Why does FYROM exist?
Also, feel free to share any hate towards the Balkans, including Romania and Hungary (honorary Balkanistanis).
Why does FYROM exist?
Also, feel free to share any hate towards the Balkans, including Romania and Hungary (honorary Balkanistanis).
Shouldn't you be somewhere stealing copper to feed your 14 year old wife?
Macedonians are the same as Greeks
similar language
similar culture
only diff is flag
why the beef?
Are those Montenegros in the Pic?
Don't you mean Bulgarians?
>Similar language
>Similar culture
Nice comeback, you low IQ gypsy fuck. You're literally Europe's poo in loo, why do you even bother coming to a place you're hated?
It exists because of Tito and the West wanted to avoid some bloodshed. Of course fyromites are we wuzzing again acting as if their little shithole is the most important thing in the Balkans when it's not. They should be grateful that the US held back Albanians from tearing a slice off.
You should be triggered
What's the best place to visit in Montenegro besides Kotor?
>You're literally Europe's poo in loo
This coming from Montenigger, a country who's GDP doubles when the goat gives birth.
>giving albozergs more Serbian clay
How retarded are you Radu?
>Serbian clay
is it true all the women in your country love taking gypsy cock up their ass?
Why arent monteniggers part of serbia
>Implying that portion of FYROM wasnt historically Serb clay.
Die to a firebat albozergling
Not as much as your women who live only for prostituting in Istanbul.
Why haven't bosniaks been exterminated and the Serbs in the region been united with Serbia.
Why is Moldova still a thing?
WHy haven't the Kosovans been deported to Albania?
Why isn't Constaniople and the western coast of anatolia apart of greece?
Why is Cyprus a separate country than greece?
Why doesn't the Soviet Union rule over Bulgaria and Romania?
>how quickly the subhuman responds
Serbs have no historical clay. Serbs aren't even from Europe to begin with...
Bulgaria is a fake country that belongs to FYROM. They are Macedonians with bullshit larping belief they are Bulgar tribe. Sad!
Interesting theory you have there
This is a JIDF divide and conquer thread.
The idea is that they're terrified of any kind of Pan-Slavism
Sage and move on.
It isn't "FYROM".
Anybody who calls it that is a mroon and should be banned from humanity.
They did not cease being South Slavs, hence the Yugoslav is not former.
As far as the "Greeks" go in "Greece", they don't even give their so-called "Macedonia" any sort of autonomy.
Their "Macedonia" is a cucked region of a unitary state founded by a German out of what was part of the Ottoman Empire.
>Turkish 3.9%, Romani 2.7%
>Romani 3.1%
>sage sage, put on your JIDF hat if you're gonna shitpost and divide pol whites over this
No, gypsies are kinda marginalized and people don't usually interact with them at all. Why would you think that?
Pan-Slavism should not exist. We are different nations of different ethnicites, not brothers. I am a Macedonian, not a greek nor bulgarian, who are the same as Macedonians but in denial.
Says the fucker behind a false flag
>being this retarded.
>Country that exports nothing but Kajmak and wine, just recently began to govern itself again and has a miniscule population has low GDP.
Personally, I'm a big fan of Perast and Saint Stefan. Most of the coast is quite beautiful, even Budva, though it's a tourist trap, but it's nightlife is wonderful. Not many places you can really go wrong with, honestly. The Skadar Lake is breathtaking and has a legendary restaurant if you're into seafood. Podgorica, the capital, has really nice cafes and restaurants if you're more in a quiet mood.
Because we're white. Also, we were sick of sending all of our tourist money to Belgrade while getting 0 support from the Government. Montenegro was it's own Kingdom way before any Serb even knew about the Mountain Clans and all that.
>Why haven't bosniaks been exterminated and the Serbs in the region been united with Serbia.
They should be exterminated, but Serbian unification is a meme. Serbs can't take care of their own population, let alone added population. The only thing that should go back to Serbia is Republika Srpska, but Bosnia sohuld be dissolved in general. Kosovo is too far gone, Albos took it over. All I want there is UN/UNESCO protection for all the monasteries.
>Why is Moldova still a thing?
More meme than Belgium.
>WHy haven't the Kosovans been deported to Albania?
They come in as refugees fleeing Enver Hoxha. Then they breed. Then they want the right to vote. Then, by having 9 kids per family, they begin to have a majority in the Government. Then it goes to hell. Kosovo is gone, lad.
>Why isn't Constaniople and the western coast of anatolia apart of greece?
Because you can't nuke Turks, roaches survive radiation.
>Why is Cyprus a separate country than greece?
Turk niggers stealing rightful Greek land.
>Why doesn't the Soviet Union rule over Bulgaria and Romania?
