Why isn't being gay viewed as a disorder?

Why isn't being gay viewed as a disorder?

Some possible arguments and counter-arguments:

> Because there's nothing wrong with gay people
But there is something wrong with gay people. They generally don't reproduce. The evolved purpose of human beings is to reproduce.

If you're infertile, it's seen as a disorder. Being gay makes you less fit.

> Because it's harmless
But being infertile is also harmless to your own body and we still see it as undesirable.

> Because calling it a disorder makes people think it's bad
Isn't that just hateful towards people with disorders? Lots of people have something wrong with them. We should be compassionate.

> Because even if it's a disorder, there's no cure for it
That doesn't mean we shouldn't call it a disorder.

> Because it will lead to people trying to cure being gay
So what? If we do find a cure for being gay, what would be wrong with that?

> Because society needs gay people
What do gay people do that straight people can't do? Name one accomplished gay man who couldn't have done what he did if he was straight.

What do you think Sup Forums?

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I think you're retarded.

>The evolved purpose of human beings is to pass code.

>Infertility is not a lifestyle, and it's not voluntary. If a gay man suddenly wants a kid, he can in fact still fuck a woman. It will still work.

>Disorders are mostly boxes for insurance companies

>Your sexuality is hard encoded into your mind. To alter that would require significant neural rewiring that would outweigh the benefits

>Freddie Mercury

I'm glad you're not being paid to think.

Why isn't homophobia viewed as a... oh right.

It (homosexuality) used to be a disorder as of the late 70s, but there is an agenda at play to normalize the deviant behavior, as (((they))) are trying to normalize other deviant preferences as incest, bestiality, pedophilia, and so on.

>He put it in a butt!
>A... girl butt?

It doesn't matter if your infertile by some gonadal problem or by your preference to fuck other men. Either way your ability to reproduce is impaired.

Homosexuality is a kind of infertility of the mind.

I don't see why it follows that being nicer to homosexual people means it will become more common. We could see it as a disorder that is congenital.

Being gay doesn't cause distress or problems functioning in social, work or family activities


Gay man here. It's all in the brain. My brain tells me it's much more fun to put my dick in a guy's butt than in a woman's vagina. I have to do what feels normal and right to me, no?

It should be, just so people who want an effective therapy, can have it more easily

Homosexuality is associated with high rates of other mental disorders.


Being a psychopath doesn't case distress to you, but it's still a disorder.

Being infertile doesn't cause you physical harm, but it's still a disorder.

No . . . no you don't.

They are militant asshole who play the victim and use it to justify their terrible behavior and moods.

Plus they are hardcore drug users.


>oooh noooo, rectal cancer!?

Being "nicer" or more prone to society accepting homosexuality deters the aspect of abstinence.

Just because one is attracted to those of their same sex, does not mean they should act upon it...it encourages a lack of restraint on homosexuality, then incest and pedophilia.

Extremely relevant


The first part is correct and I don't have evidence of the second but the change was something purely political rather than based on psychological """science""".

>What do gay people do that straight people can't do?
I dunno try art and entertainment in general

So is being kidnapped, raped etc. none of those are mental disorders though.

Are you implying that Mercury didn't die because of AIDS that he contracted due to his homosexual tendencies?

>infertility of the mind

lord bless this poster, for know he not, but he too suffers infertility of the mind

Be truthful with us.

You were molested as a child and it made you the way you were.

Its not that you were born this was but made into it by Trauma.

Isnt it right your innocence was stolen by some man?

Being a psychopath causes intense distress to you, because psychopathy is looked negatively upon and the psychopath is often a detriment to those around them.

And depending on the CAUSE of infertility, it might BE the physical harm you nincompoop.

Are you retarded or twelve?

I'm implying a straight man couldn't have fronted Queen you faggot.

The only evidence needed is being aware of your surroundings. The lack of promoting abstinence equates to "if it feels good, do it"

>Why isn't being gay viewed as a disorder?
Isn't it, though? At least semantically?

