It's time. Orange piece of shit must be flushed!

It's time to give up. Studies show his own supporters are the ones who reject him the most.

CNN polls probably dont leave their office

Poles dont leave your gay ass.

>two scoops

In the last two years CNN has managed to go from fairly well respected news source on a slight down trend to Bat Boy


>1% chance of winning the election

Weekly world news is a great social events magazine. Wait..


Pic related, you believe them?

3% responded "transgender"

This running gag of a man has gone on for long enough. Is there any way he can be executed for treason?



In the last year Trump has amanged to go from a perfectly valid presidential candidate to the butt of all jokes.

Anyone wants to bet his approval ratings in 2d year? Or he will not survive that long?

Still better than Hillary. Imagine the state of /pol when every news outlets would be on the Hillary's side, praysing everything she does and doesn't. She would probably win Peace Nobel prize again before inauguration and get praise everyday, everyday, everyday. Every day CNN would put salts on us, Huffington post would be laughing every minute. Trump is chaos but he is our chaos, that we chose.


Do you think we have short term memory loss? A year ago McCain and the usual lot of neocon cronies were denouncing Trump, again, over another made up scandal. He spent August, September and October in one man party mode.


Fuck off shill! He'd probably win by more if the election were held today!

He is single handedly destroying the RNC and the DNC. If we'are lucky he'll drive the insane Left into the streets to start a civil war.