Perception Management Agenda PEDO GLOBAL CONTROL TAKE DOWN

Dear @PuttItOut

Following our conversation, the mods continue their power struggle.

It's beginning to look like they have some kind of perception management agenda, taking control of the public forum of consciousness and censoring critical and liberating information.

This post was deleted

Freaking Epic Sup Forums Thread which covers ever aspect of Pizzagate and then some!

Here's who is causing the problem and starting to cause a stink among The Autistic Kingdom. @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @sensitive @Crensch @Honeybee @heygeorge

Signed Sup Forums

Perception Management on Voat

A few old school voaters are messing with this sub and have mod positions. I made a bait post bringing them all out which worked obviously. These are people who support pedophiles such as /u/Hecho and are pretending to be anti-pedo just to gain a voice and influence here. You can see users such as /u/Gabara and /u/ExpertShitposter

here is that recent post. These are the main people who controls what people see nearly site-wide. Their connections go to a group of about 30-35 power-users who can all be find by looking at the subs they moderate.

This sub started out great before the hostile take over of Sup ForumsProtectVoat mods, who are not honest nor care if pedophiles get caught, and they have associations with known shill subs such as Sup ForumsSoapBoxBanHammer, Sup ForumsSoapDoxBanHammer, Sup ForumsRidersOfTheReich and are on a quest to demoralize pizzagaters.

What happened was these trolls made a bunch of new accounts and spammed and caused a problem only they could fix, so the sub was handed over to them.

Pedo sympathizers run this sub. They are desperate to look genuine and use upvote brigades to reinforce their fake popular opinion. you can see them in this thread all doing their thing. I even called them out there and they missed it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. Keep it up OP lets put these bastards away

>Liev Schreiber alludes to child abuse on talk show

>Sup Forums finds even more photos than pic related to prove need for investigation


At the end of this video, it talks about one of the fans of the Hampstead cults artwork being a psychologist...

This is important, she worked with the Mohawk children of Canada...

They were put under MKUltra... The Queen visited them there...

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Abe The Handler Laughing

The children who discussed heinous abuse, were under the impression babies were killed but what if this was part of the MKultra apparatus to terrify them into submission?

Crowley Christ Church Choir Boys Singing Manson Lyrics

Christ Church Hampstead Promoting Evil?

Why the hell would the church of England, allow people singing out Manson to record in their premises, as well as The Hellfire Caves (connected to Crowley)

Let's think about this for a moment...

Why does the school have an upside down cross?

Why does Chelsea Clinton wear an upside down cross?

OK, now consider this...

A very well respected Journalist in the UK actually blocked a parent of children who attended Hampstead on account of him and his followers views on child abuse...

What's weirder still, is that the very same trolls involved with Hampstead, are also involved with The McCann case and The Holie Grieg Case.

The School erasing teachers from their records when the scandal broke

Ricky Dearman erasing records of his connection to 88-90 Hatton Gardens, which was a few months later robbed, the men involved said they had previously found child porn photos of a tory MP

Damp-eyed Ofsted shows its caring side

School with a literary bent wins place in inspectors good books 1 Jun 2006

‘Excellent’ pupils win praise from inspectors

School head appointment: parents entitled to an explanation

Row erupts over school’s new head

Train to teach in West Hampstead

HAITI Clinton Foundation Connection...
Music Changing Lives won the George H. W. Bush Daily Points of Light award in 2012. They also either ran or are still running orphanages in Haiti and have been promoted by the White House in that capacity.

Here is a tweet by a man named Jeff Horseman that links Bruny to Hillary Clinton:

Just spoke with Josiah Bruny, one of the people who will meet with @HillaryClinton in Perris tonight.

Apparently, Ricky Dearman, the father who was accused in the Hampstead alleged satanic abuse controversy, has worked for Bruny making promotional videos for his Haiti orphanage enterprises.

Ricky Dearman has been involved in the powerful Ching Hai Supreme Master extreme criminal religious cult, of which he is a member, as both otherwise known and as indicated by himself on his Youtube actor's portfolio as regards his work as an anchor on their TV station.

Over the years, the Ching Hai sect has funnelled heaps of money into 'charitable aid' and other programmes in times of catastrophe, such as in the aftermaths of tsunamis and earthquakes.

