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But then Norbro would be out of an unpaid job

It's almost like affirmative actions doesn't work

Even if you get niggers in their too dumb to pass their courses

and I'm sure the Jews are off the charts.

only thing spics and niggers do well in college is sports. its a throwback to afreaka where they have to run to survive
other than that niggers cant do shit and deserve to be executed

>their too dumb

might as well just gift them diploma






it's real

>lower the bar for entrance for "underrepresented minorities"
>black and hispanic still can't manage entrance outside of reserved diversity slots
>somehow this is anyone else but their fault
but muh slavery tho, right?
how about fuck you, you've never been in a world war?


Why wont NYT disaggregate Jews out from Whites?

This is terrible, I am actually Asian, and I don't want this.

Is this accounting for the fact that they're 13% of the population, or are they retarded?

As a fellow white go-... I mean guy, I'm utterly disgusted how racist our education system is.


in the 70s america illegally deported japanese to japan. then sent their hafu kids on a boat to japan again illegally deported and russia sunk the ship and america never retaliated

this is repeated in the early 90s along with mass deportation of chinese illegally which the chinese sued and won in a american court

less than 5 years ago america tried to illegally deport koreans and china invaded washington state as a result. no american retaliation

the real reason asians get into colleges is standardized test scores which every bell curve proves

Source for these numbers?


it was suppose to be "they're too dumb"

saw flag. proceeded to lose sides. Honestly, if college admissions based on merit and this happens regardless. I'm fine with that. If white people are happy to face reverse discrimination for slavery sure. But affirmative action also punishes other minority who would of gotten in due merit


Shocking Asians smarter then niggers and Hispanics.

Who would have thought

Obviously, the only course of action is to ban all whites and asians from colleges and make it free for black and brown students. That's the only way to even out the playing field and the unfair advantage that whites and asians have over blacks and browns due to institutional racism, centuries of oppression and light skin privilege.

I be racist long time

>jeremy LITERALLY Ashkenas

I guess Asians aren't minorities now?

Why are asians so good at school? Is it the small penises?

If you're successful as a whole, you're (in the left's eyes) not a minority. More and more I'm starting to believe that leftist policies are designed to pull everyone down to the lowest common denominator, rather than try to lift people up.

whites include jews in these charts.

He is a pretty famous programmer. He's just there to make the charts.


>be chinese
>come to america
>work like crazy, keep to yourself, stay respectful
>disliked and mocked by whites, but at least you're hard working and nobody can take that away from you
>raise your kids to be principled hard workers as well, aspire to send them to universities and climb the social ladder
>realize nothing is actually stopping them in America even though they're not white, they can still climb because capitalism rewards smart, hard working people
>generations later your family is wealthy doctors and their kids are attending the best schools in the country with the best grades
>have fully integrated into the greater white society and are thriving
>white people don't mind you anymore, and start seeing many of you as assets
>racial hatred reduced to jokes about how bad you are at driving, but few people really outright hate your group
>SJWs confused, asians did exactly what white people asked them to do and are now accepted and fairly well liked
>it must be collusion with whites and asian privilege

>be nigger, born in USA
>born into lazy family, no value put to hard work, entire childhood and young adult life spent getting out of doing anything which is mildly difficult or uncomfortable
>family is loosely affiliated, does not conform to white values or any useful traditional values
>refuse to do what white people do, or would want you to do
>make excuses for your failures and blame others for your position in society and life
>assume you cannot actually climb ladder, so instead put all of your effort into feeling good (drink/drugs), obtaining gibs, or stealing other people's nice things
>eventually have opportunities handed to you on a silver platter by guilty white people, all you have to do is the bare minimum and you'll be rewarded with an escalator to the middle class
>can't even be bothered to take advantage of the bare minimum requirements
>white people see you as a burden and animosity which has always existed goes nowhere and even grows deeper over time
>SJWs continue to enable your laziness by blaming your failures on white people
>asians are now white people to you also, because they're successful

Jews are white, then they're not, then they're white again...

This is tiresome.

Norbro has switched to using meme flags because he's tired of everyone sucking his dick

Harvard just stated its next semester will be less than half white.

Fuckin saved

and less than half succesful!

I bet this article fails to mention the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. This made student loan debt unforgivable. Why? Because people were getting free money to come to college, have just enough to get a new car and a laptop as well, flunk out, and then later file for bankruptcy and owe nothing. They never had any intention of getting an education. Guess what color most of those students were?

>disliked and mocked by whites
not really...we just make fun of your driving abilities, slit eyes and funny language. desu mexicans are worse drivers than asians tho

I meant Chinese here in the late 1800s building railroads, as I mentioned later down all racial comments are now reduced to what you mentioned which are basically just playful jokes.

Spics are worse drivers because they're either high most of the time and driving 19 mph below the speed limit, or they come from a country where its a free for all on the roads and nobody gives a shit.