Merkel calls for a stronger and more militaristic Europe

Says Germany is ready and willing to lead this new military superpower.

Germania forever! Germania and Europa forever!

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Fuck, looks like we better start improving relations with Russia


What's the point of military spending when European nations will never agree on military intervention?

The EU is so fucking dumb sometimes.

Do historians really tell your politicians what to do in Germany?

Translation : Germany must take Europe into its own hands and create a military that will occupy EU member countries and kill whitey if they don't accept my refugee quota system.

That's all the EU army will be used for, you know it, I know it, Merkel knows it, everyone with a fucking ounce of sense knows it.

Good luck, you just keep your shit contained there, any fuckery and we will destroy you (again). Okay sweetie? x Okay now x

There is always one more time.

Now that we have fed all Americans so much sugar and fat that 70% of you are obese, it is time to advance again. We have already taken over Europe, booted out the Anglos and made a secret pact with Russia and China. We have also transfered 3 million well trained African and Middle Eastern troops (which we covertly trained in the last years) to Germany, ready to invade you.

You won't know what hit you!

How can you increase your troop numbers when your entire population has already been invaded?

>Increase spending on military
>While country gets destroyed from the inside

I want off this ride

first two wars were with germany's bullshit.
might as well complete the circuit.

>Do historians really tell your politicians what to do in Germany?
Yes. They say "go to war" or "take over Europe" or "look, ww1 wasn't a mistake, execution was the problem" etc.

So, you fucks didn't conquer the europe with war so you now try diplomacy and immigration chaos?

German are shit-tier country.

This is funny, wouldn't this have anything to do with Trump calling out eurabia for skimping on their NATO spenditure obligations

when will you learn?

Not again.

>INB4 Polnishe butthurten
it's not butthurt if you did it twice and you plan to ruin Europe for 3rd time
soon, your overproduction bubble will break terribly, and with what will you pay for gun to defend yourself from ahmeds you invited?

>Make it illegal to think the wrong way


>told by a leading historian

How is this even knews? Some guy said it.

>when will you learn?

First Australia, then the world! Just like back in April 1938.

Give us german clay when germany dies out

Pot, please leave Kettle alone. He's autistic.

But Germany already has an army of Muslims?

Remind me. How many aircraft carriers and nukes does Germany have compared to the USA?

Ok fine but you don't get the lead, just pay for our expanses and we will protect you I swear

Germany is a cursed land, it has to be destroyed, we cannot risk the land cursing anymore people. Sorry, no clay for anyone. Only nuclear obliteration and salting.

>those digits

we followed you twice hans, you never managed to finish what you started, and we got fucked over twice, never again

So many (((Burg)))s

I'm calling it now, first one to be invaded is poland.


>just pay for our expanses and we will protect you I swear
We don't need your white flags. We are fine with our tricolor.

Holy shit, was nazi Germany itself and ww2 just a massive Jewish false flag?!?!?!

I guess green flag is more to your liking faggot

We anschluss Austria first tho.

Genuine question from a politically illiterate person - how hasn't she been assassinated already?

Great. How soon can we get our nukes and soldiers back? NATO finished killing the USSR. That was the mission statement. Stop wasting our money, go ahead Germany.

>the real redpill is realizing Hitler was Jewish

>I could save Europe right now.JPG


what good are carriers in the russian steppes and siberia faggot?



Does this bitch WANT to end her alliance with one of the most powerful countries in the world, because shes just so far up her own ass with leftism?

Jesus fucking christ you fucking stupid germans, you're about to cause ww3 because you voted a fucking woman to be you're owner

Good fucking going


Fuck off Ahmed. You must go back to Turkey.

>Adolf Hitler Rothschild.

That just proves there are good ones

Yeah what's the point of having a strong military in modern days right? Its not like technology is advancing at an extreme pace and its completely fine to be left behind at the mercy of others right?

What a fucking idiot.

You really think this is going to save the Eurozone? This buys it a year, two years at most. lol. No wonder you want to militarize, you need to keep the EU propped up.

this time it will surely work!

It's all going to fail. The whole EU dream is doomed. They fucked up the demographics too soon. They will try to keep the growing discontent under control with a neosoviet police state, but the tax revenue to support the system will dry up with an unproductive warring population.

