What's up with the feminazis?

Can we go back to like the 50s when all women had to do was serve their man and take care of the home and children? That would be the life for sure.

sage incoming

Sure. All you have to do is be an alpha male and stop acting like a little whiny bitch.

>he thinks the degenerate trend can be reversed
How adorable. I remember when I was delusionally hopeful too.


I'm literally a female.

Isn't weird that feminists are called feminazis? I thought nazism was supposed to have a positive connotation around here. It's almost as if the internet's whiny-child train has eaten its own tail.

>you have to be better than most other men to deserve a woman who sits on her ass all day while you pay the bills

you were a mistake

It's a term much older than pol itself

How many of you fucking faggots can even support a whole family with 2-3 children? How many of you are mature enough to handle the responsibilty for your family's survival? How many of you have ever hit a human being, if you are so sure of beating your wife?

A real man, ironically the one who could do all those things, wouldn't blame the women, he would blame himself. He would take responsibility and man up. And women would follow.

You are just manchildren whining about women, even in the past your wife would have cheated on you and taken liberties. Men in the past kept women because they were men.

Nah not really it's from before massive newfags like you were pushed out of a sweaty cunt

Haha yes I suppose so

>man up
hi ugly woman

You arent alone, user. I want this too. Women need to band together to figure out how to turn this around. Maybe some forum geekery like leddit and IRL meetups would help.

I'm a man with a wife you faggot, I was the sole breadwinner for a while and let me tell you it's not the heaven you think it is. Most modern faggots would never be able to handle it.

Yess I can't be the only woman who is happiest submitting domestically to her man. There has to be more of us out there.

We need to chain you fems up in bed and teach you how to service us again, and remind you what truly makes you happy.

I'm not denying any of that lmaooo

All sane women are like you.

They don't speak up because they don't want society to shame them and call them whores.

This is truth. I tried to ignore the money my men made in all of my LTRs and ended up being the breadwinner most of the time. I am single now after realizing this would make it impossible for me to take any time off to bear children let alone have even a very modest wedding. Its tough out here. Im not a golddigger, but hes got to have a stable income if were going to be able to procreate.


(forgot to add)

It's a catch-22.

Women can't speak up about what they really want. Feminazis are literally ruining everything. They need to be stopped.

Literally I'm shamed for not doing my own thing or not keeping my man in line but I love doing what he wants. I love cooking his meals and doing his errands. It's why I'm here. To serve him. But I get shamed for it And i just don't get it. It makes me so happy, how can it be wrong?

I can't speak up. You are treated like a brainwashed freak if all you want to do is cook, clean, make babies, and tend to a healthy sized garden. Im angry and feminism for convincing me that a career, leftist college brainwashing, and dating broke betas with trap fetishes would better my life.

We'd need a tax code from the 1950s to afford such largesse.

Forget the stable income, the man cannot afford to ever lose his job. He needs to have a trade, skills, hunger, determination. He needs to diversify his income, because he will have to somehow make money to send two kids to college and support his wife in old age. Diversifying income is not easy.

Not only that but the man needs to have enough strength left over to satisfy his wife. And be a good, strong father figure.

For example, you would have to quit vidya cold turkey. Most people here who talk shit could never do that.

Its Fucked. My grandfather used to be able to beat the shit out of my grandmother and she has had several broken arms because of it. Now I get fucking arrested just for spitting in my bitches face. Fucking utter cunt she is.
50s is life mate. Oh and the women who didn't obey - suicides. No questions asked. Fucking pure bliss.

Feminazis need to have their platforms removed.

Honestly, I have a theory that they are the jealous fat women that no man wants, that's why they speak up against "the patriarchy" to basically ruin all the fun actual desirable women will have.

Because they're too fat and lazy to put the cake away and go to the gym, they have to ruin everything for Michaela.

Thats a US problem. Over here women are heavily praised if that is what they want to do. Hell, if you want a HUSBAND and not a walking atm most women will admire the shit out of you (even if they treat you like shit, thats just what eomen do). In western europe its also sort of like you, but mostly just in germany, uk and big cities. Even in most of france its still fairly ok for women to be like that.

Time to abandon ship.