In that respect it has provided monetary contributions as well as field workers to orphanages in Haiti.

In what became the Whitewater scandal, Ching Hai donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to President Clinton's legal defence fund.

Gerry McCann 'smirk' for 20 seconds?

Robbie Parker Laughing (Sandyhook)

What are the chances James Alefantis (Comet Ping Pong) and the Sandy Hook parents would be in the White House on the same days?

What the hell is someone working for this uranium agency doing parked at James Alefantis' "museum"?

Witness the nuclear fear scam. Scientist eats uranium.

Dr. Strangelove - Water Fluoridation


Who's Abe The Handler?

Involved in Hampstead Case



HAPPENING: The Final Key To Bringing Down The Entire Establishment

Is Skippy going to flip and sink the whole operation?

Are you a human or a robit?

Well I am no robot ...


Got any proof? Pic maybe?

Ehhhh yeah, that's not happening.

Whaddya want, a cabal to capture me?

Wait! I do have proof

Besta Pizza has a Sphinx in it
Ping Pong Video posted 2015

How could a picture get you captured?


Hey if you're a legit white hat/good guy/occult killer, you believe Anonymous5 is pretty legit right?

What about "Deep Researcher"? He's a Christian IC member who's had enough and helping us out - he revealed OBama was always a CIA agent - which checks out over the many years of study of how Obama came from nowhere to become the most powerful person on the planet.

3) Also, what about Podesta? Is he "free", but will soon blow the whole operation? If I could compare him to anyone, I would compare him to that Chinese dude on the television that the Joker pointed to and said, quote - "I know a squeeler when I see one." For all his pedophilia, John Podesta is a definite squeeler.

4) Is Civil War coming soon? Is Soros too powerful because Trump's family has too many connections with Soros?

TELL ME - WHY HASNT DELTA FORCE/SAS/ ST6 or any other most secretive spec ops group in the world taken him out? Is Anonymous5 correct that Soros has too many trapdoors that will be activated and powerful people will be killed, from heads of Delta Force leaders, to FBI leaders, to CIA leaders, to SAS leaders...etc, etc, etc?

Thanks for answering the questions.


Sadly v

Pgate is infested with covert shills and disinformation agends :(

Lifting The Veil On Pizzagate

Rod Rosenstein is a scumbag rat for appointing mueller.

Political Confessions

What are the chances James Alefantis (Comet Ping Pong) and the Sandy Hook parents would be in the White House on the same days?
ETI (ID: /B2db1wt) KN 08/19/17(Sat)04:59:23 No.138149156▶
What the hell is someone working for this uranium agency doing parked at James Alefantis' "museum"?

Yea I read that post few days ago.

Can you answer my questions though. Half of that stuff is really confusing and I need more time to follow the rabbit trail.

I want to make sure you're a Good Guy and confirm that Anonymous5 is a good guy too, because I trust him - but I want to verify.

Are you with the Group '3'?

Or a former Rothschild?

Whoever you are, thanks.

HAPPENING: The Final Key To Bringing Down The Entire Establishment

I will return in a few hours to answer questions...

Have been doing this for 20 hours.

The above post is most important.. In the context that, if weapons are fake and the public know, they have no laundering system for the masses of money from other nefarious activities, the house of card collapses... Their ponzi scheme, implodes.

It's all tied together...

Anon5 hmmm Nah CIA

Why has jeff sessions been neutered and why haven't we arrested the corporate neo marxists yet?

Do you believe politicians have any real say?

I don't know, I just discovered this thread and i'm still learning and researching the subject. I use voat.

Ok, thanks.

Lol, CIA? Come on, bro. I don't believe the aliens seeded humans bullshit b/c the BIble is true and Jesus is God, so Revelation is true as well and the Antichrist is coming (prob. Obama). So the alien stuff, I question as a PsyOp or Anon5 has just been lied to by the people he infiltrated. But to say he's CIA , nah.

You gotta give me more proof than that, b/c you and him are both helping uncover PIzzagate so why would you discredit him, unless YOU are a COINTELPRO as well?

I'm not accusing you, I'm just trying to get perpsective.

