Communism is the future
Communism is the future
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that's a weird way to spell "a failed ideology that the dimwitted hold on to in order to justify their claims that it's societies fault that they're failures"
>mfw this tranny has probably removed himself from the gene pool
I'd like to seize her means of reproduction, know what I'm sayin?
>i'll never eat at wendy's again
Is this one of those so called "traps"?
Mfw I will never get a communist 10/10 qt
Why is this girl (male) always wearing pro commie clothes?
... for starving and murdering the masses
Thats a boy user, a young boy.
>communism is the future
Except it's literally the past.
--from a chink
Communism never works.
capitalism + Anglo-Saxon culture = success
History is a series of class struggles over who owns the means of production. There is only one direction, public ownership of all capital. Its inevitable once the proletariat realize it is only in his favour.
Communism is the past.
Spanish Empire will rise again.
The only point at which the Soviet Union did not grow more quickly than the US was WWII and the immediate post Civil War period.
Cuba has the second highest quality of life in the Latin American world despite being embargoed by what was its largest trading partner.
That is an aberration of history.
Anymore pics? First time jerking it to another dude.
Communism is a failed ideology that expects everyone to be equal. There is no real equality in nature but what we artificially try to give it. That being said , why should I give up control of my life to someone who probably isn't my equal let alone my better?
>Communism is the future
until you grow up
Why don't you ask that of the investing class?
Any differences in humanity are at best marginal. Outcomes we see in day to day life do not correspond with differences in abilities, if there are any in the first place.
But, no whyte peepole, right?
Only brown and muzzies, right?
Get with your own program, comrade.
Why do communists like little boys?
>Communism becomes a thing
>All the commie enthusiasts start dropping like flies because no food and everybody getting purged
Is it scary that i would overlook the fact that she is fucking retarded communist scum to destroy that puss.
I've got news for you mate
>Boy puss
Almost all examples of democracy infused capitalism work.
Almost all examples of communism failed.
You people are the same group of idiots who used to burn books.
You're angry but you're too stupid/ to far in denial of reality to create any solutions, so you blame nonsense and demand things that someone else came up with a long time-ago, regardless of obvious outcomes.
Not sagging because want this particular response seen.
Sankara's Burkina Faso was the first country in Africa to become food independent. Russia only hit the economic productivity of the Soviet Union a few years ago, and has not grown at anywhere near the same rate.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
But Castro killed a million people and made a prosperous country the poorest and most miserable in the hemisphere and stole everyone's healthcare and literally killed people for having a good house!! David Horowitz,, and Conservapedia told me so!!
I just came for the CP, but I'll take two extra "c's" if you are offering.
I think I still would.
>all communism countries suffer from famine
Stop this meme
>almost all examples of democracy infused capitalism work
Except for most of Latin America, Africa, etc. etc.
>blah blah blah burn books
No, we are not the church. Or fascists. Or reactionaries.
>Someone else came up with a long time ago
If someone stumbles upon the right answer 200 years ago, why ignore it?
>I want my response to be seen
You are not special.
Say I do not value any productions and all land is equally distributed so one can grow their nutrientd, tell me how I would be defined by means of production seizure.
This comrade gets it.
There's literally nothing left of Nazism though. That shit failed far worse.
Cubans visit the U.S., order hundreds of car parts and bring them back to Cuba to fix cars or to sell them and make money to live off of
Cuba also has a big influx of U.S. money from tourism. Careful what you say - I am a 1st generation immigrant from Cuba and foreign fucks like you who spew this garbage deserve to be shit on.
Fix yourself from the stroke you have at the beginning of this post, and try again.
I fucking hate communism, but it seems more and more inevitable with every automation article that comes out.
Your grandfathers owned slaves. Whatever happened to your family was probably 100% deserved.
And that is nothing. Americans go to foreign countries, invade them and set up a system wherein they must work for them or starve, while calling themselves good and fair and righteous.
Say I do not value any productions, and everyone has suffient land to grow their own nutrients, tell me how I would then be defined by productions and its obtainment.
...why wouldn't you value production? What the fuck?
I am not sure I totally understand the question. What would everyone having land have to do with being defined by production? Why would you even need to be 'defined' by it, which I am not entirely sure I understand?
Then move your ass to North Korea you stupid fuck.
Liberals are so fucking retarded. They are too easy to pick on. Such pussies.
>Except for most of Latin America, Africa, etc. etc.
Those places who keep having to have revolutions?
Those places that have never made it far enough to even be compared to European country's?
Have you ever been to one?
>we are not the church
Idiots are idiots, it doesn't matter which "god you chose" your god is Identity, the fact stands that you blindly fallow what you're told and if anyone dare deviate from the doctrine they're "evil heretics"
Sound familiar?
It's the same book burning fallow the leader caustic mentality as the fools of times past.
>If someone stumbles upon the right answer 200 years ago, why ignore it?
