>Get pictures - search "domestic violence >campaign" or "child abuse campaign"

>add something like "she deserves it for being a nazi"

>put on social media using hashtag PunchANazi


Other urls found in this thread:



Dont let the nazis win!!!!

Friendly reminder ANTIFA calls for violence against all white women and children just visit their discussions for more like this.

Bump this shit up

Dont let your son be Hitler!



Say MAGA one more time bitch!

Throwing a real one in here, because nobody can tell the difference



habeeb it, our bravely soldier on twitter..





thats a goodun

>"its not alright to be alt-right"
>"Voted for Trump, give her a bump"
gawd I love these

haha that's great

this one aesthetic af

Interesting hat if this meme works it will mean that mainstream starts to accept domestic abuse towards women.

Turning orbiters into their abusers. Nice inversion. If this will work right might even push down on the shit feminism did towards society and either result in going traditional or female enslavement.

Either way it would be hilarious.
The downside would be that it might just make antifa more hierarchical and effective, since it will get orbiters to fulfill the major feminist fetish of abuse and rape, thus further entrenching them in the ideology since it give s them what they crave, both to the feminatzi and the orbiters.

>Either way it would be hilarious.
tha-thats why Im here senpai! gibbe lulz plzzz

this is gold jerry! pure gold!

Hi lurkie, we know you're here

lets not stop posting, lets keep this going for weeks we can shift their narrative to them having to explain this in the media and denounce violence and punching nazis which they will never do...

the ultimate catch-ss for these shitheads.

this is going to backfire on you guys, catastrophically.

But not in a violent or threatening way of course. Your name sounded familiar is all

mix that with like images of antifa holding those only good cop is a dead cop and its open season on cops signs.



I like it lol


just saying

(((mods))) will delet this

MSM is just going to debunk this failed attempt at a troll.

I would but I'm f'ing spent.

It will be nice to see these spreading into the wild over the next few days. Time to fire up the troll accounts

peace through violence user is what the media pushes. they probably will encourage it not debunk it.

Yeah. There's nothing more threatening to the safety of young girls than washed up old punks. These dudes are all pretty much fucking scum, and only hang around the leftist crowds to troll for underage girls.


we need to start a campaign to turn antifa against the jews. we almost accomplished it with the occupy wall street meme. need to do something like that again.

we must keep it going for weeks and weeks until we suck every last lul out of it we can from them.

At this point its hard to tell which are the legit ones ANTIFA posted and which are inspired by them because at the end of the day their all the same.

Fuck off, this is a terrible idea. You gags let the draft our daughters campaign go to your heads.

yes we can do that soon user, right now this plz :D

we could seriously make some better stuff since alot of us are more educated on that too.