guys, i'm conflicted...
on the one hand i'm a commie, but on the other hand i am growing more and more intolerant of sjw/idpol bullshit.
where do i go from here?
guys, i'm conflicted...
on the one hand i'm a commie, but on the other hand i am growing more and more intolerant of sjw/idpol bullshit.
where do i go from here?
Other urls found in this thread:
- Marx was a journalist spook working for wealthy elites. He was also a wealthy elitist and married into a banker/financier family.
- His writings to his father reveal he literally was a Satanist. Not exaggerating here.
His job was to undermine meaningful change and to make sure the masses never really went after the financial elites.
He and Trotsky were both journalist spooks, and therefore frauds.
The Bolshevik Revolution was about destabilizing Russia and murdering Orthodox Slavs because of a millennium of hatred between Eastern European Jews and Slavs.
Marxism and therefore communism are incoherent ideologies (his job was never to think clearly and devise an ethical or correct political theory) and ultimately they were a ploy to commit barbarous genocide against Slavs in Eastern Europe.
Marxism is murderous and not about stages of human development.
Communism is murderous and not about stages of human development.
Kindly stop posting your genocide-representing commie swastikas.
tl;dr Stop being a communist because it's historically ignorant and immoral.
Do you have any legitimate reason to be a commie that doesn't ultimately boil down to "some people are rich and it's not fair"???
Give up the commie shit? What's so good about redistributing everything you want from groups you hate anyway?
I'm interested, are all journalists frauds?
What is it about SJW/IDPOL you dislike?
Pure totalitarian like Stalin.
dialectics, my boy! dialectics!
>she/idpol bullshit
What did you expect?
Marx wealthy?
He was on the run from the cops.
Full fash. It's just way sexier.
Should probably stop being a commie.
Being arbitrarily told off by rich Californian princesses that resemble a gender-swapped Great Unclean One isn't getting anyone anywhere. Also there are 2 genders, fuck them.
I'm Polish, Ukrainian, and Slovak, and I say you are full of shit.
the fash in my country are incredibly scummy
you will grow out of marxism. just keep reading and eventually you'll realize its failings.
Fascism is down the hall and to the far right, lad.
>great unclean one
haha nice warhammer reference
So which warhammer race best exemplifies your idealized conceptualization of communism?
Political Correctness is Facism in disguise.
none of them really. i know a lot of people think Tau is, but they're more a Platonic/Confucian hybrid.
More like Tyranids
join the fascists and live to fight capitalism another day.
Think about this way, if a communist revolution were to occur today, it would be terrible for everyone involved and would surely fail because you can't even agree on one single reality. The only way communism would actually work is if it was much more conservative ironically. So the best course of action is join the fascists to fix society first, and then work on convincing people capitalism needs to end.
Most fascists are economically agnostic and they will do whatever seems like the correct course of action at the time. Most libertarians also aren't actually completely wed to the idea of capitalism and simply favour it because it is the don't tread on me economic system. libertarians would be open to the idea of mutualism if you can explain it to them long enough, they just tend to not like the idea of someone being able to confiscate what their property so as long as you don't do that under your system they would be fine with it.
In short communism the way the degenerate envision it can never work, but anti-capitalism still has a chance
either take the nazbol pill or the natsoc pill
communism doesn't have anything to do with social justice.
You're not a real communist. You're just another retarded teen edgelord, no different from sjws or alt-righters. You all consist the same demographic of faggots millennials who just want to trigger each other by adopting useless labels and larping like turds, just kys already
commie =/= sjw/idpol
>What's really difference between Communism and National Socialism?
To name a few:
>NS - nationalism based on race, not internationalism based on "class"
>Communism - race doesn't exist, workers of the world must rule over all other classes, dictatorship of the proletariat
>NS - Christianity is the official state religion
>Communism - atheism is the state religion
>NS - economic inequality is permitted, the race and nation are one
>Communism - class war, inequality is punished, kulaks must die
>NS - private property is encouraged, producer capitalism is favored, international finance is forbidden
>Communism - private property forbidden, without loans from international bankers communism would never have started or existed for long
>NS - race is real, gender difference is real, women should be mothers before being laborers, marriage is the foundation of society
>Communism - marriage non-existent, women are "equal" laborers to men, communal parenting, polyamory, degeneracy
>NS - the state sells off all its holdings in industry to private corporations
>Communism - all industries are taken and run by the state, through jewish party bosses who suck Glorious Leader's dick
> Marx was a journalist spook working for wealthy elites. He was also a wealthy elitist and married into a banker/financier family.
