Why do niggers steal bikes?
Why do niggers steal bikes?
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I mean, a backstory on this photo would be cool.
Gibs me dat and I'll gibs you a (you)
they can be used as currency just like Tide
I also had a bike... once. Do you guys think a nigger stole it? DID A NIGGER STEAL MY BIKE, Sup Forums? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
To give to there kids at Christmas time..
I have no clue, I saw an episode of the Vice show (I know) Payday and a black kid they were following stole a dude's bike ON CAMERA and then said "the guy shouldn't have left it unprotected"
thank goodness they drew an arrow to the bike or I never would have seen it
In Africa they steal rocks from each other to line their nests with, it's just a natural instinct for them.
That picture
Why does the bird fly? Why does the fish swim? It's just nature, user.
why not. its property and means of escape.
All those crutches.
How do you know he didn't pay for all of those?
A nigger will steal anything not nailed down. And in those cases, they'll steal the fucking nails.
>Black people
>Raising their children
Pick one
>To ask why niggers steal bikes, is to ask why the leaves fall
>It is in their nature
Yeah, right. That's a good one user.
no impulse control a primitive race
Most bike theives are are beaners or antifa looking white crackheads. Niggers just buy and resell stolen shit.
So is this meme idiocracy? Fucking red arrows on old memes in order for the "new Europeans" to understand them?
couldn't find the original image tbqh
>requires app
eh, kinda useless. would be better if it was just pressure sensitive. sit on seat, circuit becomes complete, zap zap mother fucker