Reminder that you can buy an 80% milled unregistered lower. When they come for the guns, unregistered weapons are going to be very very important. The rest of the weapon can be purchased in pieces, or in a kit.
80% Lowers
Tell me more. You're saying that if you basically buy the loose/unassembled parts to the lower receiver, you can buy everything else without registering it?
What happens if you ever get caught by law enforcement with the fully-assembled unregistered rifle?
You can 3d print a full lower. That's a better ghost gun, disposable.
Don't get caught.
illegal in CA, of course
>Living in a state requiring registration of all guns
Second, why store it assembled?
Gun registration isn't real yet. Homemade firearms are legal.
Perfectly legal so long as you never cross state lines with it.
it's legal. If you machine your own gun, it's legal for you to own. So what they do is sell you 80% of what you need and then you drill a few holes. Suddenly, you are a machinist. You can't sell it though unless you register it.
You live in the US. Depending on your state you don't need to register shit you buy privately.
They break 300-600 rounds in. Plastic is not a great material to make a lower out of.
This thread is better for /k/ actually, but you can legally build your own firearms in the US as long as you do it BY YOURSELF, you must be legally allowed to own guns (not a felon or druggie etc.) and as long as the final firearm is legal within your jurisdiction (doesn't go over magazine restrictions, long enough barrel length, etc.)
You buy the 80% finished receiver, as far as legally allowed but the final 20% of the construction is what you do yourself for "final assembly". What is pictured is a jig, you screw it around the 80% receiver and with a drill you drill out the aluminum along the jig grooves, converting your unfinished lower receiver into a fully functional, legal, unserialized AR-15 lower that can be assembled with an upper receiver (also unserialized, the barrel and components are interchangeable parts).
I bought mine and buried them in half in sealed pvc tubes wrapped in grease.
good faq
won't last long, commiefornia has already attacked them and pretty much destroyed the ability to make them.
You'll get 10 years here for a first offence of even owning such a firearm.
They want you to register them, but good look enforcing that.
I bought over 10, years ago...
When they come for the guns, it's your duty to resist them. They'll run out of "them" before they run out of "you."
lol there are 300M people in the US, and there are more guns then people. Oh and btw, they make more guns every day
>good luck
Gus Magisono pls go
Please stop no guns, you are talking out of your ass. pls stfu, kthnks
Also noteworthy is that you can use simple dies to make stamped receivers for guns like the AK47 or G3. No milling required (however, you need a press, furnace (heat treating the receiver after stamping), welder and a riveter.
Once you have those tools (and perhaps some specialty tools), all you need is sheet metal to stamp a receiver.
The shovel AK is a classic example:
They confiscated all the drill presses and closed all the machine shops in the state!?!
Reminder that the vast majority of guns in the US aren't registered.
Reminder that most states do not require registration.
I forgot to say, that it's in California where they passed a law saying if you have a 80% lower, you must register by a certain amount of time and put a serial number on it too. Doesn't matter that it isn't finished either.
>Implying (((they))) aren't monitoring every 80% lower purchase on the interwebz
A personal transfer will be much harder for them to track down than an internet purchase.
>What is ATF 4473?
>You'll get 10 years here for a first offence of even owning such a firearm.
Seconding this. An 80% lower is nothing more than a paperweight until you mill/stamp/drill it to accept gun parts.
With certain exceptions, and subject to any state law that might apply, as long as an individual is not prohibited from possessing a firearm, he or she can make a firearm for personal use. If an individual wants to manufacture and sell firearms, he or she is required to obtain a license, and mark each firearm manufactured in accordance with 27 CFR 478.92. [18 U.S.C. 923(i), 26 U.S.C. 5822]
A background check, not registration.
>Reminder that you can buy an 80% milled unregistered lower.
Or live in Missouri and do not worry about registering anything.
>implying that information isn't stored
Not registration. It's a file that stays at the gun store on a hard copy. And they're destroyed every 25 years. Either way they don't go to the ATF and the background check submission the FFL submits to the FBI doesn't contain gun info
whats with you missouri fags lately, like every thread you always say how amazing the state is
>implying the Feds can't walk into a gun store and seize that information
Move to a state where you don't need to register your shit like NH
(Unless you're not white. In that case, we're full)
It's illegal for the atf to store the info.
>implying that's a probable solution to enact confiscation via "registration"
Then buy a block of aircraft grade aluminum and machine your own from square one. I believe in you.
It is pretty amazing.
Except for St. Louis.
>they were lost in a tragic boating accident sir
>implying that stops them
well no shit, any major city is a ball of shit with retards populating them
Friendly reminder that 80% lowers are for cuck states. If they ever "come for your guns" your little loopholes wont save you. Your online purchase history will be looked into
>this guy has no registered weapons
>but he bought a bunch of gun parts online
>gee i wonder why
t. commiefornian
and $100.000 in CNC?
Damn you are one dumb ass coon. They've got plastics that are better than metal now.
Theoretically, how easy would it be to manufacture enough rifles to [theoretically] arm a militia? Would purchasing 500 80% lowers plus parts raise any ATF red flags?
It stems from filling out the ATF paperwork to transfer a gun to you, which requires the serial number from the firearm be put on it.
See 19.b here
The law states that you can build a legal gun from scratch up to the point where it is 80% complete. Once you go further, it's effectively yours forever.
