Diversity yes!!!! Check out Twitter. It's starting to turn into a race war black vs Latinos. Many are complaining why not a Latina actress?
The new Starfire is black!
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No sir.
sounds pretty black to me
they couldn't even cast a light skin black?
if you think this is bad, look at who they cast as domino for deadpool 2.
Don't worry, they'll have at least one white man on the cast. He'll be the token homosexual. The white woman will be dating some nigger.
I don't really give a shit what race they cast orange-skinned aliens as, since the TV show is too cheap to bother painting the actress in every scene. Might as well make her black.
Pretty accurate if you look at it from the point of english comprehension
wow so unique and progressive
Starfire is a alien with orange skin who cares. Maybe they should have got a light skinned black
It's okay, starfire already isn't human
>I don't get it
Stop pretending you fucking faggot.
>It's starting to turn into a race war black vs Latinos
>alien with orange skin
They should've casted a Mexican.
I do not care
should have made beastboy black
it would make a lot more sense.
Games industry is losing money doing this shit but they don't care
The red-pilled Japs at least know how to cater to their fans where as Western devs are just throwing a bone to a very small yet loud minority of gamers in order to virtue signal
if they make a movie around MLK can they cast a white trans woman that's disabled
Are we supposed to be outraged over a show that none of us watch? Sounds like reverse feminists bitching about video gaems
>watching super kiddo marvel shit
And seeing how Mass Effect Andromeda killed a franchise and a studio, some of the western devs are also trying to stop the hemorrhage.
It is much easier to put orange makeup on a white or an Asian, so what are they really thinking?
perfect role for that startrek bitch
should be hispanic
Put the JUST haircut on it, it'll be perfect.
Holy shit....
Black women are massive whores, it fits the character.
Niggers consume the most media and women buy the most frivolous advertiser products. Solution is don't worry about cape shit.
She got burned during the atmospheric entry I guess.
Hopefully this won't blackfire on them.
They're so unattractive, they can have a body that hits the specs but they never look desirable.
Beast Boy is going to be played by a Pigmy Negrito.
Starfire has never been attractive no matter how much of a slut they made her. Bitch is orange.
Makes perfect sense!
They couldn't at least cast a hot black chick? The main thing about Starfire is she's supposed to be hot.
they better not cast raven as a nigger
I was about to say, she's ghetto named after a fucking spice
Damn. Gimme sauce so I can fap already.
>mfw I realized this generation's Dragon Ball Z is Teen Titans.
Don't watch TV, it is bad for you.
>black vs Latinos
Haiti vs. Dominican Republic
Lets join the Mexicans, start arguing with the blacks on how Mexican women are just far prettier and don't have the facial features of a literal primate
i hate kikes. every fucking time I have the misfortune to view mass media, it reminds me why i hate kikes
black vs Latinos
A Latina would have been perfect for this role, this character is literally designed to be a slutty piece of eye candy. A sheboon is going to be horrible miscasting.
Still, good thing if it creates Latina/ black tension.
Teen Titans was part of the same generation as DBZ.
Teen titans aired its first episode years after dbz aired its last.
It won't. It'll just make latinx hate the white owners of showbiz more. Pandering to blacks when the character should clearly have been played by a latina.
I'd rather have latinos than blacks any day. At least they have good work ethic and their women are pretty.
For her sake I hope she doesn't have to do any of her own (((stuntwork))). Hollywood just isn't safe for WoCs.
Depends what Latinos you got.
No its just that all the artists in the west especially in shitholes like California get brainwashed.
Its not like you can say take this design back and rework it so there are no niggers in this day and age
That was annoying but at least I never gave a shit about domino, more amped for cable and hopefully they add slapstick at some point.
Until they get pretty old
Starfirefags btfo
Raven confirmed best girl
Someone seriously died because of """"equality""""?
Pathetic shit.
Let's get Antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
Let's also get George Soros what he deserves for financing violent domestic terrorist groups:
Sign and share please!
Maybe they'll paint her skin orange and do CGI glowing eyes. That'd be pretty funny.
Welp, i'm done with cuck titans.
>how to spot the spic faggot who is trying to turn america into mexico
any white man would rather take 11% nigger than 30-50% spics fucking retard spic.
The best part?
Domino isn't even black in the comics. She's pale white. They went so far out of their way to get diversity that a unqualified stuntwoman is now dead because of it. She didn't even die in a crazy dangerous stunt or anything, she was riding a motorcycle going about 35 on a perfectly straight and level road.
I won't watch any movie or show with a recast black character.
Not even to make some sort of
>vote with muh wallet
statement but rather that it's just impossible for me to enjoy the movie with that level of kikery anymore.
That plus a slew of other things has made me watch maybe 5% of the amount I did 4 or 5 years ago which I guess is a good thing for me to substitute with more productive things anyway.
I'm hoping parents doing the same thing with their kids and turning off the Jew Tube has contributed towards this Generation Z coming up.
starfire is an orange alien, not a white human you fucking spergs. jesus christ right wing sjws are worse than the commie ones
>soft spoken, naive but passionate qt
>cast a brash ugly negress
come on
Nigger you are mistaking the cartoon with the comics, starfire originally was a massive whore
holy fuck
lol sure thing, Jamal.
Took me a goddamn minute
>spic faggot thinks it's jamal
hey you stupid fucking spic faggot niggers aren't becoming 50% of the population while your subhuman kind is.
>niggers are remaining at 11%
>spic trash are trying to hit 50%
>SPICS ARE GREAT t. spic subhuman
both of you need to die, but spics go first
No, it really doesn't. Mexicans are humans that you can reason with. Most niggers are baboons that are an anomaly in society. Simple 3rd grade math can prove that if the black population were to rise just by 10% in America, it would be a disaster economically and socially.
Internationally other races are basically babysitting blacks, even in fucking Africa. (The Chinese tried to help them but quickly realized the only way to deal with these things is to colonize them), which they are doing now. They do not contribute to any society they enter, they help the GDP grow a bit but then set the country on fire socially, even in fucking Japan.
Do your research on Africans before you start comparing them to beaners. One is SIGNIFICANTLY worse for a society. Just because Africans can be ''entertaining'' does not mean the statistics are wrong.
Just as long as they don't fuck up my pale-skinned goddess, Raven.
Poor little Iron Boy
So starfire in an illegal alien now ?
Yeah, so it's totally okay for her to be a coal-black negress with huge biscuit-lips and twin-turbo nostrils
starfire is an orange alien, not a black human you fucking sperg
That bitch is so black, she could leave a fingerprint on charcoal
I wouldn't mind if she wasn't ugly but both Starfire's and Domino's actresses are ugly.
as far as world population goes Africans outnumber spics and whites combined
More reasons they should cast a Mexican qt
They will have a black robin soon.
When will they make batman black?
I hate to say it, but actually this.
Gross, a squat dark negress.
I just won't watch it. Hahahahaahahah
lol what does Sup Forums and Sup Forums think of this?
No way... this has to be a coincidence.
Probably next year, also the joker will be a neo nazi and Robin will be faggot LGBT supporter, and he will be white as fuck of course
Marvel is fully on board the cuck train dontcha-know.