Seriously, What's Wrong With These People?


This thread is intended for armchair psychologists to take a deep dive into the psyches of members of the Communist terrorist organization Antifa.
Real shrinks may post but they have to identify themselves before commenting and post a timestamp over a scrip of oxy with today's date for verification.

To my eye they all show signs of both retardation as well as fetal alcohol syndrome. I don't know if they should rightfully be called "FAS Retards" or "Retarded FASers", though. I'll leave that decision to those with fewer credentials than I.

Other urls found in this thread:


No seriously...

Who wants to get on the Rebel Media boat with me?

Cultural revolution syndrome
Ultra left education resulting in extremism

They are hungry for an enemy to fight just like the rest of us, but they've been brainwashed into loving the enemy standing in front of them. Therefore they have to create an enemy, and they are cowards so they pick people they don't think can fight back. Conveniently they are also very dumb and so they don't pick wisely.

There's a certain level of repressed anger and sadism that comes with anyone joining a group centred around illegal violence. And yet, they also need to feel good about themselves and be able to morally justify their actions.

It's hardly surprising. Young people always have a thirst for revolution, and the greater the narrative you can create for yourself, the easier it is to justify your involvement. If you sincerely believe that the history of this country is some 250 year long conspiracy, and you are among the few people who see the "truth" of it all, then you're going to feel strongly about combating it, and get evermore frustrated when your attempts to convince others fail. You also have the fact that young men are still establishing themselves in the world. You hardly see guys in their 40s-50s engaging in this shit, because most of them have nothing to prove. Older men are past their peak testosterone levels, and likely have a family with a relatively stable lifestyle, and modest future for themselves, which makes it a lot less likely that they'll get swept up in it. You'll notice that a lot of the older guys who are trying to "lead" a revolution have nothing else in their life. They're not respected by their colleagues, they make no contribution to the world, or their field, and likely have an unsatisfying personal life.

It's easy to convince people prone to mental illness that the world is out to get them, that there is no hope of climbing the social ladder, that it's not worth climbing the social ladder, and the only viable thing left to do is destroy it. It's especially easy with people who lack social experience and skills, because they don't know any better, and they can project all their problems onto everyone else

>Cultural revolution syndrome
That would go along ways towards explaining the low, guttural "Fuck boomers!" sound they make.
The consensus among armchair anthropologists is that this has something to do with status signaling in preparation for mating.

Are there any armchair lexicographers here who wants to take a swing at a proper collective noun for them?

I think you've cured me of my Naziism.
Thank you, user.


>He got cured from being a racist right-wing retard

>Cultural Revolution
Too bad there is nothing for them to revolt against.

They're weak people who can only suppress their insecurities within a group that rebels against any authority because said authority is the root cause of their failures and its removal would therefore free them of their insecurities.

Americans have it far too good.

Seriously, we have the highest standard of life on the fucking planet and this is true despite any fucking memes and that's both a good and a bad thing.

Americans are overstimulated and propagandized quite literally from birth. In America, a large percent of the population leads largely sedentary and peaceful lives; they or their family own or rent property, they have every convenience available. They have no demons. They have no great battles to fight, no great enemy like constant poverty or war that's on their home turf. A huge amount of the youth sit all day in front of a computer and play video games and shitposts. They are by and large unaware of the affairs of either or own government or yours.
But then that ties in to the propagandizing and the stimulation. It's north korea tier in a very disarming, very sneaky way. Every american is told they're the fucking best and you can be whatever you want and that might makes right and this is drilled into you constantly among with a steady force fed diet, even in young schools, of preservatives and chemicals and cheap corn and sugar and mix a growing predominance of absolutely shovel forced 24/7 culture that glorifies violence and acting like a gangster you have a generation of strung out monkeys needing stimulation but having no great battles, no demons to fight.

So they create them. They imagine scenarios for themselves to create oppression where there is none, and then they scream at 100 other addled monkeys. Feeling the pins simply because there is no knife. They feel without purpose and they're not enough to create there own purpose in a world of plenty, so they take the easier route of "fighting oppression" and "sticking it to the man" all while being in the pocket of the latter the entire time without realizing it. Since their plight is imagined, their hate is misdirected, and since America is drugged, they all go insane.


