Molyjew got completely blown the fuck out in this debate. How will he ever recover?
Molyjew got completely blown the fuck out in this debate. How will he ever recover?
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yeah finally giving this a watch
>state schools are good when they are governed by me!
b-b-ut horseshoe theory isn't real
rich parents being able to buy an education results in more poor students getting a valuable education.
But does the "valuable education" do anything for them?
Well, Sup Forums?
I just watched some videos today of Molyneux talking about his older brother.
Molyneux is just a fucking brat that wants his mother to love him and him alone.
To fix him all he fucking needs to do is pick up the phone and call his mum and ask if she is proud of him. Then call his brother over for a BBQ and he'd be completely happy.
Then I saw a video with him and his dumb fucking wife. The wife talked about how Stefan convinced her to DEFOO her parents for absolutely fucking nothing and then concluded the video by asking Molyneux how she feels which he then tells her how she feels.
The little brat needs his ass beat I feel terrible for his children
Moly is a kike who thinks injecting corn syrup into your Caucasian testes is perfectly ethical behavior.
I think moly hits the nail in the head at the end
You can't really know the correct decisions to take from a top-down perspective. Even if you are a god-philosopher with best intentions in mind. I don't think you can argue with that at all
Not an argument
I read a book at said this is where anonymous started. Where did all the nice people go?
They fucked off to R*ddit, which you should too.
The wife is a practicing psychiatric who got sued for apparently recommending patients to DEFOO. She got out of it by claiming she never recommended it to anyone iirc.
But this is so much more aesthetically pleasing. And full of secrets.
How is capitalism ethical?
yadda yadda, consensual exchange, yadda yadda
Voluntary is not the same as ethical. Plenty of voluntary exchanges can be unethical.
That's the yadda yadda part
I don't speak Yiddish.
Example please
Ohhhh its a jew thing. In that case, bargle bargle.
this is objectively true. Unless you wanna go to McDonalds(tm) university.
Explain how mcdonalds university is a bad thing
If people voluntarily go there
Opening a canine rimjob parlor and advertising it with a children's cartoon.
Moly literally named the Jew in the video, though.
What children's cartoon will let you advertise that
The outrage it generates would imminently sink the company making the cartoon
people already go there
>my ideas are so good that i'll kill you if you don't follow them
t. fash
is this the cultured thug one?
surprised he aired this, it makes him look ridiculous.
Based on the popularity of furry and brony content I doubt it.
A lot of his Truth About videos focus on the person's relationship with their mother, I figured there was a reason he would go back to it over and over
holy shit america
I think Moly fucked up as soon as he started interrupting Culture Thug.
Shortly thereafter he inevitably had nothing left but "ALL GOUVERNMENT IS MALICIOUS AND EVIL AND YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT"
Pretty sure that's what he would call a non-argument were it used against him. Some gouvernments have been benevolent.
Please tell me the exact parts where he "looks ridiculous"
Because to me it seems like your hallucination
>The outrage it generates would imminently sink the company making the cartoon
You would have said that about a gay bath house 50 years ago but look at the world now.
>some triggered ancap appears
Molymeme reminds me of my own father. A dumb cunt who didn't deserve the privilege of reproduction, let alone sex.
Yeah and in the video with his wife he jokes about how she tells him about her clients including their names
The guy is basically Oedipus trying to imitate his father to monopolize his mothers love, however self rejection causes these kind of tantrum displays and promotion of defooing to reinforce his own fantasy
You can't tax people at threat of jail or death and be benevolent.
He does the interrupting thing on everyone, but it went the other way too
I don't think he ever said "all government is evil"
But you have to argue government metastasises its power, even with a experiment like US constitution. A skeletal government didn't sustain itself long.
Thats such a stretch its like you have no idea about humans
A+ word thinking
Damn a mind-reading Freud that can read peoples hearts through a screen. What technology do you use? Or is it a super power
I respect molymeme for having him on, even though moly's ancap arguments were shitty.
>mind-reading Freud
Behavioral profiling != mind reading.
He fits the stereotype, hell he was even a brat as a kid that bossed his mother around and of course he became a libertarian because all those fucking brats do.
Yeah I like that it's not people making money off having a dog lick your ass that you've got a problem with. Just that it's marketed using kid friendly advertising.