>she has had several broken arms

Injuring your wife is the sign of a degenerate lowlife piece of shit. Any man worth his salt should never give her any visible injuries, much less actual bodily harm. Slaps, carefull aimed punches. What did he do, break his kids legs?

Guess it's time to move. I just want to be a domestic housewife. Is that roo much to ask?

I've thought about moving but family is so important to me and they are already very far away. Unfortunately in one of the most liberal shithole states in the US. Im planning to join a gym so I might meet some men who also care about health and have conservative values. I cant bring myself to sink to Tinders depravity quite yet.

Get government out.

Not to mention I am a patriot and actually care about my country. I know it needs me here and I dont think it would be right to abandon it in this mess.

Your country is infested and infected. If you want to be a housewife its not your job to fix it. It should be the men. Therefore if you want to stick to your beliefs, you should concede...giving them up.

So yeh, for any woman wanting to be a housewife, I'd say its time to move. Otherwise a similar fate to women in Germany awaits you - thinking their only way of being a housewife is marrying muslim and then finding out what that really means. Then usually suicide.

You're a nigger.

Wow I wasn't aware of this.

then you need to sit your ass down and shut the fuck up woman. get the fuck out of pol we dont need you here. go back to kitchen you subhuman.

The sign of a productive and well respected society is one in which the wife and child if disobeying, receive physical punishment and injury as a reminder. This is the ultimate redpill on family and respect. The weak die. This theory spills over into homosexuality and gender confusion. And those who support it. Zeig heil

>all women had to do was serve their man and take care of the home and children?
Have you tried Islam? Ask your onetis to marry and she will be so afraid you will splash acid on your face she will accept. Once you are married you are allowed to beat her to keep her in line and if she commits adultery people throw rocks at her until she dies.

Gyms are full of the worst manchildren scum. Most men are there to get their lives back on track. Many of those diverisfy to other sports when they do that. Also a lot of degenerate chads in the gym. The virgins will likely not even talk to you, while the chads will pretend they are. Overall, tinder is a better idea, because it exposes you to the same men, just quicker so you have a much bigger pool to sift through in finding the diamond.

Heavily consider okcupid or something if you are ready to go through hundreds of creeps.

Sure, I can respect that. Still, consider at least marrying a foreigner. America is made up of european foreigners anyway, its the same genes, but at least we still hold those values.

If you need them to have lasting injuries to remind them to fear you, you have failed. Slapping a child is much more effective than punching it.

You are just a larping faggot if you dont understand these basics.

>consider being a degenerate piece of shit just so its acceptable to psychologically abuse your wife into some form of a relationship

Gtfo mehmet, real men dont need some faggot ass backwards pedo religion to make their wives obey because they could never do it otherwise.

I'm thinking of abandoning ship as well, but I'm not originally from the US anyway. You don't make as much money in Europe, but how can you put a price on coming home to a traditional happy wife and happy home? (Or at least have the chance for one)

America is just getting more and more debased.

So youre a female who actually wants to go back to the 1950's where women were mainly home makers?

I just dont believe you. Im going to need a tits and time stamp.


tits AND gtfo

Lol yes really. I know it's like a rare thing in the US now a days.

>you dont make as much money in Europe

Myth. Moreover, in many EU countries life is much cheaper.

Standard of life is better here, in the end. Shit, I live in the poorest country in the EU and i can confidently say I live better than 80% of your middle class.


>Treat women with respect
>Give them bodily autonomy
>Give them social autonomy
>Give them economic autonomy
>REEEE why are women acting like men and trying to make something of themselves?
>I need a nubile young wife!

There are two of us here and this is real as fuck. Women are hitting peak feminism. It wont be long until more of us come around and start begging for redpills and traditional families.

you have failed the basc tenets of a conservative upbringing. An unscarred child is a failure as an adult. An Undamaged wife is poorly disciplined

you are half right.

women dont love men, women cannot love men. they love what men can do for them and they confuse that with actual "love". men can love women, men can love children, but women can only love children, they do not love men the way men love women.

with that said, when you finally understand how they think, then it's apparent that any woman who doesnt support feminism are idiots (they are morally righteous, but in practical sense they are dumb for not taking advantage of the system). we are literally handing them the cake. they'd be stupid not to eat it.