Single mother victims, Marxist University education, media propaganda. They're paws of das juden.


I think I'll start using that.


Well, okay. First you have to know who these people are, were they grew up, hat their lives are and what else they support.

Right now we know a few things.
-They're mostly middle-class, lower-middle-class.
-They're young, between 16-25, some of the dumber ones are 25-30.
-They don't have jobs(specifically real, stable jobs), don't own any land or property, they live with family or they go to liberal colleges they don't pay for.
-They sometimes work in places that require some kind social interaction or "creativity"(lol).
-They're not prone to reason or logic, and don't possess a lot of self control.
-They often get offended and lash out unreasonably.

My best guess considering the above is that they're completely insecure individuals.

They have no reason to be proud of themselves or see themselves as strong, so they gather up in groups trying to mask their weakness, like zebras.

Their lack of self control and emotional instability is what causes this sense of weakness, which, in turn, causes them to lose trust in themselves.

They're too insecure to make their own choices and try to reach personal conclusions, and thus refuse to do research in what they believe.

They'd much rather somebody tell them what to do in simple terms and lead them around like children.

When the marxist professor gives them a simple direction, an enemy, and the promise of being pampered by communism as they were when they were kids, they jump right in the wagon.

TL;DR Their insecurity turned them into the perfect communist. A slave, unwilling to seek his own future out of fear of failure, and willing to be a servant in exchange for somebody directing their "worthless lives".

SOLUTION: "The Game" "Dark Souls" "Dwarf Fortress". These are all games that force you to learn how to lose properly and get back up.

Once they apply that in real life, they'll find success.
Then they see themselves as strong.
Then they become Right Wing.


what the fuck

>"Dwarf Fortress"
The only thing you'll lose is your save game from using traps. TOADY HURRY THE FUCK UP

You don't need shrinks, you need philosophers. And not "philosophers" that teach in college. They are the product of decades of progressive education and german idealist philosophy the USA imported after the civil war. The same basic ideology that motivated the Nazis/brown shirts, the KPD/Roter Jungsturm, and the bolsheviks.

They are practicing everything they have learned. Everything they have been taught. Believing that objectivity and logic is impossible, they do not try to reason about political questions. Believing that a man is nothing in the face of the community, they do not concern themselves with an opponent's individual rights. Committed to action based on feeling, they respond to disagreement by unstopping their fury. They have dismissed the view that society should uphold freedom of thought; because they have rejected free thought outright. Fundamentally, they reject it on the grounds that thought, as such, is a waste of time. Why think when you can feel? When you can believe? When every would-be thought in your skull is not your own, but an attempt to guess and imitate the thought of the person standing next to you, or at a podium in front of you?

It doesn't matter what you lose, the beauty lies in the fact that you learn how to deal with failure despite low self esteem.

After that, you stop being afraid of failing, and you have the chance to undertake challenges are responsibilities that will get you moving forward in life.

The only reason Sup Forums isn't a lefty site is because we always viciously attack, mock, and beat each other down until we harden the fuck up.

This makes us resilient as fuck. We simply do not give a fuck about losing.

Low self esteem people need to make something up about themselves so they have worth. Saying "I am so accepting of all races and see no color!" makes them feel holier than thou. This was seeded by virtually every movie and tv show having, at least a sub plot, where a cis white guy was being mean to a brilliant, lovable dindu or pickle sniffer.

Read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, it explains leftists pretty well. TL;DR version: they are losers with a massive inferiority complex and take joy in dragging others down to their level. That's why they love trannies, niggers, third world immigration, etc. Any time they see beauty, strength, success they are compelled to destroy it.

this is a direct result of children being raised without fathers.


I have, and he does.

Dear god did you just recommend Dwarf Fortress as a means of helping people?

That sort of shit is how you end up with babies being dropped down a 10 story tall chute onto a pit of spikes in the middle of a malls food court.

Paid protesters. Period.

maybe it's just a woman

>That sort of shit is how you end up with babies being dropped down a 10 story tall chute onto a pit of spikes in the middle of a malls food court.
Whoa, metal!