The "right answer" Is based on wither it works, not wither it gives you the warm fuzzy.
Has nothing to do with special, has to do with having something of worth, something no modern "communist" would understand.
Venezuela, which is in crisis due to very little fault of their own, has a higher quality of life than many other capitalist and US backed countries in Latin America such as Nicaragua and Honduras.
That's not going to work on me, "Comrade". I've worked with too many idiots over the years. A man's best place is making his own decisions. Allowing a group of mental midgets to control your destiny is fool hardy at best.
What if
Just what if
Spics all have shitty quality of life, and wherever they go, under whatever system, drugs, violent crime, and low GDP all proliferate?
Why would I?
It means nothing to me, you can be defined by cars and iphone, I only care about peoples rights not materials.
You are stating that there is nothing but material obtainment and Im telling you there is no true value to productions.
If by "Communism" you mean Nazbol
Well, if it's the future we may as well embrace it by acting like the Communists of old. We'll join, then rise to power, put Useful Idiots like you in the Gulags, and live like kings while forbidding immigration or emigration and tightly controlling everything. Don't cry OK, it's what you want.
Communism is history. Ancient history.
Sage, all fields, gb2cripplechan, etc.
Communism is inevitable comrades
You'll never know.
They keep having revolutions because the capital classes demand it. They have never made it far enough compared to European countries because of colonialism and imperialism. Furthermore, let's say I had the soil of every single country on my boot. Why would it matter?
My god is not identity. I do not blindly, err, 'fallow' very much. You are projecting, my friend.
My friend, why did the Soviet Union have a higher rate of growth than the US did except for the period immediately after the devastating Civil War, and WWII? Why does Venezuela, even in the throes of crisis, have a higher quality of life than other countries in Latin America, such as capitalist and US backed Nicaragua and Honduras? Why does Cuba maintain one of the highest qualities of life in the Spanish speaking world despite being cut off from trade from the trading partner that supported a capitalist dictatorship without mercy? These seem to evince that communism works.
If it truly has nothing to do with being special, why did you not sage, my aliterate friend?
Holy fuck being that delusional, commies are very mental ill
Every commie I see posting in these threads or making them from here on out, I will no longer hold back the amount of bodies Im willing to add to mass graves. For when the day of the rope comes and we fire up the Freikorps again, I will mow down every one of you Bolshevik bastards with no mercy.
answer me faggot
Commies are fucking braindead once you bring race realism to them, their whole bullshit theory gets dumped on its head.
It just shows how people with nothing or who were dregs of society can come to this country, work hard, and have everything they want and you hate the fact ex-Commies are happy in capitalism.
thanks though
>muh colonialism and imperialism
stopped reading there...a muh feels argument instead of anything actually quanitfiable
also you still haven't answered any questions on race
Welcome to the concept of:
Individuals who (important here-->) successfully appear to be female in order to upset and confuse the minds of men, many however, do not want to physically be female.
Strange huh?
is.... is that what the 72 virgins look like :O
>wtf i love her now
Then why entrust that to the capital class? Most of your wealth is siphoned off by people who did nothing more than throw money at a company. These same fellows pull the strings of every governmental decision. You have a very poor understanding of our current system.
That is not true of Cuba. There is nothing about being Spanish-speaking that has anything to do with crime, drugs, lower GDP, etc. The bourgeoisie have made you hate your fellow proletarian, because they fear a united and intelligent working class.
What about the people's right to self-determination? Most of your life is coerced or manipulated by the capitalist class. Why does democracy stop at the workplace?
Something like it probably is. Yes.
A new social order will have to arise once machines and AI build machines themselves to do every kind of job imaginable.
Once occurring society will cry out for a social order to divide the yields of labor fairly and equally among the living population.
So in this vein you get your socialist communist type revolution without the violence.
The best way to bring this about is motivate men to work and invent. The best way to facilitate this is by greed and advancement. Via Capitalism.
What commies don't understand because they don't have an IQ above 160 is that capitalism is the stepping stone that brings about the technological revolution. It brings about the social order itself.
There is no need for violence, no need for bullying, no need for any of it.
And if commies do proceed in this fashion, they'll either make communism entirely unpalatable so even if a technological revolution occurs, people will resist the needed social order more fiercely. Or they will will WIN what they want, except the communist social order will have occurred BEFORE the Technological Revolution, and as such, the experiment will utterly fail as it has every other time.
Because you make the cogs in the commune machine. Men don't fit there well.
What you communists need is a leader like myself who understand this.
You should go to MIT to start a revolution not dye your hair pink and burn the streets.
But I won't help you. I won't aid you my mind.
You're stupid and pathetic and will never win what you want. I loath you all.
I admire those who might make this world happen. You people are simply a hindrance to exactly what you want. You are pathetic.
i also agree .
yes, and after that comes decline and the death of nations.
imperialism, prosperity, capitalism, communism, decline, death.