If they're really fucking stupid, they'll invade the Eastern Bloc nations as they try to flee, which will square them off with Russia, as the other Slaves have to choose between existential demographic warfare in the form of Africans and Arabs, or in the form of Russians. Maybe if they're lucky, they'll be invited into the Eurasian trade block with China. Either way, Western Europe is going to cease to be. It's going to be the modern Atlantis.

Forward projection retard

How do you make an army when over half of german men declared they wouldnt fight for the country and you have to fill your ranks with women, trannies and unreliable muds and blacks that would betray you outright.

Fake news. You can't kill a robot.


Just kidding. A foreign muslim army in europe. Great idea. Germany army is already 30% muslim now and that was before they wanted to put all the useless refugees there. Which is a lot obviously. She just won't stop fucking us over until every single one of us is gone. By far the biggest traitor germany ever had.

>europe must take its destiny into it's own hands
>guided by germany ofc
>anyone who steps out of line will be crushed

third times the charm, though the second time was more aesthetic

Would not surprise me if this scenario comes true.


>as USA "is weak"

beggin yer pardon there hans?

Now guess who's getting re-elected soon.

You know it's over right?

How many attack helicopters does it take to stop a targeted and lethal bioweapon???

Dearest leader of course, comrade. I think it's even illegal to doubt that by now.

>this time it will surely work!
Poland could join Germany voluntarily. I mean, we already got half your population here, might as well merge into one country already.

Lets fucking go

Mashallah my brother

There was a time when Western countries could show up at the airport 30 minutes before their international flight and have their extended family members wish them well at the gate.

>before muslims.

Komissars reporting in

>tfw this will never fly again

Aint this the same bitch who wont fork over for her share of natobucks?

>It's that time again

Well, I hope our politicians have the sense to pussy out of it like always before


Oh look, it's time to ruin Germany again.

can't wait

Then do something you dumb krauts. You're the ones holding the EU by its neck, get off your hipster metro caves and actually force the government to do something. You have the power to do change to the whole continent but you'd rather watch cock hungry merkel destroy your country's legacy.

The more your population idles the closer we are to the end of the european dream. Then everyone will be after you and europe will implode.

I hope Germany just runs that leeching shithole Poland through to the ground

No one would help them, i swear.

I won't ever take place in an European army.

lol voting in a leader with no children.

You do realze she is patting herself on the back in public and declares herself as pretend queen just so you fools vote for her again? i mean you do get that right?its basically playing farm simulator again just with a slightly older you get that right? oh sorry missed the german flag of course you dont get it...

>chicanos and jayquans vs tanned germans and muhammeds
eh, i think i pass this one

gib prussia

Not on my watch

Here we go again
No matter which ideology you Germcucks choose, you make it everyone else's problem
Hope we wipe your nation off the face of the earth this time.

I can't wait until we get the chance to slaughter you guys again. The pure autism that comes out of Germany is unbearable.

Sounds good to me mate

>being part of the great Dutch empire

I want all of their cuties over here

I will gladly join the military of whichever side fights for a white Europe.

So not Germany then.

>Sidelined in ww1
>Occupied in ww2 and happy collaborators
>Joined the quasi-EU under German control thereafter

Aren't you the real faggots?

After all the shit from you you think Russia will side with you or USA?

Merkel is willing to say anything when it's election time again.
People are fucking retarded

>last time Germany was responsible for the death of so many Jews
>this time, they will draft so many of the "refugees" because their own men are too full of hormones to fight and cause the death of a lot of Muslims

Just nuke Germany off the planet, none of this would ever happen if they weren't full of so much dictatorship.

At least we have North Korea with nukes ready to join the party at any time.

It is pretty telling that we have issues with iraq, afganistan, syria, north korea, china, pakistan and who knows what else AND the obvious jewish bullshit and this bitch suddenly wants to go all fuhrer.


>Hitler's fatherAlois Hitler Sr.(1837–1903) was theillegitimatechild ofMaria Anna Schicklgruber.[1]The baptismal register did not show the name of his father, and Alois initially bore his mother's surname Schicklgruber.
just a cohencidence my fellow ubermenschen


burg berg stein etc are 100% pure german names.
in germany tons of people have names like that, who have nothing to do with jews at all.

no idea why burgers or non germans in general think these are jewish names.

Russia will like what I tell them to like.

This goy is right!