But yeah, you can have any game you want, as long as it's hard enough to frustrate you as well as keep you playing. I just chose the harder ones I knew of.

Dark Souls is actually how I got a friend out of crippling depression and into a manageable enough state to recommend him a shrink.

I'm a psychology student and I told one of my professors about this. He still congratulates me then proceeds to make fun of me.
Said I did right tho, so good enough, I guess.

They are criminal degenerates who want a moral justification for their shitty lifestyle

did you just assume xir gender shitlord?

But seriously, that spike pit is considered a good thing built to help the dwarves.

Dont even get me started on farming sentient mermaids for bones so you can make trinkets to sell at the gift shop.

They're also physically unfit
Drug abusers
On Pyscho medications (from AntiDepressents to sleeping pills to ritalin to hardcore antipyscotic meds) cocktails most of them, combine this with them not being honest about their street drug use with their doctors and they become unbalanced
Most were picked on, victim complex, most everyone is picked on, but we don't all take on complexes, some of us become alphas and most get used to a comfy place in the social hierarchy, they haven't found that spot
Unbalanced brains are constantly overstimulated by todays age not to mention University political ideology, which creates a volitile agressive mental state
Then there is the group dynamic and echo chamber effect which pulls them further down the ideological rabbit hole, and this especially effects them because unlike us, once again they're not comfy in social hierarchy and they're emotional needy so unlike us they constantly seek each other out IRL and online (not user) for reinforcement which creates something that is almost a different species from what a Sup Forumsack right winger is

High empathy + relatively low IQ.

High empathy doesn't mean not violent. Think of a fucked up dishwasher who punches someone for yelling at their own dog. These are genetic losers who had small balls from the start and most are fat, so any little thing like bpa hormones in plastic will fuck them up because it stays in their system longer due to the fat and they are more hormonally sensitive.

On top of that we may have a mouse utopia style genetic crash in progress. That's one theory as to why the mouse utopia experiment went the way it did, the strong alpha mice were outbred by beta mice with genetic errors because there were no predators. Mice and humans accumulate genetic errors at a fairly close rate. People died young if they were weak and women had like 12 kids, so again very similar to mice.

So presently with the humans all the beta males have bred a few generations in a row and now everyone is fucked up and getting weaker. Look around, see many people without glasses? See many people without braces? See many people who could wear 1800 clothing while going on a sleigh ride and not die of hypothermia? People aren't getting stronger. Their brains are fucked up in subtle ways too. Probably accumulated genetic errors.

The skull and bone types may be playing the long game by importing muslims. The whites fell into a pattern that will result in an unfixable genetic apocalypse that can't be stopped. The muslims believe in having multiple wives if you can afford it. They are dumbasses but they aren't headed into genetic oblivion so they are being installed as our replacements as we all die a quiet genetic death.

I just made that last part up, but it could be true.

I met an antifa once, he had tourettes. No big mystery, the guy had a serious case of tourettes.

>no shitposting
good luck with that boi


Recommend a read?


Your bigotry will NOT be tolerated

Fuck you! Now I have to reinstall it and play again!
>physically unfit, Most were picked on,
Combine that with a naturally weak will and low self control and you can understand why they need a nanny state like communism.
They want to be pampered slaves because it's easier than being free.

>constantly overstimulated by todays age not to mention University political ideology, which creates a volitile agressive mental state
That only applies to weak willed individuals though.
No matter how much info you get, if you're confident enough to trust yourself to reach accurate conclusions, no amount of information is enough. The only problem is DISINFORMATION that only affects the strong for a very limited time.

>Then there is the group dynamic and echo chamber effect which pulls them further down the ideological rabbit hole, and this especially effects them because unlike us, once again they're not comfy in social hierarchy and they're emotional needy so unlike us they constantly seek each other out IRL and online (not user) for reinforcement which creates something that is almost a different species from what a Sup Forumsack right winger is

Good fucking God, I could not have said it better myself. You get a medal.

On a side note, I think we need to get more Kek threads.

Say what you will, but having a religion, even(especially) a mock one, would do absolute wonders.


