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You're not some loser alt nazi like those losers on t.v....
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You're not some loser alt nazi like those losers on t.v....
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As much as I hate the juden, their women are unbelievable sometimes
Those soulless eyes tho.
Red blooded alt right, Israeli-american jewchad here. Israeli are warriors i support the people upholding there current state no matter how it came to be if the people want to fight for there current country they should. Just like i identify as american and will fight for it. I support anyone who wants to protect common values and normal life ways. Protect the home land against these snakes.
Would you support me?
These two would.
The true enemy are the ones piggy back ridding the israeli/jewish people (global elite). Zionist
I support their nuclear holocaust.
Don't know why I wouldn't. It's a democracy and serves a good containment purpose.
Israel is a Jewish ethnostate.
I support ethnostates.
As long as they stay in Israel and don't try to meddle in the affairs of other races, I will support their right to exist.
It's the non-Israeli Jews that are the bigger problem
>reminder that Israel was one of the last states to support Rhodesia
im sure this has had as much surgery as a korean woman
No I don't support the country which is the headquarters of the people trying to wipe out the white race.
Fuck israel you fucking kike.
She's prob 1/1000 jewish. Askenazi and sephardic scum allow european jews with only one maternal grandparent into israel as a breeding program to try and repair their inbred reptilian genes.
The Reich was sending Jews to their homeland for years before the British blocked immigration ships.
Haavara was what made me question the "eBuL GnAtSeaz" meme for the first time
Zionism is one of the most antisemitic positions one can have
THIS. Dual citizenship should not exist. Pick a fucking homeland.
AmeriKikes are even worse than spics who fly the flag of Mexico on US soil
No, we should deport all Muslims in all civilized countries for a Final Jihad on Israel.
Arabs are shit at war tho. They've lost like 8 wars with Israel in 7 decades.
Judaism is a religion, not a ethnic race.
Your time is coming soon, jewish Shaitan
These fucking Turks in China are excellent human bombs.
I will donate 1000 dollars for their war effort.
Love Hezbollah
Only holdout of western civilization around the truck-of-peace shitskins. Of course I support Israel.
I support Israel's right to exist and that's it.
Now, it would be ideal if we could send each and every person who identifies as a Jew back to Israel so we could make the world better, then life would be fantastic.
Israel is the source of flooding Muslims.
They made nearly 1 million fucking refugees.
We will have our revenge.
>then life would be fantastic
Not as fantastic as send muslims back along with them and kill both of these trash once for all.
Hail Assad.
> no I'm not a Nazi femanon
> fucks and breeds
> 9mos later
> let's name the baby Adolph.
I ironically do. Israelis hate what's happening to the west. My roommate in college is from Israel. Drops truth bombs in classes everyday. Professor can't say shit due to anti semitism
I support Israel so much that I want all Jews to go there.
I don't get why more WN's aren't all about Israel. They can't build those settlements fast enough!
>supporting irrelevant countries
Fuck off kikes
You aren't semites even less Hebrews
Thats Bullshit and you know it. If they cared that much they would tell their brethren to stop it. But they wont.
I'm Jewish and i drop redpills every day in Uni and no one says shit because of antisemitism
Judaism is passed through the mother, think about that.
Correct. Khazars aren't Semites.
HOWEVER Mizrahi and Sephardi are both Semites and Hebrew.
uMad Achmed? want the Semite label all to yourself?