just not 100% logically sound, but seem like they are. They still turn out to be true all the time.
Like how people called out the slippery slope fallacy with gay marriage, but lo and behold now that we have gay marriage we are now talking about trans rights and beastiality.
All so very pedestrian.
>Current Year
>for the many not the few
irrelevant boogeyman terms like SJW
"sjw" stopped being a thing after gamergate, every use afterwards has just been cringeworthy
>Sup Forums
if you're arguing and it's based in a fallacy then it's a trash argument though. a slippery slope itself isn't the fallacy, but if a slippery slope is the central premise of your argument then its a bad argument. like arguing against gay marriage for the sole reason that it will lead to pedophilia rights is a bad argument, but showing how gay marriage being accepted shows a trend in acceptability or social guards being let down can lead to that event would not be a fallacious argument.
Oh and:
>We all came out of Africa
>We are all the same
My friend - really my fathers friend but mine also - says these two because he met a nigger at work and no doubt this is where he gets this shit from.
I tried to debate him without it getting heated but it was on the edge so i dropped it.
He said its just melanin that changes the colour of your skin and went looked it up to prove it.
I was trying to tell him that firstly we do have different skin pigments and secondly we have different melanin types. I wanted to tell him after that, that race is way more than just skin colour but he was not having it, i could see him getting annoyed so as i said i dropped it.
Not worth losing a friend over no matter how much a virtue signalling idiot he is. He has done a lot for me and i do not know where i would be today if i never met him.
>black and brown bodies
>violent rhetoric
>living wage
>hate speech
>the top 1%
>reproductive rights
>education/get educated
>We're a nation of immigrants
>open a dialogue/have a conversation
For fuck's sake, isn't everything guests on talkshows and MSM say we need to "open discussion on" already being debated?
>nazi (used incorrectly)
>fascist (used incorrectly)
>literally Hitler (applied to a person with a completely different political ideology and motivation)
>undocumented immigrants
>Syrian migrants
>alt-(insert side of political spectrum)
>millenial (used to refer to gen X, gen Y, and gen Z combined)