>BLOOMBERG: Wall Street banks warn downturn is coming

>Chairman of Rothschild Capital Partners, Jacob Rothschild, tells shareholders that the greatest monetary experiment ever conducted by central banks is essentially about to backfire

>CNBC: New home sales plunge 9.4% in June

Other urls found in this thread:

Rothschild Capital Investment shareholder report released in mid-august.

Rothschild Capital Investment shareholder report from last year, in which our very own Jacob warns of the unforeseen consequences of QE.

Like I give a fuck

Janus Henderson, whose hedge fund manages just north of $450 billion, warns of what's to come.

Normies aren't aware yet. This is when you profit, you dumb fuck.

The trump years will be ruinous

The Obama admin knowingly handed this shit package to the next administration, by forcing Yellen to postpone the increase in interest rate.

Murrica will blame Trump though, probably even worse than when they wrongfully blamed 2008 on Obama.

Maybe this financial crisis will tilt the world over to bitcoin and end financial crises forever.

As much as I love BTC, stay the fuck away from it before and during a market crash. BTC will follow the markets, especially now that it is in a speculative bubble.

The majority of the current BTC holders aren't using their coins, nor are they ideologues. They are in it for the quick profits.

What do you think is the first thing people will liquidate when they lose their jobs and get a notice from their bank that they are behind on their mortgage? They liquidate the least usable assets that they have.

What are the causes?

What does financial crash mean? What happens? Whats the sources? The financial crash is 'prices are too high'? People cant afford to buy, and therefore businesses arent making enough money, so business slows down, the jobs of the business slows down, means less money for people, means less buying, and thats the idea of the cycle?

And this is because_________?

They will prop up the market until trumps last year.

You all still have 2 years of boom left.

Get the fuck out before the elections.

Good thing we have Trump in office for this. Though the deep state will probably try to make a move. Get ready to march.

please bring it I always make more during the panic

>all those archives
>missing one link for archive
You aren't the real Norbro!

This is most likely, and what bankers I know are being told to prepare for by their higher-ups. The establishment will seek maximum impact in 2019-2020 in order to crucify Trump before the election.

Or he'll nationalize the private banks just like Hitler did in Germany which will bring us to WW3

What is the cause of the financial trouble? Is it solely, too much money exists, and too much of it is in too few hands?

The unarchived link is to Rothschild Capital Partners' half-yearly report page. Can't archive the pdfs.

what are you investing in. Gold? BTC? Shares of companies owning archiving software?

>relying on a computer made code

But the future looks glorious!

>Obama sends America in to WW2 debt levels to get over a recession
>Leaves the debt to his successor with a recession looming

What a cunt

What is the cause of the financial trouble? Is it solely, too much money exists, and too much of it is in too few hands?

save us trump

Yes, let's trust what the Rothschilds have to say. These fucks are just trying to spike the stock market.

Inverse ETFs. Currently gearing at 1:5. Will increase to 1:10 on friday this week.

See in regards to Bitcoins. As much as people like to brag about how detached it is from fiat, right now it's intertwined with the markets.

Too much in two few hands. Who's that guy who's the real life Gordon Gecko? He endorsed Bernie in the primary because only Bernie's policies would increase the Velocity of Money. Poor people spend money, creating flow. Rich people hoard money, causing the supply of money to dry up. Then they do Quantitative Easing which is a way of robbing all of us (by devaluing the money) and giving more to the top bankers (by printing more of it, which is what causes our money to be devalued). it's all a racket. Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum , which can't be devalued because there is a constraint on the supply!

Inverse etfs?

ETFs for shorting, also known as bear ETFs.

Mutual Funds traded like stocks that are built to have inverse correlation to market yields

Cash for Clunkers !!

Thank you
thank you, so strange I've never heard of it before

This happens every August/September i doubt it.

>interest rates billions pumped into the economy even though no one has felt it

>tfw global banking crisis causes trump to nationalize the banking system causing the jews to lose all of their global power

How can I make money off of this Norwegian bro

How do we profit from this money wise?

Man, I've waited for YEARS to repost this.
Time to warm up those Doompauls guys.

Buy Bitcoin.

