Okay nazis, tell me something

NOW DON'T YOU CALL ME A SHILL FOR THIS. I know a beautiful mixed race girl, she is funny, she likes everything I like, and we hang out all the time. She loves anime and vidya and we have both flirted with each other on numerous occasions and I am going to ask her out. Why the fuck would I turn her down? Our children would most likely be white. White women are all whores. Give me reasons why I should not have children with this woman.

Other urls found in this thread:


do what you want. we present information. you decide.

I know, but I want to hear reasons why I shouldn't do it. I am leaning towards strasserism but I love her.

Sounds like you already made up your mind, enjoy your nigglet and nigger inlaws.

Is she a latina? If so, you're good to go.

I want to fill candy lady with babies

No, her dad is white and her mom is black. She is very light skinned for a mixed lady.


Mein Neger, do what you want. Go for it!


Do you want niglet kids? Wear a rubber and fuck her brains out, and then dump her for a proper white woman when you get the chance.

Racemixing leads to child mutations/defects, alongside rare blood conditions and the inability to recieve tranfusions or organ donations. Still want to racemix OP?

Depends on the girls political views I say. On top of that, the likely hood of the kids being train wrecks. (Physical, or politically)

Do whatever floats your boat man, if she really clicks with you then its not my place to say. Just remember to put some sperm into the sperm bank and donate sperm and remember that you are gonna be with this woman no matter what.

Better make sure she is the one for you m9

tl;dr your kids would probably be lacking mental faculties. Also mixed ppl have more health problems I think,transplants and blood types. Lastly there is the identity issue.

this is now a hotaru thread

Completely for Trump, not the best but he is the best we have right now. Like I said earlier, I am leaning towards strasserism.
Thank you for the info user, can I get a link to that?

Is this a photoshopped version? I can't even tell anymore. Those nigger lips and that nigger nose...



Once you get into the two thirds bleached kids identity doesn't really remain, keep it going and eventually you will have kids like Venti

Do whatever you want. Its not like we really care.

More or less black than Brittany Vetti?


A bit more, comparable to a Latino.

What anime is this?

What episode of Family Feud is this?

It's real and the future OP will chose

immigration destroys the host countries because the kind of people who immigrate are necessarily economic drags. The kind of people who immigrate illegally, we can also add, are criminals. To top off this perfect storm you add opulent social programs in the host nation, and now you're attracting economically draining criminals out to extort their host nation's tax money.

If we made it harder, and more dangerous, to immigrate illegally. Eliminated entitlement incentives. And, were more picky about who we let in. Then immigration would be great!
but no, we're not allowed to have good immigration. We have to have mass immigration AND we have to encourage the worst people to come. we can't just do it and do it right. we HAVE to fuck ourselves to death, or else we're somehow like hitler.


No, it is best to preserve your families gene pool. Purity is hard to come by and needs to be preserved. Do not make the same mistakes her parents made. Besides, your kids could have low IQ's as a result. It also isn't fair for someone to find out they have a black ancestor later down the line.


If you like her then go out with her, but try to avoid fantasies of a long future with her for now. It'll only make it worse if things don't work out.

Goldencoinburg family v. Heinrich family. Sadly, Goldencoinburg family won.

Dagashi Kashi

cheap candy product placement - the series





just a few

If she's hot, just make sure you parade her around in the mall to trigger fatass white loser feminists. Do all the other men a favor.

Breading based

How sad

I am fairly Nazi. I seek to encourage white men to be with white women so we can have white children because our race is under attack.
I consider it more like guidelines than actual rules.
I know how filthy and trashy white women have become due to Jew propaganda. I also realize men have NEEDS and its nearly impossible when you find a nice traditional very cool girl who seems to adore you and she's not exactly white.
So I understand you. Date her if you wish. You may not be doing my cause any favors. But do you wish to sacrifice your happiness for my cause? I would guess no. Can I blame you entirely? No. I don't like it. But what the fuck do you care what I like in regards to your love life?
And there it is.

Thank you, I will take this into consideration.

Dude, humanity is fucked, and it's not getting any better. Most people are miserable bags of shit. Go forth and be happy, and to hell with what anyone can thinks.

which one, Sup Forums?

Perhaps. I think the issue of mental quality is the biggest, and as many seem to fail to note there is no reason to assume largely divergent white-white children will have much better odds attaining their parent's quality. The chaos of genetics will destroy us ultimately.

Your only option is suicide OP.

Right now, people who look like you and your parents and your grandparents are literally disappearing. Do you want to do something about that? Or do you just want to think with your dick and hope somebody else addresses the problem?


1/4 black is a max to be genetically white so technically nothing but morally it's fucking degenerate

I know I shouldn't listen to nazi communist larpers on a Mongolian knitting forum, but I feel like I am betraying my race in some way. I just want to hear the opinions from more devout members of the movement.

Sounds like a great place

Our race is under attack because you didn't beat the very people you despise. Jews make up a fraction of the population. If you want to beat people that are eradicating you, you better learn their game and beat them. Jews didn't get to the top because they spit out 4 to 5 kids. Reality sucks.

Hey, fuck it right? You'll be a filthy race traitor at a time when we need white children the most, but at least you'll get your dick wet right? Haha, nice one bro, such a clear choice! If you had an ounce of confidence in this movement you would be disgusted by what you are doing. Just stop pretending you give a shit and take the blue pill already.

