Why are Homos child molesters????

Seriously. Homos isn't just about being gay, it's about raping small children.

(pic related).

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they're deviants

Yes, but they are worse than that. They are below the animals.

Because most of them were sexual assaulted as children


I'm gonna go get a bowl of Lucky Charms. I expect you guys to have this solved by the time I get back


You solve the problem with boxcars and stepping on the gas

This is how you protect the children

Because homos are sexual deviants who have no dignity nor humanity

50 years after decriminalization and the Church is still finding ways to attack the gay community, albeit stealthier these days.
Religious belief should be classified as a psychological disorder as it is based on fantasy not fact. If somebody was ranting about what the non-visible green pixies on the streets were up to, they would be in a sanitarium, but call it "religion", and the government would give them tax breaks.


Its been half a century. You are fighting a losing battle. Australia is soon to adopt gay marriage, then every English speaking world country will have it.

"Sons" doesn't mean small child. I'm in my 30's and the son of my parents.

I see you guys have still not solved our problem. I'm disappointed, to say the least. If this is not solved by the time this thread 404s, expect repercussions

Uh.. Not only are you gay, but you are also retarded. Go back and read pic on the top of the thread. YOUR OWN PEOPLE ADMITS THIS!!!!

Throw then into mental institutions. They are mentally insane and need to be under the care of a doctor.. ... and shock treatment if possible.

Yeah male kids are going to fuck other male kids whether you approve or not. What's your point?

>muh 1000 year reich lasted 12 years
>controlled by jews, divided and raped by soviets, now controlled by women, immigrants and gays
>lost every war ever
>history only admired by fat neckbeards on the internet

>raping small children

It's all the rage - everybody's dong it.

>youth groups

Again. You are fucking retarded. Twice you proved me right.

And you just defended child molestation. You should be in prison you sick fuck.

Nice meme. The medical establishment stopped classifying it as a disorder 40 years ago.

>posting fringe quotes and passing it off as commonly accepted though

2 kids having sex is not rape, let alone child molestation

sleep tight fag blight