Because it doesn't exist anymore?
Albo diaspora is hilarious.
Alexander the Great and his father were Macedonians. Why would you wipe this history from Europe?
You have the fucking flag of Chad.
How's about going back to a flag that looks different?
Yes. Alexander the Great is the father to those slavs
Yes. Alexander the Great of Macedon. He was a Macedonian. A great Macedonian. Keep your lack of knowledge to yourself Bulgar diaspora.
I always liked Montenegro. Best Balkan nation by far. The tribes of Old Montenegro > Yugoslavia. Fuck the Serbs for trying to denationalize you and turn you into urban gopniks.
Shut up South Serb
>Macedonians are the same as Greeks
Macedonians = Bulgaro-Serbian Slavs
Greeks = Greeks
>similar language
>similar culture
what culture
>only diff is flag
are you retarded
Kek, Serbs are based m8. They will be our only ally in the next wars.
>Allying with Vl*chs
What kind of delusion is this?I would rather get my country nuked from history.
Just 1 city in macedonia has more culture than your serbian shithole ever will.
You do realise that you don't have any friends , right? Even Russia threw you under the bus.
Why? I never met a Serb who wasn't all "PRAVOSLAVNA VLASI BRAT" with me before
Ohrid > all of Serbia cities combined
de ce nu dormi la ora asta?
Like i said i would rather get nuked.
>Muh Russia
When has Russia done anything lol?
Yeah,i never met a Serb who was not whoring himself out either,they are subhumans like that.What's your point though?
>i would rather get nuked.
be careful what you wish for, faggot
Why the fuck is even Montenegro a thing? Fucking mountain niggers
>They come in as refugees fleeing Enver Hoxha. Then they breed. Then they want the right to vote. Then, by having 9 kids per family, they begin to have a majority in the Government. Then it goes to hell. Kosovo is gone, lad.
You're probably going to have another war in Bosnia, and no one is going to stop this still
Shits fucked brehs
Bozgor from Vojvodina spotted, nice try Janos
You are Serb and you don't acknowledge vlach primacy??
Bozgors from Vojvodina are village niggers serfs,and i highly doubt they even own computers.Those who are not are all black metal goths,to the point it is freakish.It is not uncommon to find a Bozgor women with Silver or blue hair really.
But what makes you think Serbs love Vl*chs in the first place?Serbs are 90 iq niggers and even normies believe you are all Gypsies.
>albanians migrated into kosovo because of Hoxja
Kosovo was already 2/3rd Albanian before Yugoslavia. Why do you serbshits always spread fake news?
>Vlach primacy
Being the most developed country in South-Eastern Europe is like being the smartest retarded kid lmao.
Lmao it's the same in Romania. Most boz gors are edgy black metal weirdos who are physically unable to smile. I never understood why.
>don't smile
When people are depressed they don't smile desu. Considering those Magyars live in Romania I truly understand them.
Can anyone explain the stupid "diaspora" insult meme to a "dumb american"?
(p.s. pls don't get mad if I don't know anything about a shitty country in eastern europe)
Get out NATO Atlanticist
America is the greatest country in the world. It's power is unrivaled and i wish i was american. To compare "my" country... We should do what they say and...
t. burger diaspora
America isn't that great.
Because people who left their home country,but then act like they are still it's denizens and are still nationalistic about it are one of the biggest hypocrites.No one gives a fuck about diaspora who try to assimilate and mind their own businesses.
>America is the greatest country in the world. It's power is unrivaled and i wish i was american
Now replace america with X diaspora.
Yay....another thread about WHICH european nation has the most undesirables.
Pic related.
> Serbians are nomadic gypsies
> Romanians are gypsies
> Bulghars are crypto turkic gypsies
> Hungarians are Golden Horde
> Finnish people are mongols
> Germans are syrians and africans and turks
> French are africans and turks
> UK is pajeets and syrians
> Portugal is basically africa at this point
> Spain is Moors
> Italy is WHITE
> Greeks are turko gypsies
> Slovenians are Mongrels
> Czechians are subhuman slavs
> Polish are literally subhuman
> Swedes are muslims
> Estonia slavic, therefore not human
> Ukraine slavic, therefore not human
> moldova is turboshit gypsies
> Albania is WHITE
> Tunisians are basically White Europeans
> Egyptians are WHITE
> Americans are 95% monkey horde
> Argentinians are basically white
> Mexicans are subhuman tacos
> Japan is a based, honorary white country
> Austria is BLACKED
> Australia is CHINKED
> China is 200 iq masterrace
> Russia isnt even white, theyre yellow crypto chinks, also slav, so subhuman
> Montenegro? More like MONTENIGGERS
> Irish are subhuman slaves
> Belarus, slav, therefore subhuman
> Denmark is african at this point
> Iceland is based as fuck, everyone move there
> Lithuania is slavic, so it doesnt matter, kill yourselves
> Netherlands? more like Netherlandistan
> Andorra is cool
> Cyprus and sicily? whiter than germanics apparently.
