Knowing the accuracy of American polls, is this higher or lower?
Knowing the accuracy of American polls, is this higher or lower?
it's a breach of peace
how did it go from Hugo Boss to Walmart ??????
What percentage of Americans were not asked that question along with what percentage did not answer honestly for fear of exposing power level?
Higher. One of the most basic things taught in statistics 101 is the shy respondent effect when it comes to personal or controversial responses. It might be as much as 20%.
That's about 1 in 5 white people, assuming all shitskins are not white supremacists
We've fallen so far
Is actually say this is an accurate analysis
Did they say ask if it was acceptable, or moral? I get the suspicion this is equating the two.
I'd say it's higher. I'm in a group chat with a lot of guys at my uni and a lot of them have Sup Forums opinions. They would never admit it in public though.
Sounds far too high for America
>accurate analysis
Bless them
9% is roughly 33 million people and I highly doubt they counted any if the 29 million people who are in prison
A bit high honestly. I think we have a chance.
>"Do you think it's OK for a person to be a Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist?"
Well, I mean, it's not my place to tell others what opinions or politics they should ha--
When Americans hear the term "white supremacy" images like OP's pic comes to mind. It's unsurprising that only 9% thought it was acceptable. In fact I'm surprised that many do. Change the question to "do you believe the white race should continue to exist?" And you would get a very, very high number of respondents agreeing.
Ask the question "should policies or legislation be implemented in order to ensure a white majority exists within the country?" and I believe you would get a high number of white respondents answering yes. Certainly from conservatives and also the vast majority of independents, who make up the majority of whites politically.
And that is the ultimate end goal of most white nationalists within the entity referred to as the "alt right."
You can't stop people from having these views anyway. Unless you literally slaughter all of them which becomes kind of gray area.
CNN Panel Defend Trump's Charlottesville Comments
I doubt it. Most white Americans don't care anymore. They'll be more than happy to push around mulatto grandbabies in strollers born to their single mom daughters while patting themselves on the back for "not being racist".
Look at Sup Forums for instance, you find one black man who agrees with conservatism and the whole board hops on his dick like he's the greatest thing since the printing press. Yet a white guy says he agrees with Trump and "oh big deal". Same racial fetish the cuckservatives have, always trying to out-liberal the liberals.
According to this poll, nogs and beaners are more favorable to the Charlottesville guys than huwhites.
I disagree. Sure, some whites don't care—primarily the far left who are literally masochistic and believe we must be wiped out to atone for slavery and the past.
But remember that your observations regarding race are not unique—what I mean is everyone, deep down, understands the races are fundamentally different. When walking through a ghetto, everyone's got alarm bells ringing in their head telling them they are in a bad area. This is due to the appearance of the area and due to the appearance of the people—who are inevitably black. Everyone notices things like this. The only difference is some people suppress these thought while others embrace them.
I was once a much more moderate conservative and I too suppressed these thoughts. No sane white person wants to live in a country where they are a minority. If whites were okay with that, you would see significant migration out of the west and into other parts of the world. But the flow goes the opposite direction, for obvious reasons.
So while people may be afraid to speak up and take a stand for this due to immense social pressure not to, I believe the great majority of whites realize what life will be like when they are a small minority... if that is the path we continue down.
And for the record, the day we become a minority in America, things aren't going to magically change over night. Things won't turn to shit immediately. It will take time... but things will indeed change. And certainly not for the better. America's cities are little examples of what is going to occur to America as a whole if we do not change our trajectory imminently.
I guarentee you the survey didn't flat out ask "are you a white supremacist?" It probably asked questions that aligned with the leftists cause like "Do you think black people should be payed reparations?" and "Do you think confederate statues should be removed?"
>every other racial group has a higher opinion of white nationalists than whites do
My race is fucked. I no longer care to save it. Just get the destruction over with already. Let me die on the battlefield.
Why isn't it 100%? Everyone should be able to think whatever they like.
Who cares? It's a free world if you don't care what others think about you!
depends on how they ask the question and how hard they tried to get a large representative sample of answers
if they asked the question like that, it's not accurate at all because the question is too open to interpretation and polls that care about accuracy don't ignore that
bullshit it's WAY higher
IF the stats ain't cooked by (((them))) to drum up civil war fear than it's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy higher
You have to consider how many Nazi larpers do not recieve these calls nor answer if they do receive them.
These are NORMIES. 9% of normies. And then like some others have mentioned, the shyness effect.
I'll go 30% fine with Nazis
def higher and will grow
define acceptable
>Russia isn't included
I wonder why
Can we just start over from the top?
Fake and gay
Le Alan Greenspan.
Probably about accurate, maybe 3-5% higher.
Of course Sup Forums is going to claim its a billion times higher because they want to pretend their movement has more traction than it does, but people fucking hate neo nazis and white nationalists. It is not surprising at all that 9/10 think it's unacceptable. If anything 1/10 is a pretty high number for that.
lol you can't trust (((polls)))
the only way the numbers might be meaningful is if you have something to compare it to
what was the previous percentage?
Depends on the size of the polling sample and where the people who were polled were from.
Exactly what this user is saying. Haven't you learned anything?
>US has %s
>All other countries don't
REALLY makes you think
9%? Seems a little low to me
Is this like the dons 3% chance to win the presidency?
>you find one black man who agrees with conservatism
Thats plebbit youre thinking of which is also where you should be
Ten percent is the threshold before views spread like wildfire.
In public discourse it is always the most intolerant of other view points will win. It's why shitlibs are so intolerant of fascism or right wing in general but always get us to be more open minded.
Be as intolerant of other views as you can. We have the one truth and everything else is wrong.
>w-we'll win the civil war e-everyone's just hiding their power level
It's acceptable to hold ANY view you fucking want in this nation.
It's your ACTIONS that make the difference of whether or not you deserve to be euthanized.
so 21.2 million? Thats a very bold statement and according to the ((65 million)) that voted for Hillary all 62+ million Trump voters are literally Nazis
Because it's a survey of civilized countries
no place for racism
>29 million**
that means 91% of Americans dont' believe in freedom of speech and believe in thought crime.
I hold Asian supremacist views.
The NSM guys are very bad optics, but they won't be going anywhere. How many members are there? 25? 50? And their homepage looks like shit. They're remnants from the 90s, but I'm sure they're good guys.
What does "acceptable" even mean in this context?
the government paying for uniforms vs poorer citizens?
At first I'm like "based Greece" but then I'm like "that shit hole is going to bankrupt the EU" but then I'm like "based Greece"
probably closer to 15% so about a third or so of whites+light skinned mixed race (The fabled white hispanics and asian white mixes)