we need immigrants
fu*k abe
we need immigrants
fu*k abe
He's just jealous that Japan's women prefer gaijin dick
fuck off english teacher go back to your own country
>have incredibly high population density
>need more people
Governments were a mistake.
No they don't.
Maybe if you didn't fuck robots while sniffing vending machine panties, your population would increase
Be thankful that based Japan is sending emergency aid to shitty third world Europe
I love the Caspian Report but his Geopolitics of Japan thing today was bullshit. It started off saying Japan needed more immigrants for its geopolitical interests and then ended with saying Japan couldn't sustain it's population with the land and resources it had and needs America to take care of it anyways.
After that teaching job is over they are sending your pimply white ass back boy.
>Small island nation of 128 million
>(((needs more immigrants)))
Yawn.. this is getting old sweetie
Its not incredibly high retard, Japan is bigger than Germany and even countries like Belgium or Netherlands have higher density.
oi vey
First Poland, now Japan. Oy vey why won't you goys just accept diversity!
Im sure that's how it works, and having generations with fewer people will have absolutely zero impact later on. I mean come on haha, it's a well known fact that 0% of the population are elders and kids who consume but don't produce. Imagine being so retarded you think that a minority can't prodice for majorities, it's crazy!
so far its been my favorite anime of the season. Its probably Japanese government propaganda though.
japanese are small and delicate. of course they don't want their country flooded with giant hairy beasts.
I'm not advocating for mass immigration, but you are retarded
No you need to stop larping as a Jap you fucking Jew.
Japan just needs to fuck.
He better end up with Lilina or I'll be mad desu
This looks comfy af
no were full you have to go back
Fucking awesomely based Abe
Shit, I wish we actually had that system, I would have gotten laid in high school and be married with children by now.
I like the show but that same fact sorta depresses me when I watch it.
white piggu come home
Can't resist the Yummy Yellow Cunny (YYC)
extreme butterface
How's it going rabbi?
Reminder Japan is an overpopulated island, it's population is returning to a sustainable level.
It will be in a better position than any country that allows mass immigration due to general purpose automation becoming highly available over the next couple decades.
>5500+ people per km
>anywhere in your country
>not over populated
The whole idea of birth rate being an issue is concern for economic stability. Importing in mass amounts of unskilled refugees of an opposing culture only takes away from the economy, not add to it.
Their population issues will solve themsleves in time. No reason to make anything worse by importing low-IQ foreigners.
This is just sad.
You're a disgrace to you and your people. Go jump in one of your volcanoes.
I didn't choose this path
It is user.
Here's OC.
Fuck Xi Abe and Moon, these fucking traitors of the Asian fucking race.
Why doesnt Africa need immigrants?
Why is there almost no one living in Northern Japan?
Or Japan needs a colony......
Come back imperial Japan. Korea is calling.
only betas attach their self worth to a vagina
Japan is in the top 10 when it come to population by country.
>on the cusp of cloning and artificial wombs
Heh heh you need some refugees don't you? You're not RACIST are you??
It's most likely all farms. Wiki says that it contains 1/4 of all the arable land in Japan.
And Africa needs the money of every continent to fix their shit.
Fucking right on, good on you honorary asians
> top 10
if you wan't to argue, at least use some facts and research like
Proof that government only cares about its tax income and not its citizens
Japanese don't build on hills due to autistic hatred for change after the invention of the water pump, and their country is mostly mountainous terrain.
I have a british passport, can I travel to japan and pretend not to be a chink?
When she sees a white man, panties get wet.
Anime and lolicon has made Japan degenerate. Japan needs Muslim immigrants to set its people straight. Also, Japan is a Paganist 1st world country. Its the current year, and monotheism is in style.
>white man born in America
>surrounded by mind raped normies and shrieking subhumans demanding I pay more taxes to fund their gibs
>constantly told I'm the luckiest person on earth being born a white man in America
>I could be a Nip farmer in comfy rural Japan surrounded by family and gorgeous landscapes
I want a do over
>no one in the north
There's a good reason for this: money. There are entire villages that are going to turn to dust in the next 20 years or so because all of the young people fled to Tokyo during the 80s and never came back.
No one wants to farm and work with their hands. Imagine that. They'd rather make significantly more money to live in 200 square feet (if they're lucky) with their 2 kids and spouse, being given an allowance and told to be home on time like a child.
3/11 and Fukushima had no real effect since the deed had already been done. Now there is absolutely no way anyone is going back.