BASED finance user.
Carney the leaf in charge of our BankofEngland has kept rates low for I.rates and pumped our tax-payer backed QE money to give to bankers to inflate assets such as houses through cheap credit and growing consumer debt.
Record defaults now starting
Look at Provident financial story just yesterday.

This will be bigger than 2008 crash for sure.
>How do we make money with this info?

Please show us they way.
How and what to pick.

How do you profit?

>YFW Trump ends the Fed

You take a short position.

I currently gear at 1:5. Which means that when the market declines by 1%, my funds increase by 5%. Vice versa. And it's reset every day.

imagine you are playing a real life game of monopoly with a huge board and millions of people playing, and it just so happens you and your friends were fortunate enough to be the role of the bankers. So things are going along, then you get an idea....hey... why dont you just print a shit ton more money, hand it out to you and your friends, and then live like kings? You can go around and spend it here and invest it there, trickling down your wealth onto all the folks of the land.

how does that work? you bet every day it will go down 1%? And if it doesnt you lose? Or just recently you went into this 1:5?

I just purchased $52,000 in Canadian mutual funds. Will I be effected by this?

The coming crisis will destroy social peace in countries and the global monetary system. New states will emerge in the West

>you bet every day it will go down 1%?

I bet every day that it will go down by any amount. If it goes up, I lose money.

Next day it's reset and starts all over again. So that the percentages of yesterday ups/downs are not taken into account. Which means you can either lose a lot of money fast, or make a lot of money fast.

Why would you buy in at peak?

We've been due for a correction for at least a year now.

Well, some user not versed in position sizing could find themselves into a 50x leveraged futures position.

Darwinism is still in play.

Everyone is broke and to combat this we've made up a term called quantitative easing which is a fancy way of saying 'print more money'. Municipalities will go bankrupt and then we are in Weimar republic territory. Remember to stay away from big cities and stock up on food.

if you're a very passive lay investor - you may want to look into if your broker will keep a sell stop order on the books for you at a certain price point. you'll likely have a lot of slippage in case of a sharp downturn or correction, but you wont lose your shirt. especially if you only check your account once a week or less

Well it could also be reasoned that people would use BTC as a safe haven as they have done historically with gold during these types of crisis. Gold did very well post 2008. I feel that some will use BTC as a hedge. It's far easier to cross borders with BTC than it is gold of like quantity. I feel after this ignites many will relocate and will use BTC as their method of asset protection.

it's always in play. wait until biz stops being crypto pump and dump and it becomes buy the bounce in a bear market emporium. there is a sucker born every minute

Guys, I think some crazy shit may be afoot soon. We're all fairly sure that the bankers are gonna pull the rug out from under us soon, but imagine, what if his agenda works? What if we start making our own money again? What if we prove ourselves against all odds like a certain other country did once before? They will bring their dogs of war once again to try and lay us low. Will we go quietly in the night? Will you?

Confiscate Jewish wealth to undo Jewish crash. Use the military. very simple

how long have you been doing this, that it will go down? Just recently started? And what exactly are you betting will go down 'the entire market' or like the dow or something?

Because the markets are overbought for one. The mountain can only go so high before the precipice.

You guys need to reread these documents, if I say anything past that thread will get shoah'd.
See pic related


Too much money has fueled rampant speculation. There is so much money that it's leaking into things like BTC. Company stocks have a price attached to them of what people perceive them to be worth, this is normally based off of "fundamentals" aka income and outgoings of money. Huge Profitable companies have high stock value and shit tier companies are worth pennies. The perceived value is usually measured in Price to Earnings Ratio. at the moment the stock prices are inflated so much from rampant speculation that they're totally desynced from reality. $TSLA for example has no fucking reason for being in the $350 range. It's hardly put any cars on the road, it's almost entirely hype. Compare that company to $F and $GM and ask yourself why is the stock so high?

FAANG is another example of a speculation bubble forming.

How about Bitcoin and Crypto currency so we do not have to worry about this shit happening all the time.

Have you ever made a considerable amount of profit doing this?

And where the heck would you even go to place these bets

This is either a clever short breakout strategy or you're going broke

Do crashes ever happen when it's displayed all over the news? I thought they happened when nobody expected it.


it is the stock market this time that will crash. get out now while you can.

I've been waiting for the right time to shoot my money into an inverse ETF for at least 2 years now. And I believe the right time was the 16th of August.