Just extreme r-selection. Read "Anonymous Conservative's" book on r/K selection don't just listen to the online simplification of it.

Whatever is degenerate is good because it breaks down standards to make lower quality people and non-competition normal.

That's all that's to it. Not psychology, an evolutionary biological strategy towards a lower quality creature. This is the result of welfare, non competition.

>That only applies to weak willed individuals though.
>No matter how much info you get, if you're confident enough to trust yourself to reach accurate conclusions, no amount of information is enough. The only problem is DISINFORMATION that only affects the strong for a very limited time.
I agree.
I meant that you should take that into consideration in conjunction withwhat I said prior about how they're literally chemically jewed in the mind

Drug addicts and general degenerates who fail at life, petty and passive aggressive personalities, resent happy/successful people, drank the commie koolaid, now larp as activists to give their life meaning and self worth

>High empathy

There's the possibility that they might be faking high empathy, though.
Liberals DEFINITELY fake it, only to reinforce their own selfishness.

I think they merely try to adopt empathy to reinforce their motivation.

You saw the one about an ANTIFA member stabbing a horse, right? Or the one putting poison in meatballs and throwing them in dog parks?
That doesn't look like empathy.

Besides, empathy is pretty related to IQ, so the smarter you are, the more empathy you should theoretically have.

>in conjunction withwhat I said prior about how they're literally chemically jewed in the mind

Oh yeah.
Kinda reminds me of the conspiracy theorists of the 60's. The tinfoil ones.
Cult followers too.
It's basically the same kind of people.


a former friend I knew used to be a fun person and then someone close to her died and she didn't know how to handle it. Disappeared for a few months then came back
>Living with parents
>Blm supporter
>Wage gap
>Fuck the police


They are controlled by their handlers. They refuse to pursue actual human rights issues and only focus on shit 300 years old.
They have no free thought


>the need to feel morally superior to others
>making enemies out of average joes who just voted for Trump (there are no actual bad people in society so they have to make up false enemies; they can't feel superior if they have no one to compare themselves to)
>virtue signaling on social media (side note: think of virtue signaling in combination with instant-gratification culture; they want to feel like they're doing something good without putting any actual effort in, all they did was change their profile picture)

Paranoia / schizophrenia:
>"everyone is racist"
>inventing false problems like "the patriarchy", "institutional racism", "transphobia", "internalized misogyny", etc.
>believing there are nazis hiding around every corner

>Good fucking God, I could not have said it better myself. You get a medal.
That phenomena can not be over looked
All those negative traits I listed don't apply to everyone in the group, some are very healthy in mind and body at first
Moldylox for example. How does someone like her get to become that?
Consider women. They're emotional. To be desired by others is their prime evolutionary development.
Now, imagine you're in University, and you here how horrible whites are. You feel horrible because you're a sensitive woman, not a strong and resilient man, you never learned to question authority because you're a woman and not made for that therefore you don't question what the teacher says while at the same time you're being told "You're a special individual" so they believe what the teacher said about this or that is now their independent conclusion.
Now, you feel HORRIBLE for what whites do, and everytime you hear your professor say "white" it's like a stab in the gut.
But wait. This time it didn't hurt. This time something was said afterwards to alleviate the pain. This time she said "White(ouch) male(huh?) patriarchy(yes!)
You mean I'm NOT to blame? You mean I don't HAVE to feel guilty? You mean I'M OPPRESSED TOO!
Can you see where I'm going with this?
Once that white bitch crosses that corner she then gets radicalized by all the mentally unstable retards that make up the bulk of those groups and next thing ya know your fisting your hairy pussy for pennies online to piss off the patriarchy or some shit.

drug addicts and faggots who blame others for their own failures

>empathy is pretty related to IQ, so the smarter you are, the more empathy you should theoretically have.

IQ and empathy are totally unrelated concepts. 146 IQ. Pretty close to zero empathy.

back to r/ with your retarded gifs

You know what happens to others just choose to ignore it.