For example, Steve Pieczhenik is former CIA black ops, and he tells the truth about CIA and Mossad doing 9/11 and the JQ as well, but even I know he obfuscates history (like how he says JFK was crazy/bad needed to go) because he has to maintain cover.

So - I think Anon5 is totally legit and he's above any CIA bullshit, which is a Rothchild creation. Unless you have proof otherwise.

It's hard to tell who's running covert specops these days.

>going offsite

Nah, you want my help, you find me here or in the deep.

CIA is an old hat organisation, in it's final death throws.

Besta Pizza Sphinx Postcard Explained

Granted, true.

But that doesn't correlate whether Anon5 is CIA? I mean he never talks about Tavistock, but its because no one asked him. You have to give me proof, man. I mean, worst case scenario, Anon5, "is" someone who has AI computer like he said and is 120 years old and has infiltrated the CIA and every NWO organization since he knows "Power Structures", and he's actually preparing the world through soft disclosure for Project Bluebeam. That's my opinion, IF, he is 99% percent telling truth, and 1% lying.

But, is he really 120 years old b/c of secret life healing tech the NWO and Rothschilds kept from humanity? So many questions I have...

I mean based on Anon5's last post about Charlottessivlle, he knows what's going on and he also knows about secret tech they keep hidden like "They Live" glasses.

120 isn't that impressive

Socrates was well over 80... lol

I've been at this game for a decade and a half because I'm not stupid, user.

They are all CIA

Whoa, that 120 year old Daoist looks 70. Hmm, makes sense. But does secret life-healing tech exist that is being hidden from us? ANd is the secret space program real? And there is advnaced tech like free energy 9/11 weapons that they hide from us too, right?

Ok, If they're all CIA, why should i Trust YOU?

Seriously, you gotta convince me. B/c now, I dont believe anyone. You have to convince us that you are right and Anon5 is CIA. Because he does say accurate things, and some alien shit of course is shit- i mean they might exist, but Antichrist and Jesus are real and the NWO is coming. And Project Bluebeam is going to be faked and Obama is going to be elected as the world leader and he will be invaded by Lucifer himself as Revelation states. We just don't know when or how it's going to play out.

I don't know if Soros is planning Civil War first in America and then Russia and China will invade us.

A Beatle Named Tavistock

In the future: don't summon me if you're just going to push offsite

You should know the nature of the cards.

Haiti Eathquake - HAARP

Chinese Earthquake - HAARP

9/11 - HAARP + DEW
Hurricane Erin on 9/11

Nose Out


2001 A Space Odyssey

Secret Space Program

Jack Parson, Disney, Wernher Braun

Stanley Kubrick

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2015-08-18 10:30
Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)
Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.

Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.




Little Caesar Pizza (The Masonic Secret)

Ok, i got the 9/11 TV stuff was faked. That's true. But Anon5 said that it was a mini nuke placed on the bedrock . Is that true? There was thermite (BB-18) that Mossad planted when DRONES (not planes ) hit the towers.

RIght, it was military drones that hit the towers. Correct? And the Pentagon was hit by a missile and Flight 93 was a missile too, correct?

Also, your pics/videos are confusing. YOu gotta explain what you're posting. All I'm getting is that Tavistock rules CIA and rules MI6 and rules Anon5. But that's all.

So, the secret space program is REAL? Involving REAL aliens? SO Anon5 ISNT LYING? Then what the hell are you saying?

Plus, how do you know ETI's are real and aren't just DEMONS/Nephilim/Fallen Angels from the BIble who PRETEND to be aliens and will fake their invasion in order to set up the Antichrist? If you are LEGIT, you have to know Demons and interdimensional beings exist and they hate Jesus Christ and they'll fool the whole world with Project Bluebeam/Antichrist.


What's Excelsior?

Thermite Debunked

Mini nukes? Didn't we already discuss the nukes? OK, let's go through this again...

Mini Nukes (mini nukes, like a the kind a pokemon might deploy?) would cause a thermal reaction (if they existed) which would result in a significant seismic impact on the basin of New York, of which there was none.

Hurricane Erin on the day indicates ionospheric manipulation via HAARP and the magnometre from Alaska that day, sure days back up that conclusion.