> Syrians? all white with green eyes, you don't know history if you think otherwise
Did I get them all right guyse? Fuck the subhuman nonwhites amirite? White genocide when right?
White Americans are beta Europeans. Literally fucking basic pussies. Probably because the freedom has got to their tiny brains.
> Implying your IQ is above 85
> Is from US
> ???
>hides flag
>behind a nigger flag
how bad do you have it?
You must be one of those UK pajeets. Eat my sharts, chickenfucker. My iq is superior.
Almost as bad as you beta Europe fleeing savages.
Go feed your family on freedom, oh wait..
I'm actually quite comfy
nor have I fallen for the "3/8th Irish pride" meme
Anyone got any good Macedonian "we wuz" memes?
While Antifa are destroying history. Pussy.
>french mother
>german father
>decided to have kids in bulgaria
okay, please enlighten me on what to do when I live on the other side of the country in rural Montana.
Should I drive to Virginia and hold a torch for a few hours? Serious answers please, not more insults.
So what are you
hes a mongrel horde gypsy. Obviously.
I live in VA and was smart enough not to bother waving a torch in VA.
How about, work hard, get some money, save properly, no more buying random shit. Save up and go, get a plane, get a 5 star hotel, good justice warriors deserve these luxaries. Take your country back somehow. But denying neo nazi americans and KKK so the liberal media cannot denounce it, until it grows enough to become blatant. Be smart. Think.
Proud Macedonian-American reporting in. How is life in the old homeland. Any tales of everyday life or more?
>that much butthurt
>Proud Macedonian-American reporting in. How is life in the old homeland. Any tales of everyday life or more?
I see what you mean,
Are you retarded?
Stfu bulghar tribeland, turkic mongrel, golden horde rapebaby. I am of pure genetics, unlike you! HAHAHAHAHA! Did i mention my skin was white as milk, my eyes as blue as the oceans, and my hair as golden as wheat fields?
Get at my level, you're basically as black as Nigerians. gtfo Bulgnigerian
A bulgarian of french-german ancestry
Stat mad 56%ers
Pff shut up you beta yank fuck. Don't talk back to your European superiors.
Cry more it helps me sleep knowing that someone took this much time and effort to write a whole post about me
Being Bulgarian must be shit though not gonna lie..
He is clearly being sarcastic.
What's the deal with Bosniaks? I work with a bunch of them and they seem like nice people. I also work with some from Kosovo. Should I trust them?
And that's where you're wrong you filthy Shkije. Since birth the Albanian man is taught patriotism to the highest degree. The mere though of fighting, and dying for greater Albania is enough to wipe out the fear of death and the nothingness that comes with it.
The Albanian state is like Russia. It's a mandate made in heaven, the legitimacy of Russia is threatened by the fact Moscow and Kiev are apart. Only the union of the 4 great capitals will bring in the heart of Albanians the legitimacy of Arbanon.
The love for the country wipes out any fear, any hate, any rivalry between Albanian people. Blood feuds are immediately dissolved, squabbles are immediately resolved, every Albanian becomes one single collective, one bond as tight as that of atoms. Albanians were made for war and we will die in war, and there is no greater honor than the death for greater Albania!
has Serbia even recieved the idea of sarcasm yet? Shit you guys are nearly up to 17th century standards, keep going bro's. Only 4 centuries left.
Do you consider yourself Bulgar?
>son of croatian parents from apatin
>don't call myself croatian, at most I was considered "slavic" by my friends
>bulgarians in this very thread admitting to being mixed and proud
I've actually never seen this on Sup Forums until today. It's usually the opposite
Albania is fucking Muslim rape babies that fled there, how stupid are you Russians? Fucking cold war mindset.
Dunno where this meme comes from your life is as good as the work you put into it
I cant know i didnt even bother reading it since it looked like meaningless words
>The Albanian state is like Russia. It's a mandate made in heaven, the legitimacy of Russia is threatened by the fact Moscow and Kiev are apart. Only the union of the 4 great capitals will bring in the heart of Albanians the legitimacy of Arbanon.
That actually sounds pretty cool
I already answered your question
I have been to Bulgaria, I have not seen as much of a shithole since I went to Romania. Fuck, you guys are living in shit. Wish I could help somehow.
>german and french blood mix is somehow bad
Literally 100% white so whats your point nigger?