You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums

Never played DS, im gonna torrent it right away

Its generation wide OP but I'm taking a different route and fingering pic related and similar writings as the culprits. I remember enjoying this book right after high school as it gave more depth to historical figures and it argues against US textbooks making the founding fathers & great leaders into perfect, flawless legends.
The consequence of this has been the 180° reaction where if a historical figure or anyone has a spot on their record, they should be reviled. Reminder that Black History Month has the only current representations of historical figures without negative qualities.
>"MLK was perfect in every way, we need him back in the worst way baka"
>"Lincoln may have freed the slaves & beat the confederacy, but he said the *whisper* n-word to win southern votes so he's a racist, probably sexist and a transphobe too!"


a social manifestation leading to the coalescence of the individual imaginary audience. some might go as far as to say a case of folie à deux

it gives him confidence. dont be so homophobic, op

> (You) #
>>High empathy
>There's the possibility that they might be faking high empathy, though.
>Liberals DEFINITELY fake it, only to reinforce their own selfishness.

Well yeah, but they don't know they are faking it because they lack depth for self reflection and tend to group think. Like in r/K theory, the r's group-think a lot and their mind spins making excuses and they don't know they making excuses so they make great useful idiots.

So they seem to try to act like they have a lot of empathy, like not wanting to eat meat because an animal might die, but they view the outgroup of meat eaters like wolves and don't share a human level of empathy for humans outside the group. And they are contantly making rules to see who is in the group, so authoritarian bitchy tendencies. So yeah maybe it's just the shallow appearance of high empathy rather then a deep healthy self/other reflecting kind of empathy.

I'm just armchairing but I think it could be something like that.

if you don't agree with them they're convinced that you're either a bad person or can't comprehend their point of view

I would worry that accepting it as a case of folie à deux releases the media from their role in this issue.
It really does look remarkably like brainwashing when you take it all in totality.
I can't find the info off hand but as I recall fullchins exposed BAMN as being fully a cult at their upper levels.

for any who may not be fully credentialed as an armchair shrink.
"folie à deux," or shared psychosis, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief and hallucinations are transmitted from one individual to another.

Well said

young faggots raised in public schools taught by marxist faggots

they "learned" that history was about the white man and Christian religion oppressing women and all the other races

they learn to "think" that removing the white man and the Christian religion will make the world a better place.

thoroughly degenerate faggots think they are "on the right side of history" when really they have just become violent virtue signalling slaves of the kikes


Pretty good.

This is accurate.

This guys IQ looks below 70. Like dressing himself was an accomplishment.

As someone who actually studies psychology I think that the man probably had no clean underwear, but really wanted to go this rally. So he took his mothers.

Or it's a tranny.

Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit it to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems.

The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a baggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.

Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or racists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.

It's just a degenerate. Ooooo these panties will really make me feel like a badass at the rally! oooooooo.
Antifa Baby!!!

>On Pyscho medications (from AntiDepressents to sleeping pills to ritalin to hardcore antipyscotic meds) cocktails most of them, combine this with them not being honest about their street drug use with their doctors and they become unbalanced
>Drug abusers

This. Depending on your mental illness, with Anti-Depressants, you'll either get numb to all your emotions, psychotic tendencies, or they'll make you blue-pilled as fuck. Combine that with the ever so spoken by idiots: "Weed is natural and safe bruh, it reduces high anxiety", creates a cocktail that will change your core beliefs and ability to stand by your beliefs without a community of people to support you.

Clarifying how Anti-Depressants can effect you to the point of blue-pilled, imagine all of the emotional extremes you feel. 100% energy dedicated to being happy, angry, etc. Medicines such as Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Prozac will effectively reduces those impulses and energy to a level that you'll agree with the non-confrontational, or rather "going with the motions".

It's a disgusting waste of time to use them as they will rob you of your time, energy, pleasure, and dreams/goals in life in such a subtle way that even if you are warned, you wont notice it until you are going through withdrawals. Even going cold turkey will require 6 months to get 100% of your emotions back. I didn't get the feel of being hypo-manic until 4 months after going cold turkey, I was uncontrollably happy that day to finely feel something.

This is also the reason why most ANTIFA you see are ugly as shit. It's like they specifically recruit people they KNOW are insecure.