I think we've just realized, collectively, that regular old homos are pretty harmless and their "disorder" is a singular sexual perversion, rather than something that compromises their abilities to be contributing, valuable members of society - which they most certainly are. Ever see what happens to the price of real estate in areas that gays have gentrified? Fucking glorious.

But by that logic, every sexual perversion out of the ordinary is a disorder... which I technically agree with, while still reserving judgment.

> Being a psychopath causes intense distress to you

Wrong. Psychopaths enjoy inflicting distress on others.


If you're born infertile, you don't experience any pain. But you're harmed because your ability to reproduce is dimnished. Like being gay.

>psychopathy is looked negatively upon and the psychopath is often a detriment to those around them.

Yeah but the whole thing about being a psychopath is that you don't give a shit about that

>The ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.

With population sizes adjusted for, there are approximately 11 homosexuals with pedophillic tendencies for every 1 heterosexual with pedophillic tendencies.

>promoting abstinence
>doesn't work
>promote safe sex
>sex in 25 and under plummets

What a strange world we've lived in, too bad you haven't been watching.

Definitely. Being gay doesn't determine what your voice is like.

#notallpsychopaths, your actions cause results that distress you, which is often why you act out in the first place. Don't Wrong me you're not my fucking president.

look up the word diminished before you use it again, or infertile. One of the two is confusing you a bit.

Not giving a shit ISN'T HELPFUL if you're not a high power CEO or a trust funder. Being a poor psychopath is hilariously torturous for them.

Good thread, maybe next time.

Since abstinence has not worked, look at the skyrocketing STD rates in the last decade.

Obviously YOU have not been paying attention.

Then what the fuck are bisexuals?

A straight man could not have fronted Queen. They named themselves Queen and were fronted by an actual autistic faggot.

If you truly think otherwise, you're compensating for SOMETHING and I wish you luck finding out what.

Confused...and the spreaders and carriers of diseases between gays and straights.

>what is the spread of infectious disease?
>what is population density?
>what is per capita increase?
>what is a lower teen pregnancy rate than ever?

>the evolved purpose of human beings is to reproduce
what, we're fucking viruses now? 200-300 years ago, sure, absolutely. Reproduction was a crucial tenent of humanity. We've come so far and are so generally overpopulated on earth that even if 3-4% of the population was gay it wouldn't matter still.

Because psychiatry is meme science and they voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM in order to not upset the violent faggots that were protesting.

See CDC stats, they have been on the rise among most groups like baby-boomers and blacks. Nearly half of all blacks have something wrong with them.


Reminder that a jew psychologist was the driving reason why homosexuality was taken off the list of mental disorders and also coined the term "homophobia"


Sometimes it does, not every mother, father or employer is tolerant, even if they would like to be. In fact the more intolerant people try to be tolerant the more differently thay treat them, making them feel less normal. Gay men often have a problem with fidelity. They may feel guilt about their lives as they are more prone to major depression, bipolar disorder, and
generalized anxiety disorder, than straight ppl. They also are more likely to attempt suicide and get infected with HIV. From the perspective of wanting a child it makes them sort of infertile as they have erectile dysfunction during sex with a women so they might need to rely on an insemination procedure. I also recall reading in a study about porn addicton that great stress during childhood sometimes leads to develop homosexual tendencies: the bigger the stress the more perverse and shocking the sexual desires to help alleviate, cope with and normalise the daily abnormal amounts of stress. This leads to masturbation when under stress with more and more perverse pictures in mind which sometimes leads to desiring male body cause its about the most perverse thing to a little boy. Especially if he lacks closeness with a father figure. So its a coping mechanism that later on leaves people used to sexual desire and orgasms to images of the same sex even when the childhood stress is gone, leaving all sorts of problems including those above. Think about it as if from a leg injury during childhood you compensated with adjusting your posture you now have scoliosis. You would want to fix that if you knew it wasn't normal to have a spine shaped like that.

not even sorry for bad grammar

Is this an Arab or Israeli accent?
I already know which but can you answer honestly please.