that's ultimately what women love doing, they love taking over things, they love controlling things, but they HATE putting in the work to earn it, unlike what men have been told. so when there is a political movement that's aiming to MAXIMIZE their privilege and MINIMIZE their responsibility, both fat whales and skinny stacy alike will rally behind it.

nowadays tradcon women are actually not smart (again, i have a lot of respect for tradcon women, but in terms of maximizing their gain, their strategy is not effective nowadays). the really smart women play feminism to their advantage, fuck all the way when they are young then if they play their cards right and are careful enough, they can stick to a good landing by late 20s and get a beta buck and pop out a few kids. once the kids are out, she has total control and can give you the ultimatum whenever she wants. ive seen it played out over and over and over.

It's so nice to find another like minded female

Wtf has feminism ever done for us besides try to convince us that getting CEO jobs and fucking trannies and never having kids would be the epitome of happiness. Its disgusting.

why the fuck would you trust a woman anyways, dont be a dumbass, THINK.


You dont need a shitty backwards pedo religion that will make your life a poverty ridden hellhole to realize where womens natural boundaries are.

Go convert niggers, they are stupid enough to fall for it.

Im just not some poor, uneducated fuck. You hit your child for discipline reasons, if you need scars you failed the beating in the first place. The difference between conservative and uncivilized is small in this case.

You are a disgusting lefty shill

so basically sucking blood is intelligent to you?
nice niggerposting

>You dont need a shitty backwards pedo religion that will make your life a poverty ridden hellhole to realize where womens natural boundaries are.
The state of the west and Asia shows that you do. Society needs rules to justify keeping your wife in line, when religion outright says "men have to keep their wives in line, by force if necessary" otherwise you end up like Europe where nobody gets married and birth rates are below replacement rates.

Well bless your fucking souls then. Unfortunately it is getting harder and harder in the US to pull something like this off however. If you live in a cucked state like CA then hubby is gonna have to pull in 100k+ a year.

Those times back in the mid to early 1900s it must have been nice. Dude could make a living a buy a house just being a show salesmen.

the screws are getting tighter and tighter as time goes on.

I've got 8 figures of wealth and would love to meet a young woman with conservative values. Young is less than 25 by the way. I'm late 30's

is that is how muslim loves, now i understand why you explode when you hate.
Actually you hae women fucking pedohomosexuals

I've been through the gf cycle in the US

step 1: Treat girl exactly how you're supposed to. They're happy.

step 2: They tell their friends intimate stuff about your relationship (I guess that's just what they do, can't change it).

Girl's stupid brainwashed friends go, "omgosh??? whaaaat???? He treats you like thaaat? He makes you do whaaat? Dude. He's a sexist. Yeah. He's a sexist. Like, he just doesn't care about you. Yeah, he just does not give a fuck about you."

You think, "ok, she's smart. She'll realize her dumb fat ugly friends are just jealous." But nope. Dunno why, Western girls can't beat the brainwashing. They start to think when you tell them to get on their knees and you move their head to your crotch, you're "objectifying them," and that they should hate it (even though it makes them dripping wet).

It's like, in any group of friends in the USA, 90% of the people are brainwashed morons. It's inescapable.

I'm looking back at my home country where the situation is not so overly cucked and I'm thinking it might be time to leave the USA.


Why did you think I asked, dummy.

I DONT trust women, especially these days where 1 out of 100 is a keeper.

In the end, this is the internet and they cant do shit to me here anyways.

taking advantage of dumbasses when the oppurtunity presents itself is smart, dipshit. if you dont look out for yourself, nobody will.
you can live a life playing by the rules and get nothing, or you can learn how to cheat the system and get the most for yourself. because everyone is doing it, you're the actual dumbass if you havent gotten the memo yet you fucking product of precum.

>im actually advocating beating your child and wife, just in a civilized way
>lefty shill

Right, you just mad im calling you out on your degeneracy, scumbag?

And the state of the east is better? Dont make me laugh. If islam is so glorious compared to christianity, why are all muslims desperate to leave their shitholes and come to ours?

I don't doubt it, friend. Even the place I'm considering moving to, the housing is much cheaper. Even if the paycheck isn't as big, you can afford much more, which in the end is what actual wealth really is.

Lol I can vouch for this. But I try to fight it and end up losing my friends. It's shit.

