Based citizens

CNN cant even find panel quests who agree with them anymore

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bump for keks


OY VEY! So sleepy.

THIS is amazing! the majority has spoken in plain sight. no one believes CNN.

kinda feels like it's all some kind of a weird game they are playing.

Holy fuck this gold.

>Is it possible they're not credible?
>Vice did an investigation

2 scoops 2 genders 2 terms. Deal with it.




>It seems like you are giving a green light to neo nazi's
>Vice did an investigation
>We have proof
>But there were 2 sides to WWII, we were on THE RIGHT SIDE.

Lol this lady basically got fucked badly. America is waking up and watching the videos for themselves. They finally see that the news media is biased and picking narratives without proper investigations and using biased sources. Also for a black woman she had it right "I don't trust the news organizations".

>Let me play the Vice clip

Proof that Richard Spencer and his ilk are useful idiots. The panel was on our side and then they wheel out Richard Spencers crew.

>CNN using VICE as main reportage

God damn CNN got blasted

Lol anytime Trump does something good they still bitch. News organizations are dinosaurs especially fake news CNN.

CNN usually vets their opinions ahead of time, I wonder how this happened. Maybe they were so sure of their own bullshit that they thought everyone would automatically agree with them.

It was a major fuck up to let a woman of color get on the show and defend Nazis

I think most of them just agree with most of what CNN said and they randomly dropped that question and it back fired.

The fact that you guys see this as good coverage is amazing.

You realize they just painted trump supporters as people unconnected with reality who get their news from Facebook right?

Woman couldnt even anwser the simple question of who killed the young lady in charlottesville.

This was a devastating hit piece.

You even had a guy talking about how he supported armed white supremacists walking the streets.

no, it was actually great and gives me hope.

which planet do you come from

>When the white jewess is telling a panel of what looks like a full blown cross section of real america how to think and they're not having any of it

I actually kind of predicted this to happen. Black people have been made to not trust the media for so long that now that the media is dogwhistling them they're not buying it, it seems too easy to suddenly just attack whitey.

Real black people should know race relations improve when people don't just look for fights. You're just going to start civil war again.

If I were a black person in the US i'd honestly cringe like fuck if there were other people around me trying to stan like fuck for me and mope around about how they're sorry.

There was a black president, there are black movie stars, singers, lawyers, brain surgeons. Nothing is holding black people the fuck back except other black people and truly they know it.

My ovens are on Jew. I am ready to throw you inside.

Was this live? Why would CNN btfo themselves?

>Woman couldnt even anwser the simple question of who killed the young lady in charlottesville

Because there was no killer. She was actually killed by accident. She was infront of the car that was INFRONT of the Dodge, and the pictures show her sliding off the hood. In all likelyhood, she actually just had a fucking heart attack from being startled and overweight and unhealthy as fuck out in the heat all day not drinking water. She wasn't even hit by anything and had no actual physical exterior injuries.

That's why she said she doesn't know. Because she doesn't. The guy didn't kill anyone directly, he was just a retard and dropped his brakes down a crowded street thinking people would get out of the way nor realizing there were parked cars ahead because he couldn't fucking see anything.

A dumb cunt did a dumb cunt thing. Meanwhile, actual trump supporters have been shot in the face with no coverage.

Thia must have been thw discussion the CNN producers had.

Wow. That's one hell of a leap. Legal open carry, fact. You twist that into supporting armed nazis. I think you need to up your med dosage.


Where do all of these old people get these opinions from? My dad comes home talking about these 'crazy anti-trump protestors' or whatever as if he heard it on Sup Forums. You would think with the globalist stranglehold on the media you wouldn't see this many older, television generation people taking half doses of red pills.

Well that and The fact they looked at the videos themselves beforehand they see ether full unedited footage vs the CNN and Vice doctored footage itself. They even watched the protester video where the guy talked about exactly what happened. Social media makes things travel quicker than News Organizations.

Ever remember Joseph Koney or whatever his name was, took CNN and others a week to cover it when everyone knew about it. Same thing has happened here. News Organizations are at this point obsolete.

lmao fraud news BTFO

>perhaps the videos you were watching weren't credible
>now let's watch some Vice videos

This is going beyond satire now

Bahhaha finally. Good job on the panel for standing up for themselves.

>Vice did an investigation

Literally plays a HD heavily coreographed event taking place a day before

Wtf does that have to do with the protest that took place on a different day

Goebbels would be proud.

people have evolved into having a high sense of bullshit. You have to in order to survive. Only weak college liberals who's genetics wouldn't be fit for survival outside of this modern age that allows them to live, are susceptible to mass hysteria and being led to doom.


I would have slapped that woman for questioning me like that, how do you know your videos are real dumb cunt?!

Tell me about it my dad believes they are neo Nazis and racist's but does not get the hypocrisy of the arguments for removing a statue. They phrase it as it's "correct" idealogy vs "incorrect" idealogy. They allow news to spoon-fed them instead of looking at the footage itself.