If you want to go back further, though, Japan used to be like the USA insofar as there were indigenous here already, and the invaders drove them out and to other areas. This is what happened to the indigenous Japanese when the Koreans and Chinese came in, and drove them to the Northeast of Honshu. (No, I'm not talking about Hokkaido to the far north. Honshu.)
The Korean descendants (most of the Japanese you will ever see) thought themselves vastly superior to the Northern savages (sound familiar?) and did their best to stay away. This was way before even the Warring States period so it was pretty easy.
Also it was neigh on impossible to move. This was in order to collect huge taxes from anyone crossing prefectural boarders, but also to keep the backward, poor, northern scum in their place.
Funny they're the real, if you will, Japanese. The Japanese hate when you bring up genetic testing when they find out they really are just Koreans.
So that's why.
>I could be a Nip farmer in comfy rural Japan surrounded by family and gorgeous landscapes
didn't stop white proto-weeb Brian Williams from following the same dream. this guy has been here since the 70s, hanging out painting pictures in the country side
It's not about self-worth, it's about having a wife and raising a fucking family of my own.
which you tie to your self worth
you need access to a vagina to have kids
No, retard, it's tied to my instinct to procreate.
Why is the answer to an aging population always to bring people from the outside in that likely wont be a net tax benefit for the next 3 or 4 generations? What ever happened to incentivizing births in your own country? Is it really a better use of money to house refugees and pay for them to live such that their great grandchildren might be productive members of society? (emphasis on the "might")
Why is this never mentioned?
Why aren't you learning Japanese now?
You post this every fucking day jesus christ hiro
Yes keep living in your tiny cubes with shit wages, no such thing as overpopulation in Japan
How about you learn how to read faggot.
>top 10 when it come to population by country.
>i wan murdres refuges in muh cuntry lik a fukin moron
japan doesnt have many treacherous ch*stians so they dont have to worry about being replaced by immigrants
>tfw I'll never inherit a centuries old ancestral Japanese farm that has been in my family for 1500 years and cultivate whatever they cultivate over there
it hurts bros
Why would you corrupt pure 2D waifus with latino lovers?
based Abe. but about your needing more people...
in terms of major countries, japan in population density ranks behind only:
south korea
Japan is 10x more dense than the United States
I always wondered this.
Jesus you could just pay your populace to have children if you want to raise your birthrate, instead if shipping in a bunch of impoverished fucks who may possibly raise your birthrate, for a short while, while also costing you an everlasting fuck ton of money and your entire fucking culture.
Abe looks like a gook version of Karadzic
call the king a bender
Japan needs young people.
So why not Chinese, Koreans and Slavs?
Why niggers?
See all of that 'empty' space in your image? It's being used to grow food in order to feed all of the densely populated urban zones. But you wouldn't know that because you're just an English teacher hired to be a human tape recorded.
>esus you could just pay your populace to have children if you want to raise your birthrate
Japs tried that and they lowered their marriage age to 15 but that did not work.
kys, faggot.
They don't need to do anything, anyways. This is a natural human reaction to sparse resources. Nobody breeds because nobody has the time or money to do so. All of their energy is expended keeping up with the high cost of living which directly results from the high demand for products that comes from overpopulation. Japan's population NEEDS to decline. Growth isn't infinite. Recessions and declines are part of the natural cycle of human existence. Immigrants are nothing but a corporate scheme to find cheap labor before the population drop forces them to compete harder and pay higher wages to employees.
tl;dr: Immigration is a corporate scam to sellout a country for profit
if they really need young people they should incentivize existing japanese people to have kids. like, with money. but id like to just see things naturally play out. i bet population would decrease to an equilibrium and then settle
>if they really need young people they should incentivize existing japanese people to have kids.
They don't even need to do that. The reason people aren't having children is because it's too expensive to raise children. Woman are working too long of hours to raise kids. Men don't make enough money to sustain a mother raising a child. Japan is in a recession, and as high IQ populations tend to do in a recession, they stop breeding until it readjusts itself, which is something that every well-adjusted civilized society should do. Many European nations are doing this, but unfortunately they're falling for the foreign labor scam.
>tfw even if you were born into that you'd have absolutely zero interest in it
No you fuckers need to start fucking or i and other whites will cum inside all your women to make super strong white Japanese babies to make the ultimate race
Because diversity is our strength or some such. You're not really going to get a clear answer if you ask any liberal that. Only time a country NEEDS immigration if its population has just experienced some fucked up epidemic and like 9/10 of the population just died. Anything else is just a scheme for corporations to make more money.
Holy shit