Checkmate, Sup Forums

Checkmate, Sup Forums.



Other urls found in this thread:–slave_morality

well, if Michael says so, it has to be true

well, if Michael says so, it has to be true


This is the sort of mental incoherence that turns people away from leftism. To say in one sentence, 140 characters, that white genocide doesn't exist, yet there will soon be no white people, is a perfect illustration of why these people are losing

how do they not see this? what form of logic or reasoning do they lack?


They do not care because their hatred of white people (men in particular) is vastly higher than their desire for using logic.

>"near future" there will be no white people.
Is he saying they are going to kill everyone who is white? Even children who would have outlived him?


/r/ing that A Wyatt Man "soon it'll be a crime to be white" pic

doesnt that prove white genocide is real?

They just don't view white people being bred out naturally as "genocide". They think genocide has to be violent.

it really makes you think, doesn't it?

>lol white people are dying off because of our programs and mindwar.
>white genocide is a "myth".

This is why leftists are so dangerous. They are fluent in doublespeak.

>white genocide is a myth
>there will be no white people in the future

>Purposefully importing hundreds of thousands of them to fight over resources

The argument is that it's necessary due to declining White birthrates that are white peoples' own doing.

And yes, you can talk all you want about anti-white propaganda and etc, but they'll laugh it off as conspiracy theory nonsense. So, no, they won't ever view this as a genocide in the way that they picture it.

Do these people know what the fucking sound like? For fucks sake.

Please tell me one of you twatter fags BTFO'ed him

This is the sad truth, you either get it or you don't

>The argument is that it's necessary due to declining White birthrates that are white peoples' own doing.

If you looked at the stats within the White fertility rate you'd see it's liberal whites bringing the average down. White liberals are taking themselves out of the genepool by not breeding. It's not white genocide, it's white liberal genocide. And since political orientation is largely heritable every white generation will become more and more conservative in due time.

it's called doublethink.

is this guy jewish? i feel my jewdar going off

well, if Michael says so, it has to be true

whiteness will never leave, the more the lighter PoC breed the more white they will get... white people are the true beauty and colorful eyes and light skin will always be pursued, Plus with gene editing white will always comeback even if the jew brainwashes idiots into breeding with the monkeys again.

can't be any white genocide if white people stop existing

God, I wish I could see the future or steal some life years from the undeserving. There's so much I want to happen, and I won't live long enough to see it.. :(.

I'm confused these people are strange.

Maybe they'll understand they are wrong about some things.

Hence the shift in Gen Z... well supposed shift, yet to actually materialize

>"myth" of white genocide
>implies there will be no white people left
Is this satire?

Seems like reasoning doesn't work we should let the market forces sort things out.

Gas the kikes race war now.

At last he indirectly admitted that there is a passive white genocide

israeli/arab/chinese shills out in force tonight

hebrew/arab grammar might be some things you want to look at to see common mistakes they make when using english.

israeli/chinese - since we have the same subject-verb-object syntax as them, look for uncannily intelligent-sounding sentences that have weird pronouns or redundant yous in imperative statements; we have slightly different pronoun dropping rules.

also look for smarmy posts that look like it came straight from a thesaurus.

arab - look for oddly sounding sentences with verb-subject-object syntax

above all, be vigilant and discerning.

It's an oxymoron.

He's saying he takes comfort in the genocide of white people because white people lie about the existence of white genocide.

They have gone too far into their own ideologies, thus they can't even think further than their social studies class.

even when you point out how the immigration laws were deliberately changed to eradicate Whites from power and turn them in to diminishing minorities in all of their lands, at the same time?

did Scott Adams trigger him. this is full of cognitive dissonance.

you call yourself a templar? ewwww


>white genocide myth
>no whites near future

K. Keep me posted

Only Anglo-Saxons are white. Germans, Italians, the Irish, and niggers are all the same.

Slavs are subhuman.

I "enjoyed" "reading" this "tweet".