I bet you think getting sent to prison for finger banging 14 year olds violates the NAP as well. Fucking ancaps are all just degenerates looking to normalize their twisted fetishes.
Molymeme had a lot of not an argument and logical fallacies in this one. Why do people think he is so smart?
>in this one
>how is smocking crack bad if people voluntarily do it
Do you not know what paleolibertarianism is?
>i want a banana and i like bananas
what did he mean by this
Because you get to keep what you earn instead of having it taken away for some other lazy dumbass
Whats Portugal
I dont think children are rational agents and are in care of their parents
Moly is an intellectually dishonest ancap kike. It's just easier to see when you don't agree with him on something. He's good with his presentations where he goes over statistics and data, but absolutely dogshit when it comes to debates, because he just uses talmudic pilpul.
actually stefan did great, he would bring up points and the guest would just dodge them. I think the guest had good ideas but he wasn;t very articulate.Like stefan said taxation is theft and the guest just went off topic. I would have said if in a fascist society someone did not want to participate then they would be given the option to leave instead of being forced to pay into the system. thereby not violating the NAP.
Stefan was not at his strongest, the fascism guy made many arguments that were not specific to fascism and I've seen stefan debunk them much more eloquently in other videos
fascism guy made decent points too though
a globalist shithole thats what
>mfw my parents sold my country to the ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((EU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))because they were too pussy to stand for the fatherland
Is the drug problem worse, or better since it all was legalised?
the caller was shit for the first 3/4, but he actually brings it back pretty strong in the end.
I never said children were allowed to participate just that it was advertised using a children's cartoon. They can participate when they reach the age of consent or with parental permission you silly man.
She didn't get sued and she didn't recommend defoo. She almost had her license revoked because she let Stefan be part of the conversation with her clients.
She recommended defooing on stefans show you cultist cuck.
Who's this aryan qt?
This dude's points are good as fuck, the free market doesn't necessarily cater to objective efficiency it caters more towards human desires. And an overabundance of desire ultimately leads to degeneracy, which is why the first world is deteriorating. This has really made me reconsider myself as an ancap
Which would never happen.
The network would not OK it
The cartoon makes would not OK it
The thing advertised would not OK it since it would not be effective
Your example is so stupid, its just telling you can't come up with a better one
I've been telling you lolbertarian and ancap faggots that for 1 whole fucking year.
Just think what could happen to her license if someone were to link the video of the two of them joking about Her telling Steph about her clients including the names
The problem with that argument is
Human desires are linked to the environment they are in. Society would not go towards total degeneracy, rather to community and family, since state safety-net is gone.
On top of that "degeneracy" is a nebulous term for "things i don't like"
So just to clarify you think that transaction would be perfectly ethical but just not economically viable?
What about my idea of an abortion clinic bistro featuring imported still born bologna? No victims there. Totally voluntary. Ethical?
The strongest argument against molyneux is the one that there has never been a successful society living under the circumstances he proposes. Even Athens and early America had limited suffrage and literal slaves.
Leftists always try to psychologize who they disagree with rather than attack their arguments. Quite sad really because it says more about your childhood than you even know
>b-b-but degeneracy isnt a consequence of a completely free market
fuck off idiot, look around you and tell me that isnt true
Nice digits
No me, and 99.9% of the population doesn't think those things are ethical.
This is why they will not happen, because of society's pressures. It works the same way current government works
> public opinion changes > laws change
And without government
> public opinion changes > businesses become viable economically
My current understanding is that its coming from state funded universities. And quotas imposed by gov
I believe in strong institutions, structures and freedom within reason. The real progress is rational steps after putting feelers out to test the waters and discuss the ethics. Transgenderism is a great example of forcing a massive change without reasoning out the ethical implications. This also affects structures and ran roughshod of institutions.
>Leftist try to make sense of those they disagree with
and we live in the same world right lad?
>since state safety-net is gone.
That is an assertion with no evidence. Lolbertarians and ancaps always taut it as a given, but it's bullshit.
We have had state involvement in this country since we fucking invented capitalism during the industrial revolution. The problem is with the economic system. Profit is the sole motivator, meaning everything is permissible given enough time and propaganda by moneyed interests.
By "degeneracy" I simply mean behaviour that is detrimental to the survival of a country (low birth rates, self hate on a national level, cultural destruction, etc). Capitalism encourages this behaviour.
