Chad thread?

Feel free to join in




Commencing dump


Thanks mate







Sorry Eurofags


funniest fuckin one i've ever read








Anyone notice that the movie "Commando" is a Chad-training manual?

What the fuck happened to the virgin? his left side looks as if it was pushed in.




Please keep this meme going. I've made a few sales already.



when i first saw this i cried of laughter for fuckin ages





ahaha okay

Already posted user


what's on the right?


nobody read the whole thread

shit sorry still the funniest one here good taste



Xavier Renegade Angel


still funny none of the less



This one is great

>leaves booby traps for the clean up crew
I lol'd at the idea of this.

fuck that's hilarious

>dont worry about me im a survivor were a dying breed



What geimu is this? Seems fun

Age of Empires 2

>Are you a ooga-booga Chinaman






>now is not the best time but your brother died of a very shameful life choice

When did Sup Forums start jerking off to Xavier? I missed the memo on this avant-garde self indulgence.

>extremely long and thin leash can break easily

Kills me every single time


Lawdy, that's good


this is ideally the best




>getting cucked by Jesus


>wrote it himself
Fuckin based

>farts sarin gas



>you got a license to sell those hot-dogs
>no because while i was signing out the application form my penis was hanging out



What show is the chad?

god that is the best. I feel like a 50% mixture of both sides but FUCK do I get each sides reasoning in 100% totality

What is this, a shitpost for ants?

I don't think ever? Virgin vs Chad isn't a Sup Forums meme there have just been a bunch of new ones popping up here recently for some reason

This is not how you use this meme, please stop.


oh god i am in tears

>the virgin post



>not literally the Virgin Beta
Come on now, not even a mudslime but the number of wives alone tells you who should be the Chad.

>Advances at a perfect 0 degree bearing to the quest marker at all times

XRA: xavier renegade angel




needs paragraphs of unreasonable text