This is cringe, and also, funnily, is an open admission that we are objectively correct.

Trump is done

White people aren't going anywhere.

Euro Jews are the only group that's going to be bred out by the end of this century, or close enough to it.

I wonder if they do this on purpose or if it's real retardation.

They believe genocide is mass murder, not the extermination of a race. They just eat what the media and peer pressure tells them. They do not read, learn or seek truth by themselves. These kind of people are the true useful idiots of the left.

>slavs are subhuman
t. buttblasted americunt

Which is the great irony of all this.

Changing your flag doesn't change your ID, retard.

>White genocide is not real
>Soon no white people will exist.

Which one is it libtards?


>implying it's not split personality disorder

>The argument is that it's necessary
The proper response is to question why declining birth rates make immigration "necessary." Perpetual growth is unsustainable and harmful to both social and environmental conditions.

>well, if Michael says so, it has to be true
Twitter always confirms things said on Twitter to ensure that they are factual. When someone like Michael says so many things that are 'FACKS' they eventually just put a blue check mark beside the person' name to confirm that everything they say is totally true and can be totally trusted as 'FACKS'

>it's gonna happen but it's a myth

Epic win OP!

You can thank this guy for likely helping in the pushing of the progressive stack onto Operation WallStreet which caused the chain reaction of corporations using social causes as virtue signal shields that block legitimate criticism from ever gaining any traction.

>implying the rest of my family tree won't be hand-picked/approved by the family patriarch.

The double think is real guys, this dumb arse believe that white genocide is a myth while absolutely believing that white will be genocided. These sub-humans should be given a quick death, it's the only humain option at this point, their brains are mush, and completely irredeemable.

Obam had the feds forcefully diversify white neighborhoods.

Dude who sucks dicks doesn't like dudes who wont let him suck their dick...meh, seems just gay enough to be true.

Has he deleted this?

He's right you know.
There won't be races period. We will become like the future folk from South Park or some shit.

Won't happen, when the demographic changes become too great to ignore white people will react. If not openly, then covertly.

The only thing Globalists can do to destroy the white race is if they make it illegal to have white children for the sake of diversity.

I wonder if there was a timeline fracture there and we just barely missed the one where OWS stayed unified in focusing on auditing the Federal Reserve

>if they make it illegal to have white children for the sake of diversity
they will
or they will have it be mandatory for your children to be put up for adoption and raised by non-whites

> Forced Miscegenation by the State

Civil war will happen or Whites will just move elsewhere. Maybe South America or Far-East Russia.

Have black people raped more whites than whites raped native americans yet?

Blacks have killed more whites than whites have killed blacks.

But more blacks have killed other blacks, so they are thinning themselves out too.

Does that mean we can get rid of Sorry Day for blanda upping the the abos?

We're hitting cuckoldry levels that aren't even possible

Who is this and why does he wear the yellow badge?

>he thinks whites will die out
>when genetic engineering is perfected every oriental on the planet will make white children

*Compromised mod posting with fake digits sense is tingling!*

Which is funny since they always cry about human rights.

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
>C.Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>D.Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

>The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.–slave_morality
The people pushing white genocide have a slave morality and will never understand it. Physical removal is the only way.

>Ethnic cleansing is the systematic deliberate removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), intimidation, as well as mass murder and genocidal rape.
>Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with the efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.


Can't wait for the day that the Americans take back their country and this guy gets a proper punishment for betraying the white race. :D

Its a fake tweet which is strange because that faggot has plenty of bullshit that would be comment worthy that he has tweeted. Ive been noticing a new tactic. Instead of unsourced headlines we get some incendiary tweet image as a new slide technique.

People need to ignore these bait tweet images. Who gives a fuck what some nobody thinks about shit. If it was a celeb or politician or something then maybe but fuck this guy and fuck the shills that made this thread.

>white genocide is a myth
>there will be no white people in the future

Fucking what?

White Genocide is a myth. It's really White Suicide because whites allow this shit to happen.

Slide thread

You know what to do