Tell me what you think, /pol
Tell me what you think, /pol
archive that shit nigger.
Bound to fail, its the exact same shill tactics we have dealing with for year and the only difference now is that we have an actual picture, straight from the source, detailing exactly what they are doing. Thanks to this total lack of OpSec, any and all shill threads fitting the description will immediately be called out as such thus ruining any attempt to shill.
>all this bullshit that's going to amount to a few faggots fighting on the street and then everyone going to work the next day as per usual
I don't really care desu.
Bump for awareness
Not until you archive it you flaming fucking faggot.
Where is based archive bot
so close to digits, let me help you out
Hey fellow Antifa. All you have to do is type sarge in the post and it stops it from bumping.
Sup Forums is an Antifa "operation" dumbass. Sup Forums makes conservative white supremacists and "Jew haters" get off of anime porn sites to spew their hatred and reveal themselves; get the psychos on the front line like in Charlottesville. Good job Sup Forums, you upended a presidency and have diminished white supremacists. Well done, well done.
>guide to Sup Forums
I came here to troll le ebil nazis and ended up becoming one.
ive noticed theres been some "antifa infiltrators" on Sup Forums lately, but.. honestly, theyre just doing everyone a favour, by introducing more ideological diversity & (possibly involuntarily) encouraging debate
wtf i love niggers and communism now
Sup Forums, Sup Forums Never changes.
Your an idiot.
Fuck. Those thighs tho
This article was actually pretty sympathetic in tone to Sup Forums. It floats about Eric Clanton being caught and concludes that these new antifa tactics will probably only antagonise Sup Forums into further action against antifa.
OP is probably the author and /ourguy/, how you doing Jack?
article takes a shit on antifa and praises Sup Forums
doesnt need an archive
the shills are what makes Sup Forums so fun, the people that have to come here for their job or cause, and get fucked with by us until they have to embrace reality. how many times has someone "defined" Sup Forums or any anonymous forum?
The thing is Sup Forums Sup Forums mods are alright. I know how you could really fuck with this forum, and its common sense. I'm not going to advertise it here though because it's more fun to watch all these folks try and fail. It would just involve honesty, which they are somehow incapable of having. The shills don't get it, and people that can't handle controversial or offensive arguments will never get it. No names here, no credit, only shitting out comments and in the end you won't know what you contributed. The site is pretty fucked at this point with data collection anyway. I come here for entertainment purposes and I also realize I have no control.
has any of these actually worked?
laughing at the idea of commies thinking they can meme. This has scientifically been proven not to be the case. This will backfire on these anti deodorant/shower smelly pipl
you alright, jack.
It's been done so many times but it never works. Pissing in an ocean of piss.
im not worried. i mean its nothing that hasnt been tried and they have nothing on our special forces who are expert shill hunters.
Just carry on, lads.
It won't work because Sup Forums is a Japanese psyop and always has been. The Japanese Royal Family and the UK Royal Family (or German Royals....gee, Japan/German alliance) are still psyoping the fuck out of everybody, same as they have been doing since they were crowned. They are your true overlords.
part and parcel of a Sumatran tooth juggling forum
>people who get paid to shitpost can't defeat people who live to shitpost
God bless this website.
These fucking faggots are so tiresome.
makes sense
>>people who get paid to shitpost can't defeat people who live to shitpost
I do it for free