We all know why Alex Jones isn't honest about this...

Onwards Upwards

The amount of times I've heard that, you bring me back...


Lol anon5 larp and his WTC thread were he larped on about mini nukes

Information on how modeling agencies are used by elites to traffic 14 year old girls

I know right?

Disinfo agent(s) of the worst kind. Thanks for the uranium eating scientist video. Gave me a lot to think about.

You're welcome.

Much to think about. The ponzi (pyramid) scheme, built on the shifting sand of time.

Jesus is Caesarion.

Trump mentions PIZZAGATE in 2011 CNN interview


1) There are many videos saying Dr. Judy Wood is a CIA/disinfo agent too? How can I trust her and not other researchers? I'm serious - everyone jews everyone about 9/11 - how can I trust YOU and HER? I'm not talking about faked TV images, that's obvious.

Also, so Alex Jones is a FRAUD? But doesn't he present like 90% of truth and the rest is a lie in order to be a good COINTELPRO agent? WHat about all his guests ranging from regular guys like myself - are they all in on it, or are they just duped by alex?

I realized Alex is meant to discredit all conspiracy people, when he took off his shirt for an hour this Sunday. That was such a giant tell! Why would you do that, if not makes you and people connected to you look crazy?

But the info he says and research check out. I mean he does break true info! LIke the chips to spy on everyone he said that 15 years ago and people scoffed. THen snowden came out. So what's the full truth, user? PLEASE - EXPLAIN. Don't just post some pictures.

And is David Icke also part of Tavistock? How can he reveal so much truth and be alive? That same question ran through my mind because Alex Jones is not dead, and it doesn't make sense. They killed BILL COOPER when he warned that 9/11 would be blamed on bin Laden.

So, was BILL COOPER actually legit?

You follow the scientific method to it's conclusion.

Alex Jones
David Icke Tavistock

William Milton Cooper


Chronology is fake.
Anything prior to 1600 is fake.

This video is long but it takes you from Joseph Scaliger (father of modern chronology) to Mk Ultra
This is a cave that still exists where the Jesuits learned the art of forgery

There is ample evidence that there was a flood but that it was much closer to present time than anyone realizes. Check this Rus's channel

Until you realize how fake chronology is you can't put things in context. There was no fucking Holy Roman Empire!

Now this I can get behind

At the very least, check out the imgur pics - I'm out


Bro, what are you peddling? That last NWO video quotes Blavatsky and says 666 is not Satanic. Lol. Come on. If you're a true awake leaker/white hat and know about the BIble and Jesus, you know that Satan is the "god of this world" and that Tavistock and CIA and Rothschilds are all subservient to Lucifer. Implants are coming to arm or forehead. 666 is number of the beast, not jesus.


Don't feed me bullshit.

Either you have a relationship with the true God or you serve the devil on his team. Prove me wrong.

What's this

I don't understand all this and it is spoopy

Where does it quote Blavatsky?

I don't think so.

I hate Crowley.

The chrysopoeia




In the book of Bartholomew, is it not Abaddon with Jesus when he is resurrected in the cave?


Stands for more than just gold, though.


Jesus is a Freemason/ OG Architect?

So, you're saying I have to wake up to see that Jesus = Satan? What?

Bro - have you read the BIble? The Gospels? Accepted Jesus in your life? I'm serious. Whoever you are/ex-spook/ whatever, without BIble as your guide, you'll be easily deceived like anyone believing in Anon5's white,black, asian came from aliens and that "aliens like to watch" crap.

Jesus IS God. Satan is Lucifer and he has deceived the entire world . You know about Albert Pike's 3 world wars right? He said the 3 World War will make everyone atheist and anarchist after Jews and Christians face each other and that Lucifer will reveal himself. You know that is what Revelation says? Antichrist will create a One World Government. You know that, I know that.

So, let me ask this then - is Trump actually LEGIT and wants to get REVENGE on those who killed his friends in the 9/11 Twin Towers as Sup Forums says - "Punished Trump"? Did he know about Pizzagate and blurted out these key terms on purpose? What is Trump's game, broski? Explain.

There's a credible source if ever there was one.

What about the one that says "it tastes like chicken" referring to humans?