It's good for business. Bringing faggots and women into the workforce is one example.
Anyway, I'm too tired for this shit and I'm off to sleep.
Make sense lol
You're conflating personal attacks with sense
Next level retardation
>Personal attack
>Basic assessment of behavior
You are free to refute anything but you either haven't or cannot
Stef desires his mothers love and nothing is more obvious.
My point is that there are some business ideas that are so fucking degenerate that they should never even be exposed to market forces.
For all you know both of those ideas are so good they could attract business from all over the world because they satisfy a rare niche. People travel for all kinds of other degenerate shit so why not mine?
So you keep making the claim that he has mommy issues. But I haven't seen one piece of evidence given from you to refute. You've literally given me nothing to refute because all you did was attack him with no actual substance
On behalf of the American decendants of Sons Of Liberty, William Molineux there's a reason we denounced those cucks and changed our name.
Worked good.
>Keep claiming
Stef admits it. It's the reason he defood her. Just read up or listen up if you want to join a conversation fucking abbo
Lol, you actually argue like an abbo. Get back to me when you finally have a well reasoned point
All the points there are to make have come out of Stefs mouth the rest is inference you indigenous cunt
Every single time he used an insult, it was an ad-hominem attack. They are everywhere. He is a condescending autist LARP jew.
Hey, hey're still doing it :)
>Transgendered children is perfectly ethical
>Doctors and social workers cashing in on this is perfectly ethical
I guess usury is perfectly ethical too? Lobbies and special interrests too?
> Usury
You mean the price of credit according to time preference you fucking imbecile?
I'd say both their arguments were good enough to where An-caps will agree with Molymeme, and Fascists will agree with Cultured-Thug. Clearly Moly has more experience arguing, though the tactics he used here were dirty as fuck. If you are a fan of CT's channel you know that he is extremely wise. Stephen has this way of patting himself on the back extremely aggressively every time he has a point, trying to single to the audience that he is winning. His tone is condescending, he uses insults, laughs mockingly. He is basically saying "Look everyone! I'm winning! HHAHAHAH WHAT? YOU DON"T KNOW ABOUT CORN?!! What a stupid idiot fascist!"
Any way, I can at least admit that CT started off pretty slow, and needs to work on his arguing skills a bit. He is more comfortable in a discussion setting where some greedy Jew isn't chomping his face off every 20 seconds.
hahahaha molyneux got destroyed
one dollar
I'd say both their arguments were good enough to where An-caps will agree with Molymeme, and Fascists will agree with Cultured-Thug. Clearly Moly has more experience arguing, though the tactics he used here were dirty as fuck. If you are a fan of CT's channel you know that he is extremely wise. Stephen has this way of patting himself on the back aggressively every time he has a point, trying to signal to the audience that he is winning. His tone is condescending, he uses insults, laughs mockingly. He is basically saying "Look everyone! I'm winning! HHAHAHAH WHAT? YOU DON"T KNOW ABOUT CORN?!! What a stupid idiot fascist!"
Any way, I can at least admit that CT started off pretty slow, and needs to work on his arguing skills a bit. He is more comfortable in a discussion setting where some greedy Jew isn't chomping his face off every 20 seconds.
(Spell checked)
Is that the only one you've got a problem with? Debt slavery is perfectly ethical so long as the contract is signed?
>time preference
retarded ancaps think they sound smart
As if there weren't scammers operating legally. Just look at pawn shops. You might think it's fine cause you're not broke but i don't see how it's fine to have a whole class of people getting completely fucked by greedy scums and not do something about it.
My point is rich people will use every way possible to cash in on defenseless individuals so a free market is simply retarded.
moly is pretty dumb just needs to go back to spewing hard core facts not his opinion
stefan didnt have an argument on the corn thing
mexico can make every type of crop you can "switch to"
what an idiot
Insurance is cheap
Chemotherapy cures cancer
Cancer doesnt put people in debt
I don't agree with the fascist about the free market being amoral. Clearly businesses adapt to the political realities of the time. Think about all of these lgbtbbq causes that businesses support. They do this to virtue signal to costumers. Clearly this wouldn't have been the case 70 years ago.
We need to change the culture and then we need to change the government. I agree in so far as we should not shirk from utilizing the government for this end either.
The problem with ancaps is that they give up the government to leftists, and then they complain about government over reach.