>His writings to his father reveal he literally was a Satanist. Not exaggerating here.
>He and Trotsky were both journalist spooks, and therefore frauds.
>The Bolshevik Revolution was about destabilizing Russia and murdering Orthodox Slavs
>they were a ploy to commit barbarous genocide against Slavs
>Marxism is murderous and not about stages of human development.
>Communism is murderous and not about stages of human development
>historically ignorant and immoral
TFW eating cheap propaganda for breakfast
Atleast eat some decent propaganda faggot
You're not the only one on the left comrade.
>BASED Left but not lefty/pol, anti liberal/sjw/lunacy themes.
>"National Socialism is just (((socialism)))"
Marxist (Left) socialism and National (Right) Socialism are "antipodal zeitgeists engaged in dialectic". That's a fancy way to say they're opposite ideologies designed to clash, like Yin and Yang.
NatSoc was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while Marxist socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on racial identity. Socialism, in contrast, was a class war between workers, bosses, and owners (Capitalists), aiming to build a workers state in which race and gender were insignificant. Socialists, especially Marxist socialists, were anti-religious atheists, whereas NatSoc went so far as to make Christianity the religion of the state.
The differences go on and on: Marxist socialism was internationalist, NatSoc was nationalist. Marxist socialism was egalitarian, whereas NatSoc believed that nature was unequal and required competition. Marxist socialism wanted to nationalize all private industry, while NatSoc privatized every major industry except the railroads (it considered these a military asset. In fact, Hitler once joked "they didn't need to nationalize property because they nationalized people". NatSoc drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class-focused socialism as a non-German ideology.
You idiot, JFK even makes a joke about how the capitalist New York Globe could have prevented Marx if they'd simply raised his allowance.
Marx's critique of capitalism has been true, is BASED if you read it without muh commie over your eyes.
His solution or someone's solution shouldn't detract from his initial BASED diagnosis of the inherent problems with capitalism as a means devoid of any moral or ethics other than
>Muh free-market profit.
You need Socialism balanced with private ownership and some capitalism.
NatSoc redefined socialism as "Germanism/Volkism", which they saw as "producer-oriented capitalism", as opposed to "Jewish capitalism", aka, international finance, globalism, wall street, etc. In theory, NatSoc economics was a version of Keynesianism, tailored to the Völkisch nature of whichever people adopted it. Its not one dogmatic economic system,and Hitler often joked that the lack of a specific ideology was their strength. NatSoc could be more "free market" as Americans know it, or less. But NatSoc is always in favor of the Volk over economic identity, of "producer capitalism" over "finance capitalism".
Hitler tried to clarify the distinction in 1938:
>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
You go centrist. Alt right cucks will be wipped out in a year so you dont want to be on the losing side (again). And liberals are batshit insane and are worse than 1944 nazis. So stay centered and stay home.
Probably NazBol. But who really fucking cares at this point. Just go out and do something about the SJWs and Non-Caucasoid causing bullshit in what should be our land. Most importantly DO SOMETHING about it because non of us can have our ideology if we don't enforce our claim to our land.
>>where do i go from here?
you dumb nigger. sjw/idpol are distract people away from LABOR issues and WORKER emancipation. the marxists absolutely hated that and they routinely criticize progressive liberals and one who believes in any sort of idea of racial, individualistic, civil liberties and whatnot within capitalism as freedom
isnt /leftypol/ anti /idpol/?
>The Bolshevik Revolution
This is the most retarded post I've read on Sup Forums in a while. The sheer fucktardedness of it all has me reeling with REEEEEEEE!
Screen cap and save with the other blithering idiot conspiracy theories.
PS: If you're not al;ready hopped up on serious meds, see a professional right away.
Well if they are, then cool.
Step back and take a look at what's actually going on.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I think you'll find that there's a lo of difference in what Hitler claimed to do and what he actually did for the people of German. Much of the money he spent on the public went to building statues and monuments for himself.
help us kill the SJWs and then go back to peacefully doing your commie shit.
This. Also the average Americans understanding of socialism/communism is exactly what they want you to think
Trotsky was a nigger.
>im a commie
>wat do
Kill yourself to reduce the overall death and suffering in the future. You could be a hero.
We are coming for you too
Become NazBol or Juche
Wasn't his mom always hounding him to get a job.