What does Sup Forums think about Native Americans?
What does Sup Forums think about Native Americans?
Local Sup Forums cultural regions
savages that we put down. they deserved it all.
I challenge you to something unspecified for unspecified stakes for that
its sad what we did to them, Interesting cultures interesting religion damn shame what ahppened to them its genocide what we did to them
Incorrect, most of them were killed by disease not some systematic shoah
I challenge you to something unspecified for unspecified stakes for that
they're losers, just like africans and would have been living in the prehistorical world for the next million years without europeans. they're just lucky they didnt get colonized by the arabs.
Left to their ways they would have ascended en masse.
Prairie and/or forest niggers
Now they're 300lb alcoholics with diabeetus
They have no future and have forgotten their past.
General William Sherman is responsible for the slaughter of innocent Southern Civilians, and the Western Plains Indians.
Sherman Married His Sister.
Victims rather, of the Parasite who has dragged us too into this abyss from which we cannot escape. And you're proud of your direction, totally blind. Open your third eye, you will see the future of your path.
Booze and gambling beet them. They're a failure of humanity - would be nice to watch the original ones in zoos or something though.
Genocided the Clovis cultures that came before them, drove megafauna to extinction, deforested large tracks of central America, and got wiped out in just a few years by easily quarantined diseases. Remind me why I should feel bad about these people again?
They're a bunch of losers. We beat them fair and square.
I that deer being rapidly propelled by shit?
broken bot in this thread.
Even if Europeans never bothered to go west, they were fucked either way. Incas and Aztecs were much more advanced and the Aztecs were constantly on the lookout for more slaves and sacrifices to the gods. Eventually Aztecs would have decided to expand northward or at least just check out what was up there and the traditional indians would have been massacred just as easily.
Bottom line, it was just a question of which advanced civilization got to them first, Europeans or Aztecs. But since the Europeans got there first it lets Schlomo dedicate 5 chapters in the history books to shaming white kids who haven't seen a indian in their entire lives
>drove megafauna to extinction
I prefer the hypothesis of the asteroid impacting the N. American ice sheet causing worldwide floods and obliterating both civilizations as well as Earth's megafauna and their requisite habitats.
The Viceroyalty of New Spain will come back soon
You can easily tell an American has never seen an Indian in their life when they post something like this: . Indians are richer than most whites because they have a monopoly on gambling and the tribe leaders make sure every member benefits from this.
Never mind the injuns, what about the mound builders ? What was going on in NA before the Indians came and what's the deal with all the giant skeletons ?
We were free black man that ruled America and had developed a technological society before the white man came and enslaved us.