You're belittling Nazis when you call feminists that

Fuck that alpha male bullshit. All you have to do is act like a man and women will fall in line.

This is where I grew up but I live far away now. You're right that its cucked. I definitely feel the pressure is on but mainly because I get older every year and I want to have children before 30ish. Luckily I live in a pretty conservative area but theres also a college nearby so LOTS of libshits everywhere.

Stop answering her you fucking cuck

My bad

>Go back to 1950's everyone's happy
>it stays the way it is, remain single, no one nagging me and telling me that I must have brown grandchildren or I'm racist

either way is fine

first of all, if you DONT trust women, why the fuck would you bother asking her since any of her answers are automatically invalid. who's the fucking dumbass now?

What are you considering? Keep in mind, there are places in europe that are the same as usa, some worse. All of germany for example.

>If islam is so glorious compared to christianity, why are all muslims desperate to leave their shitholes and come to ours?
Higher standards of living in the west as well as getting free shit from stupid countries.

A lot of slide threads tonight. I gotta remember Cali timezones.

The higher standards of living come from lack of Islam.

If its just from colonialism and imperialism (taking shit from stupid countries) why is Turkey fucking shit? They were the ottoman empire, they bled us dry for 400 years.

Go piss off and convert people to your pedophile warlord religion elsewhere

you are.

because again, this is the internet dumb ass.

Am I signing some sort of contract by talking to a possible female on here?

Sorry not sorry for wanting to work together to find ways to preserve white American families. I know abaout this rule but sometimes this is the only place to speak on these topics without being banned or shunned. If we are going to strengthen our culture and win the culture wars, we need to be able to work these issues out. /rant

I don't want to say because mum's the word if you know what I mean, but it's somewhere Eastern Europe (where I'm originally from).

Almost completely white and Christian + some distant relatives.

Would rather not have Jews figure out where to send the next batch of "cultural enrichment"


>I´m a gril btw :3

I can do whatever the fuck I want you cock smoking faggot.

Literally all media geared towards modern women has feminist underpinnings, can you really blame us from coming here to try to figure out what men seek in a tradcon waifu? It will help us redpill our feminist friends when we go back out into the world thus strengthening our fight against Marxist bullshit.

Anywhere eastern europe is fine.

God speed czech/hungary/polandbro. Most of those countries are heaven right now and going up. And the rest are ok.

This rule exists for a reason newfag.

Now go and pay a hooker for eating her out, that´s the female attention you need.

I have to say you are less annoying this time around attention whoring.
At least you're not flaunting all the marks your bf left on you when taking you to pound town.
And if you believe anything you say start working on making those white babies.

Thanks bro. I am guessing you are German? You need not confirm if you don't want to.

God bless you.

>be me, fall for the chastity meme
>turn away every guy who wanted to date me because they were all "ooga booga muh dik" after a week or so despite being white Christians
>men don't want to marry anymore and do stupid shit like MGTOW and tug it to anime cuckold pictures
>24 years old never had a relationship or sex

Living in the 50s might not be bad compared to what my life has become. If I had known it was going to be this difficult I would've just sucked a spicy dick when I had the chance back in my teenage years. Now I've sunk all this time into being a virgin, it would seem wrong to just throw it away for no reason. And I'm getting old. Just fuck my shit up.

HAHAH that is cool... but don't worry though most likley I would be in the one in the kitchen making the sandwichis xD

right because nothing communicates to other people that you cant argue for shit by just replying with your faggot ass "you are".
since this is the internet, there is already a high probability that it's a larper. and because women are not trust worthy, does it fucking matter if whatever the other person saying is true? like is it going to bring back uncle ben if you know she's a real woman peter parker?
the answer is no. so why are you even paying attention to what appears to be a "women" at worst and a larpers at best?
because faggotry runs in the family, let me just cut you off here.

I get enough attention you fat bastard.

Im having a conversation and Im going to carry on with it whether you like it or not.

Shit. I don't know if that's a LARP but I feel for you.

I pray that all your wildest dreams come true, and life doesn't disappoint you in the slightest.

Stop romanticizing the 1950's. The family unit was already being destroyed by that point.

wasnt this bitch posting earlieer today?

You asked a question. I answered it.

Why am I even paying attention to you?