>loves vidya
i'm in my late 30's i know plenty of women who enjoyes it , specialy vr and mmorpgs games, it's no problem
>she loves anime
there's the big problem, she will turn into cosplay, probably seeking attention on social media after she gets exposed in a couple of pictures/videos, then she will probably want to travel japan like the others. if she's fat, blacks will love to fuck a chubby geek cosplayer.

ask her out, fuck her good, don't except something serious for a while until she quits cosplay.
t. a good tip

True but i also feel that in some rare cases if two people click well enough it is acceptable for them to do it. However they have to have a decent enough upbringing, no hood rat garbage or other societal dregs.

The girl with the big boobies


How many children do you have? Do they go to public school, private school, or are they homeschooled?

We both think cosplay is gay so that is not a problem.

>She loves anime

There is no such thing as a mentally stable female anime fan.

You really are. If white birth rates were higher, it legitimately wouldn't matter. "Some white guy dipping the ink? Who cares, every white woman has 5 white kids anyway!"

This is not the case at all, and it's reaching genetic bottleneck crisis point.

If I were you I would try to find a spouse that is most similar to my genetic origin and also similar intelligence level.

Yes I understand the Jews. Very well. Thanks.
It's a fine thing you said and I don't desire to debate it.

trust me, OP

there are sane, rational, conservative leaning white women out there.

You're a shill.

You think most guys here care about race? The Trump movement is just guys who are anti-PC and anti-illegal immigration. FFS, show the guys on here one black man who agrees with conservatism and they'll be riding his dick for years.

If this nation were to become Brazil-like demographically, I doubt many would care.


You don't you don't desire to debate it because you don't have any logical answers or intelligence

What is this thing.. i seen some shit in my life but this I feel haunted

Haha that's actually the original.


these people are losers who want to keep you a loser

it's like when you boil lobsters; when one tries to climb out of the pot, the others drag it back down

get some mulatto pussy OP

Having any type of sub-saharan mixture is a bad idea for your future offspring. If you don't care about your children though then go for it.


I have plenty of both. But you didn't make a point that was contrary to mine.
So little autist? Get your shit together.
You don't want to debate me. I'll slam you into the ground. The only reason we aren't having a debate is because I AGREED with you, and you are too blood simple to get even that.
Now learn reading comprehension you impotent child, and fuck off kindly. Before you embarrass yourself.

It's ok to breed with mixed race women as long as they have quality genetics and you have lots of kids.

They'll be 3/4 white after all which puts them firmly in our team's camp.

Breed like the wind brother.

White dad black mom and raised in a stable family makes her 1000x better than your average mulatto who was raised by a coal burning, trailer-trash-tier single mom.

Sorry but I don't listen to communists. When a communist talks to me, I don't hear it because the other communists try to eat their words for any form of sustenance.

Yeah, follow the Portuguese example in Brazil, I'm sure that will work quite well.


You will be roped though.

Sargon is 1/4 nigger and it seems to be fine for him.

Eugenically having a high IQ, civilized black grand parent is better than having a a shit tier 80 IQ trash white grand parent, assuming the black genes in there are limited enough that the kid is white-passing, which when they're 1/4 negro they probably will be.

She's just pretending. Once you marry her she'll get fat and nag you 24/7. MGTOW FOREVER.

but sargon is a huge cuck and a retard

You just met a girl and you are already talking about how you could have children with her. Jesus christ how old are you? Most relationships end up in break ups, talking about the possibility of children that early is insane. Tbh if you end up in a relationship it will most likely end up in a break up

In Brazil they didn't only breed with high quality non whites, they fucked and came in anything they could reach with their dick, thus why the brown mutts in Brazil are so impulsive, dumb and violent.

Your child will never grow up to even be close as white, beautiful, and attractive as the one in your pic. But if you've accepted that, at least take solace in the fact that if you stick with a "beautiful" (your opinion) girl like her, she 100% won't possibly end up with a nigger.

That obvious hyperbole m8. He's a minor cuck but still easily tolerable compared to the norm of our days.

do it, your kids will be part black and will have better career opportunities.

Here is the most sane advice for you, who sounds like a pushover.

You Do You
Interracial marriages tend to cause the more fucked up relationships, despite (((research))) telling you otherwise, and you'll have a hard time gettig along with your Sister from Another Mister and the mutant spawns you may produce in the long run. But if you do feel genuine compassion for her and not some bestial ooga booga jungle fevet, then follow you heart and seek companionship with her

If you still want to settle for a compromise and earn Sup Forums's approval for some weird reason, however, then marry the bitch, get a vasectomy, and adopt four South African boer orphans. You'll help those forsaken souls and you won't have to fuck a post-child birth pussy that feels like fucking a 3 door garage

When did you get the idea I just met her? I have known her since I was 15 and I am 23 now.

>Most relationships end up in break ups, talking about the possibility of children that early is insane.

Maybe if you're a nigger. Civilized people date with the purpose of it lasting and starting a family, they don't just muh dick around.

also you don't know that high IQ black genes are compatible with white high IQ genes, ie if actual brain structures are different and it will just result in a mish mash
I find him to be completely intolerable so maybe that says something


What mix?

> Interracial marriages tend to cause the more fucked up relationships
I am anti- race mixing. But this statement is false. White male / black female is by far the most successful marriage union in the US.
With a 43% less chance of divorce ( a staggering statistic ) than ANY other marriage union of any kind. Including white on white.
This is likely because once a black woman finds a white man, she sees the difference in quality of mate, and she NEVER leaves. And white men are unusually loyal compared to other races of men.

White man and a black woman. Functioning family too.

>Sargon is fine

/thread and sage. Fuck off and die newfags

This is an outdated perception born out of ignorance regarding genetics. If you do this OP, you do not care about the future of the white race. These people telling you it is ok are not white nationalists. You have to decide whether you are one of us, or one of them.