What would you rather have, $100 today or $100 a year ago? If your answer was $100 today, you are a fucking retard. You can invest that money, and grow it. Money further in the future is worth less.
This is far more true in the past. Something as simple as building a road has a wealth multiplying effect. Universities, railroads, etc. etc. are even more so. Any taking of wealth hundreds of years ago is not only quantifiable back then, it is even more quantifiable now.
You accuse me of being guided by feelings because your self-esteem is based off of being white. This, in your mind, makes you inherently superior. I assure you, you are not.
In regards to race, I would assume that you rarely answer slobbering lunatics on the street when they rant about nonsensical things. Why would I do the equivalent, except for you? There is no correlation between race, inherently, and crime/low GDP/whatever. Why should I even address it?
i never witnessed beauty until this jpeg
waiting for >that? they were memes you retard,none of it was real
>having access to money means you worked hard.
In a vast majority of cases, it means that you inherited it. It also shows that people can be born into this country, work hard, and make marginal gains because control of their lives is placed in the hands of managers.
You are being guided by materialism and its obtainment as holy, I tell you to prove its worth and you can not.
They keep having revolutions, because most humans only know to fallow.
Someone comes along an says "look at me I'm mister meseeks! I'll make everything grand!" and then a dictator is born.
You having been there, would effect your opinion of wither something works, do a search for "Venezuela hospital" and hit images.
Soviet Union.
Same shit, dictator takes over, starts believe he is untouchable and always right, sinks country.
People being accountable for their words and actions is what keeps us in line, presidents can be impeached if they ACTUALLY do something wrong, and we even have a "do over" after 4 years.
>was this guy working out?
Y [ ]
N [ ]
I amuse you're of the same ilk that are currently attacking people, getting people fired over pronouns,wrong-think and breaking public property.
If not then I'll take that part it back.
wow, Ive never seen this perspective developed before, a communist is pissed because their father was an alcoholic.
This. The true redpill is realizing that communism would have succeeded in 20th century Western Europe. It's too late now though, Capitalism is the Jews preferred system and they don't want it to end, this is why they're flooding our countries with shitskins.
Good God I would pound that until my dick fell off.
ITT: Capitalism Will Fail
Because all the other options have....
Good thread Chynee, good thread.
What is more valuable you having personal autonomy and your right to trade/own things or to not have such rights?
The only values are internal values not extetnal materials, even if there are infinite materials it means nothing and is a mountain of nothingness to the internal true values.
They keep having revolutions because they trust the capitalist class in another country to have their best interest at heart. This, time and time again, has proven foolish. The CIA has admitted to overthrowing 7 countries, some of which were democratically elected.
Your point about making everything grand applies for presidents and representatives that the capital class throws in sham elections to pretend to have the consent of the governed.
No, being there is totally unrelated to knowing if something works. If anything, it makes me more impartial. And by the way, if you are curious, most of those Venezuelan hospital images have been found to have come from somewhere else.
'sinks country'...what? The Soviet Union grew while the capitalist world was mired in the Great Depression. Your reading comprehension is very poor. Presidents functionally cannot be impeached, and what is considered wrong is more or less a function of whether an opposition party is in power. The do overs are farcical - there is no non-capitalist participant.
You are accusing me of shit you have no evidence of. I care little for pronouns. Also, it is funny to me that you dislike people being accountable for their words, then are enraged when someone is fired due to 'using the wrong pronouns', so to speak.
You use ad hominem because you suck at arguing.
As long a scarcity exists, no it isn't.
You responded to the wrong person, I'm mostly pro capitalism.
It's what got us here in the face of everything and despite the efforts of the regressive's, regardless of which side of the fence they stand.
Tje only valie materialists have is that some people place such materials thus being put in service granting power to the materialist, if people did not value materials and no amount of materials could grant someobe power over another then it would have 0 value, the only true value are people.
Why are you taking the bait
>communism would have succeeded in 20th century Western Europe
you're a fucking retard and need to kill yourself immediately. communism, like all left politics, is EGALITARIAN. equality is counter to nature, full equality would lead to immediate extinction. it is physically impossible to have "real communism" anywhere, at any time, by any people
Then why did it fail? Libertarian socialism is best.
The internet you are using was once a public program, and the US was largely electrified thanks to public works programs such as the TVA. Also, if you are curious the Soviet Union was electrified before the US if we take a big picture approach, and the Soviet Union made it to space before the US did.
No it's not, communism is a society that each gives according to their ability and each receives according to their need.
Granting power to a group of people over yoy is equivelant to granting them infinite money, anything they would have to trade for in the past they can get for free.
I like to fart in the morning.
kill communists i hear you say?
This is defining true value to materials and thus people should be organized towards its obtainment while im.saying true value is the power/internal values of people.
So you would give the same services and goods to a doctor and a janitor, what about intellectuals and a farmer or the garbageman and the scientist, do they all get the same pay/goods?