I'd say, make sure you're not repressing it.
It's possible not to have any, but high intelligence leads to high levels of association.
Association(finding common traits between yourself and other people/things), is the core of empathy.

Whatever you do, don't quit it until you finish it at least twice. No matter how impossible it seems to get.

>like not wanting to eat meat because an animal might die
Vegans and the PETA cunts have nothing to do with empathy though. It's only self righteousness. They try to show people how nice and good they are.
That asshole, Peterson said it best: It's a religion.

What I want to know is how to get them out of this state where they want to be slaves.

I'm still working on a way to break their mentality, but it's hard.

I'd say you could challenge them to better themselves and break free, but the problem is that if you're not very close to them, they just ignore you and shun you as long as you're not absolutely necessary to them.

Maybe feed them a little cocaine for starters, to keep the dopamine going?

If they find themselves in the shoes of the "oppressor" they might see shit differently.

It's a poofter, simple.

Also, you have to know, empathy is absolutely NOT a bad thing. It doesn't mean you're weaker in any way, but means you can get a lot closer to your own side and understand the other side better.

It doesn't stop you from following your conviction.

LOL Palestinians getting cucked good.

all the countries around Israel are weak as fuck. the jews rekt all of them at once.

That boat is sinking faster then the Titanic.

If you sincerely believe that the history of this country is some 250 year long conspiracy
>t. masonic Jew
This country is founded by Freemasons and the Banking Elite. You are a fool to buy into nationalistic ideas. Stay asleep goyim.

Drug problems
criminal backgrounds preventing employment
no hope of climbing any meaningful ladder towards success
narcissism. want to dress up and appear to be something edgy
victim complex. no belief in themselves
disorganized lives make them ripe for indoctrination into an org that gives them places to go and things to do with others

most importantly, just dumb. seriously. they can't articulate coherent ideas. much of what they do manage to say is so convoluted and patently false it can't stand up to debate. no one wants them, no one wants what they are pushing for (destruction?) Their end
game is simply attention. They are being used. All the weaknesses of humanity are on display with antifa and they aren't aware of it.

first post best post

thats a shitty shoop

you people are like retards

real answer: they are jewish bastards
no larp.

>They are being used.

>implying there's not a few pairs of lace panties being worn by people in this picture

>leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups
I would not go as far as say they identify with others as much as they truly lack a sense of identity for themselves. As I mentioned prior ( ) , they seem to be acting out a collectivized battle of the juvenile/pre-adult ego

>implying there is

Innocent until proven guilty, but I suppose a leaf wouldn't understand or care about that,

Free Uncle Ted.

Is that a Xhe/Xer or He?

I just want to thank the bong and the burger for the effortposting threads yesterday.
this thread's a blast because of it

>This. Depending on your mental illness, with Anti-Depressants, you'll either get numb to all your emotions, psychotic tendencies, or they'll make you blue-pilled as fuck. Combine that with the ever so spoken by idiots: "Weed is natural and safe bruh, it reduces high anxiety", creates a cocktail that will change your core beliefs and ability to stand by your beliefs without a community of people to support you
Personally, I've done two bouts w/ Antidepressants: Zoloft and Welbutrin
I also volunteer w/ addicts who have mental illnesses (dual diagnosis)
My experience, from what I've seen. this is what your typical person on Antidepressants does.
Takes pills. Makes no other improvements in life. Drinks. Take drugs. Street drugs don't allow the prescription to work properly and need to be reported. They don't monitor their mood and side effects like they should given they're on psch meds. Tell Dr. they're not working. Get higher dose or new script. Repeat.
That's a recipe for disaster.
Here's what I did:
>depressed since young but dealt with it
>decide going to do something about it
>make great lifestyle changes, feel great
>great feelings fades, still depressed, so I know it's not addiction or lack of fitness or poor eating or sleeping because I'm doing all that
>learn CBT
>feels good
>get script, take drugs while living well and doing CBT
>feel better on low dose while monitoring moods and seeing Dr regularly
>Year later taper down
>6 months later off em
>3 years later still feeling good
That's how they should be taken