Since Mount Rushmore hosts 3 racists and 2 of them are slave owners...

Since Mount Rushmore hosts 3 racists and 2 of them are slave owners, it's time to take the mountain down and replace Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln.

Who do we put on there?

1. Teddy
2. FDR
3. Kennedy
4. Obama

Those are my 4.

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FDR was racist too though because of how he treated the Japanese. I think it would be better if it was

obama, ophra, bruce jenner, hillary clinton

they would have to paint obama's face black

Teddy and FDR were racist as fuck

LOL at Obama the most racist of them all

incest is approved

Lyndon B. "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for 200 years" Johnson

Sylvester stallone, arnold schwarzenegger, robo-teddy roosevelt, and rocky dennis

>Who do we put on there?

Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Cochise & Standing Bear

>FDR was racist too though because of how he treated the Japanese.
FDR fucked over blacks, black farm workers were denied SSNs and were thus excluded from the new deal,

also he created farm subsidies and paid farmers who employed large numbers of blacks to not grow their crops so they could fire the staff who would be encouraged to move to another area to work a factory job

>plant tannerite bombs on, in, or near faces
>busts crack and tumble, leaving ruins
>blame antifa and BLM

if this happens, would they even try to repair it?

Internment of the Japs not racist at all. Kill yourself.

It's HER turn bigot

1. Trump
2. Trump
3. Trump
4. Trump

please don't do this when you become a majority

1. Kim
2. Kanye
3. Kaitlimb
4. Soros

Move to Moldova

1. Trump
2. Sam Hyde
3. The ZimZam
4. literally Hitler

>Who do we put on there?
1. Donald Trump
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Bald Eagle
4. Ford or Chevrolet logo

Teddy was a racist, put MLK instead

3 majestic kim jong uns and a Putin

John Wayne and chuck norris

Jay z
Lincoln stays cause he's racially cool

>all natives
What are you an ethno nationalist or something?

>racist ass white presidents
don't think so my nigga
1. MLK
2. Malcolm X
3. Rosa Parks
4. Tupac Shakur

Just one

When are we going to remove this state named after a slave owner?


Pic related, though I swapped out the car logo for another Trump, so he could bookend Hulk and the Eagle.

>take the mountain down
>kek you gonna pull it off it's shirt hanger?

holy shit the shills today

sage sage and sage

sall gay

3 different angles of Reagan and a Trump

Andrew Jackson
Ron Paul
George Lincoln Rockwell
Donald John Trump



>1. Teddy
Ted Kennedy?

>celebrating the original neocon and an Israel cocksucker
Oh I sure agree my fellow based magapede XD

In reality it should be Washington, Jefferson, Coolidge, and JFK. Andrew Jackson would be cool too.

FUCK YOU, OP. THIS IS A HISTORICAL LANDMARK. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN MOVE THE FUCK AWAY, LIKE GEORGE CLOONEY DID. Oh yeah, that pussy moved back to L.A. from England because he got scared of all the illegal muslims.... Fuck libtards.

I'm ok with taking Lincoln out and replacing with Grover Cleveland.

Young Jackson, General Jackson, President Jackson, Post-Presidential Jackson

Let the niggers have the 20 dollar bill, we'll take Mount Rushmore, all 4 faces

Aunt jemima

happy merchant

FDR put klan members in Washington don't you forget

I REALLY like Jackson, even though people won't support this, I unironically would.

So you would remove slave owners and choose someone that put over a hundred thousand natural born u.s. citizens in concentration camps. You are Fucking Dumb.

Bugs, Rosie, Scooby Doo, and SpongeBob

Her name is Caitlyn you bigot.


1. MLK
2. Harriet Tubbman
3. Obama
4. Kim Kardashians ass and legs

Live stream liberals climbing it and chipping it down with pick axes.

muh nigga


Real racists the left love

OP neck yourself you scumbag

god is this going to be the location of the final stand?

Kim Kardashian
Chairman Mao
Ethel Rosenberg
Ron Jeremy

It will be a fitting tribute to our age.

Refer to bottom left "Post-mModernism"
>Undermine old order
>Undermine culture of host country
Semitic Marxism in action

That was carved into a mountain sacred to Indigenous Americans, the whole sculpture is symbolic of white supremacy. It should be restored to its pre-defaced state and $50 billion in reparations should be paid to the Lakota tribe.

Shiny beads and blankets will be fine.

Teddy Roosevelt was THE leader of eugenics in America