>are you betting will go down 'the entire market' or like the dow or something?

>new home sales plunge



tons expected in it 07-08 alex jones would not shut up about it back then

there were rumblings prior to the 08 crash as early as a year before it happened.


Day of the Rope when?

I'm going all-in, famalam. I've spent 2 years autistically going through international financial reports every single day in order to time this right.

It's a nice idea, but in reality, one of the major reasons why the market is so fucked is because there was so much money that was just sitting there as data in ones and zeros, so the traders didn't regard it with the same kind of caution as physical money, and trading turned more into a stimulant fueled gambling fest.

>computer made code
>computer made

please send reddit gold when you make the money

>A Bloomberg headline on the story was a notable achievement in the history of understatement. It read: LIBOR'S UNCERTAIN FUTURE TRIGGERS $350 TRILLION SUCCESSION HEADACHE


>Going back twenty years or more, the framework for hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of financial transactions has been fictional.

>We are zooming toward a legal and economic clusterfuck of galactic proportions – the "uncertain future" Bloomberg humorously referenced.

>Implying that exactly what Jacob de Rothschild wants to do.

I mean, read his shareholder statement up top. When even the IRL Mr Burns reptilian lizard king of international central banking is shitting on the system and calling it entirely unsustainable and primed to crash, you know something big is coming.

$100 in de-valued QE money says that Jacob has no confidence in the younger Rothschild generations and wants to print the central banking business ASAP so at least it's the state running it into the ground and not his useless heirs, who are almost certainly a crop of spoiled milennial brats who are probably barely suited to run the wine business.

you're not wrong on your relative timing. but depending on the instruments you're betting against, you might hang yourself before salvation comes. be careful!. I'd recommend reading the basic-every trader has read-market wizards by Jack Schwager and check out the Better System Trader podcast (even if youre not automated). Also, I'm sure you're aware once we go bear its sharp drops interrupted by bounces up, followed by shapr drops... and the usual range bound bullshit occasionally.

Right on schedule.

Globalists could not stump the Trump with
>Russian Conspiracy (failed)
>NeoNazi/Klan smear (failed)
so now we have them showing their full hand, they're going to crash the economy with no survivors in hopes to rid Trump and install a Macron puppet type candidate (though even Macron has veered off course lately, watch for more terrorist attacks in France because of it).

>economy crashes
>world experiences new Great Depression
>fascism makes a resurgence and dominates all societies
>right-wing death squads dispose of commie trash
>a new Hitler arises and leads the charge

i can't wait


If the economy crashes, it's Mutual Assured destruction for Globalism and Trump. On the one hand, Trump lacks the necessary proficiency and political capital to fix the economy. On the other hand, an economic crash would so utterly devastate faith in Globalism, as Globalism wouldn't be able to engineer an economic recovery under its current policies. Importing more low-skill labor and printing money don't generate economic wealth. Meaning Globalists are just as fucked as Trump because without importing low-skill labor and printing money, Globalism offers no new ideas.

Unironically, the Socialists will sweep total power at the expense of Globalists and Nationalists, if the economy crashes.

more like the 1% ends up controlling 99% of the wealth

kill yourself mexishit

I dont think you fully grasp how fucked we are. This is civilization ending and extreme hardship for the unforeseeable future. There will be no classes or political groups with which to dessent, as there will be no more government. Just bands of people looking to survive.

you forgot the "early onset dementia" meme

the rise of socialist globalism
>workers around the world, unite

If you were so meticulous in gathering this information, why you spreading it like wild fire in here now instead of building those gainz?

Reminder this gentleman has started shorting the market bigly.

post yfw Trump uses a financial crisis to nationalize the banks just before the 2020 election, completely removing the banker's influence, and then proceeds to use the nationalization to win the 2020 election, and then after winning election uses the Republican congress(now McCain and Ryan free) to repeal the 22nd Amendment, making him President for life

Also notice in this report, they dumped usd assets by almost half. In just 6 months.

ruinous for the leftists.

There are going to be right wing job programs.

By getting ... Buy low sell high... Its high right now

I'm okay with this. I can't imagine going back to cuck states of America.

Tell me, bros, good time to buy a house in the woods? Even at inflated prices?