It's out there but Boomers are such lazy idiots that they just believe in heresey.

when the (((news anchor))) said "we were the good guys during WW2" the guy in the front looked like he wanted to argue before she cut him off. he was probably going to bring up Stalin again. hell yeah.


>Wow. That's one hell of a leap. Legal open carry, fact. You twist that into supporting armed nazis. I think you need to up your med dosage.
Nah, here's why Antifa with sticks and masks is worse
And open carry is legal and basically an ID, you can't fire it without immediatly causing a situation in which you will be held legally responsible and you're unmasked for everyone to see, being lawful
Meanwhile, the masked "protestor" is breaking laws, causing property damage and brandishing a weapon he can use which he may not be held accountable for
See the diff snowflake?

Irony is there are people that believe that was real. That they were the same people there even though that was different. But like always we get the "you sound like those Trump supporter's" "you support the racist's?" Yet they do not get it and it's obvious they only see one sided stories and know nothing except what was said on Reddit. But our only hope is Facebook and Twitter which ironically works in our favor.

Breitbart, fox and email? My Mexican aunt is basically a magapede even though she doesn't use Sup Forums or Reddit.

>cnn shills for VICE

Watch this video of David Carr aboslutely btfo these fedora wearing faggots. Easily the best exchanges in media history

Based black lady.

>even shaniqua says that we don't know who was really out there and doesnt immediately jump at the chance to call somebody KKK

gives me a little hope, des.

what retard at CNN greenlighted this panel

Jesus Christ, the room is lacking nothing but the tray of bagels

>unconnected with reality
Despite the fact that they actually watched videos from the event instead of just hearing through a third party. Who is more connected with reality then?

>Woman couldnt even anwser the simple question of who killed the young lady in charlottesville.
In America we have a thing called a trial and an investigation.

>You even had a guy talking about how he supported armed white supremacists walking the streets.
Second Amendment fag.

I miss Vice before it went to shit we need more hard hitting stuff like that.

I can now say with total and utter certainty that this series of events will soon ensue in the near future
>2018, congress republican majority
>Trump 2020, win by more than 20%
>America becomes great again

this is fuck ing beautiful and hilarious
>saved forever

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Their goal was to portray these people as ignorant, dumb, people and say look how dumb Trump supporters are. But it backfired BIGLY. Fuck the media.

When she brought up VICE i was like BITCH NO U DIDNT.

VICE is garbage like buzzfeed.

Do it user.

I love all the leading questions and they just speak their mind instead.


>there were two sides to WWII also
>We were on the RIGHT side

Someone have that relevant expanding brain meme?

"I blame the goverment."

LMAO based sista.


this has so much fucking potential, Sup Forums
meme it meme it meme it

Why are Jews still allowed to live?

nice try faggot.


A black woman with a good head on her shoulders? Is this Mars? Whats going on here?

Wow, news flash. We don't like the media, commies or nazis. Next

>Why are Jews still allowed to live?
obviously the 6 trillion personally killed by Hitler goy

Does this dislocate your thumb or something?

>inb4 try it


She still called people marching for the right the the survival of their race crazy. If it were nignogs she would have called it empowering.

But yeah, better than most.


You just pull on a tightened muscle that should be relaxed causing some pain.

What do they say about the Korean and Vietnam war?

Even the black woman agrees!

Holy shit, called out on their own network!

Here's the longer feed:

CNN's comment section is cancer though.

"Its like comparing Hitler to Stalin"

CNN reporter malfunctions


Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.


are fat black ghetto women, dare I say it, /ourguys/?

"The sky will be blue today"

How much does ShareBlue pay?

nice i did this and it felt really good

fucking LOL!
if the far right in america stopped larping as nazis for a second and actually took stock of what is going on around them they could have the whole country in the palm of their hands.


not really.
All the kikes have to do is start an all black CNN and they'll have their brainwashing tool.
Blacks are trained by birth not to trust the media because it "keeps them down", which isnt false in a way.

And no one including the majority of pol knew who Richard Spencer was before the rally

Unironically yes.

The first victims of the jew at all levels are black women.

Black women have been noticing the black male white female trope more than even we have and they know what's up.

It's the half white half black chicks that are the problem. Mulatto's are uppity fuckers.

>Rural white voter here.
>the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art.
If you were a "rural white voter" you couldn't possibly believe this nonsense. Shareblue is lacking some quality control on the shills...


fucking epic.


Good thread:

>implying any shill has undergone quality control

>the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art.
it's almost as if there were a reason to fear islam

>a bus was seen with both BLM and KKK false-flaggers getting out

>almost as if there were a reason to fear islam
shoo shoo goy

Wow, what a burn. I'm can't believe this is unscripted.

You're trolling, but it's probably not far off what CNN thinks. They're so utterly out of touch.

A video is a video is a video. It's a primary source. Facebook is but the medium

>armed...walking the streets
Welcome to Virginia, faggot


Let's get Antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

Let's also get George Soros what he deserves for financing violent domestic terrorist groups:
Sign and share please!

Man I love automatic captions

That black lady the reporter keeps pestering seems redpilled desu.

Yummy pasta m8