The ATF requests that you stamp your name or company name and the city/state of manufacture, as well as serialize the firearm (e.g. #00001) but it's not required.
>What happens if you ever get caught by law enforcement with the fully-assembled unregistered rifle?
It's perfectly legal to have it. It does not have to have a manufacturer mark on it.
The only time law enforcement gets antsy is if the serial number is filed off because you're obviously trying to hide where it came from.
what about the firing pin?
Not 3D printable and the best polymer lowers are still sub par compared to aluminum.
reminder to Ameribros to do it while they can
80% lowers are now illegal in Canada, they were legal for a few years but recently the feds (police, not gov't) re-interpreted the law, saying it CAN be turned into a F/A lower, therefore it's prohibited, just like an F/A AR15 would be
>black people start open carrying guns
>suddenly gun control introduced and NRA supports it
Kansas City is pretty cool.
>When they come for the guns
There will be many dead federal agents on my front porch.
>When they come for the guns
Molon labe.
3-D printed, not plastic dip shit. But hey if you believe in them send me a metal one and I'll send you a 3-d printed lower.
Plan on taking 4 hours to mill the lower receiver because some holes have to be exactly drilled, and another 4 hours to complete the lower receiver. The upper receiver of an AR is a PITA to assemble because the gas tube has to be exact and you need more specialized tools to screw the barrel on, so you might want to buy them pre-assembled.
I have guns and here you now need a permit just to own a handgun and we have an 'assault weapons' ban.
If I buy a lower kit and build it I am in possession of an illegal firearm under my state's laws and will receive a minimum 10 years if they catch me with it and probably tack on other charges like serial number tampering, illegal manufacture of a weapon and who knows what else.
The only logical choice is to get the fuck out of this demoshit hell hole.
You don't need CNC to mill a gun, but you can get old CNC mills off ebay for less than $5,000 since you seem to have such a boner for the technology.
If there's any legislation being discussed, all of the 80% lower shops will be swamped with orders.
Fortunately nothing like this will happen while Trump is in office.
you buy everything other than the unfinished lower separate. the lower is the gun, everything else is peripherals.
all hail kek
Or you can just get an old manual vertical mill off of craigslist for like $800 and GIT GUD.
But you know how millennials are...
i did mine with an old router. just need a milling bit to remove material.
Fucking nothing: the get
I just said you don't need computers to mill the gun and was softly hinting to buying a manual mill, dummy. Learn to read.
The moment Antifa actually blows someone away, you will see anti-gun legislation with literal gun grabbing get passed so fast your head will spin.
Any info online about FA conversion on either 80 or 100 lowers? Asking for a friend..........
Aren't the barrels register tho? You know when you order it online. Also the atf has a bullet shot from the barrel too know?
I was agreeing with you, dawg. Just expanding on what you said for the retards that think CNC is the only way to machine shit.
What a waste...
You can also buy ammonium nitrate and a potent CNS stimulant OTC no questions asked as well in the US.
You fags would be shocked to learn what is possible without showing an ID or breaking the law.
No and no. That's not a thing
You don't have to register a gun you built. You have to build it on your own equipment(traded equipment works fine as long as it is "yours").
no.... the barrel isn't registered.
the moment antifa "blows someone away" you will see a huge violent blowback. guerilla warfare. we are making a list and checking it twice.
ok we get it you have autism
Is it economically feasible though? At a scale of ~500 arms, it would make more sense to have the uppers pre-assembled, but how much more costly is it?
Alright. I got one of those dinky benchtop mills from harbor freight. Sorry about the dummy comment.
Ooh, and who is naughty and who is nice? :^)
You sound like a commie.
holy shit.
People would be surprised what they can make out of shit they have in their garage and bathroom. Very easily at that.
>and a potent CNS stimulant OTC no questions asked as well in the US.
source? I want to abuse legal stimulants
Your daily reminder that it would be easy as fuck to track your firearm or firearm part purchases using your credit card. Buying in cash from a private seller is nearly untraceable, perfectly legal, and much easier.
I made an ar-10 with one of those kits, pretty fun senpai to see how the rifle works and is put togther.
Where the AK receivers At?
>holy shit
well then stop taking it in the ass
S'all good.
What do you use it for? The work area is so small on those things.
TATP is too dangerous to utilize, but DDNP is readily made.
If you need a good primer.
Propylhexedrine HCl is easily made from benzedrex inhalers. OTC no questions asked from Walmart, have about 80% of the effectiveness of methamphetamine. Better than straight amphetamine in some users. YMMV.
Combine it with magnesium citrate and L-theanine and you're golden.
They're manufactured completely differently.
>TATP is too dangerous to utilize
I completely agree, but it is amazingly simple to make. Too easy to kill yourself though, lots of people never heard from again on the old rogue science forums.
You can make them out of sheet metal. 1-1.5mm thickness. Recommend hardened steel. Of course, for educational purposes only Singapore.
An 80% receiver is just a piece of metal. It can't be registered. Once you begin milling and drilling then you have created a firearm, so says the pigs in California anyway.
if you need to last longer than 300-600 shots from the shells your already dead
Trust me im a pro CounterStrike player with sponsorship.
>illegal for the atf
What about the NSA? Every bought, guns, ammo, or accessories with anything other than cash? Bingo.