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From Deus Vult to let's wash the feets of some african immigrants

What went wrong with christianity?

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It has to purge the Jews and the perverts. I've been saying this the whole time.


Liberal shite, have you seen Bergoglio Cocksucker I?
He refuses to kneel at the jesus cross, btw.

wew. i did not know

>It wasn't real Christianity. Real Christianity has never been tried.

Catholic cultists aren't Christian, fuck off faggot.

This won't happen until Bergoglio is out of office. Then we can purge the fags, commies, and jews from the church

Does anyone know of a good papal canidate to get the job done?
inbf BASED african pope.

No, it's too late for that. I have on many occasions outlined my plan for what the Church has to do to redeem itself, but it doesn't want to redeem itself.

The Chrurch is already no longer very relevant. All it does it continue to distance itself from the followers. What the Church does or does not do at this point is not important. After 2000+ years and God knows how much gold they finally overspent their hand. All things must pass.

The next step is for individuals to engage in the plan I outlined many times and in public, now that the Church has defined itself as a den of unsalvagable iniquity. Old God can sort that shit out.


aren't they like 90% muslims?


Tell me your plan, I rarely lurk on Sup Forums.
Do you think God has abandoned the Church and that we should move on? I for one am not ready to leave 2000 years of history and tradition behiind because of one bad pope.

I don't believe that God ever abandons His flock. That doesn't stop the flock from doing the kinds of stupid shit you see sheep do if you've ever been around them.

My plan comes in several steps. But it's not violent. It's easy. It's what we are asked to do as individuals, nothing more and nothing less. Pick any problem you have with the Church. Let's say it's priests diddling kids. What do you think you should do about that?

The African bishops that conservative Catholics hope will save us are just as bad on the Vatican II heresies; they just don't go along with the sexual perversions the Euros like. But in terms of doctrine, which is what matters in a pope, they wouldn't really be any better. There's no one inside the Vatican II hierarchy that would be, since they're all heretics.

The next true pope (the successor to Pius XII) will have to come from outside the current Vatican II gang, after the impostors are thrown out.

I see your point physically removing fagsfrom the Church seems impossible when the vast majority of catholics don't give a shit about faggotry. It just seems so hopeless to not be able to do something.

I believe you are right cathanon that we must act in the way God demands of us and just pray to make it out of this life and into the next.

They started reading the Bible


and pedophiles and ignorant zealots and greed


I don't care about the majority of Catholics, although I do hear that they're not particularly pleased with how things are going.

I care about the least among us being savaged and abused, and their short lives on this earth being taken from them. The Church has proven that it has no interest in the opportunity it has been given to redeem itself and fix the problem. That means the only option is external intervention.

>Let's say it's priests diddling kids. What do you think you should do about that?

Easiest answer of all, Burn their vestments & hang them on the church steps in front of the flock they failed.

Do this EVERY time one is caught & soon the diddlers will be killed off or will remove themselves for a less retributive host.

What to do about the (((Jesuit))) heresey & their pet pope is another theses nailing waiting to happen.....

That's the easy answer, but we're talking about an organizational structure, so you want to start by going up the command chain, not by burning the troops. It is the command chain that has shown itself to blame by not keeping its own house in order.

Why isn't your local pastor denouncing this and calling for a riot? What does your diocese bishop have to say for himself, being a symbol of the evils of child predation? What would people think if they saw the faces of the guilty every Sunday on the way in instead of another feels message and two formal processes to ask for more gibs?

Catholicism is not Christianity

>That's the easy answer

Sometimes the easiest answers is also the best answer.....

Kill the diddlers, their enablers will soon sort themselves out, either through their own spiritual enlightenment, or through fear of similar retribution.

What has my Diocese done??....only sicken my stomach....

>Worshipping the "Queen of Heaven"

>What went wrong with christianity?
the split of the christian family during the reformation opened christianity to the secular forces outside waiting for an opportunity to destroy it. The reformation was the beginning of a declining period in european history that lead to the end of christianity and the beginning of a new world order which is secular. This is where we are today.

Martin Luther wasn't joking when he said he felt the presence of the devil in the chamber with him, did he.

d-d-did someone say DEUS VULLLLLLTTTTT??????!!!!!

Locate the saracens. Bring fire and upon themmmmmmm!!!!

Catholics aren't Christians. The catholic church exists for two reasons, easy access to little boys and money. The Pope is the Antichrist.

The same way that predominantly white countries are now full of cucks begging for niggers.


The only three words you ever need to know when you ask such a (((question))).

Reminder that Catholicism is literally shitskin Christianity, Protestantism is the white man's religion.


More like 60%, but both religions suck anyway one is to believe in a zombie Jew the other following the teaching of a pedophile Arab

>What went wrong with christianity?

For one, Christianity isn't one sect, so Christianity and Christians are both based and cucked, it depends on the sect and the political affiliation of the religious group as a whole. For instance, plenty of protestant churches in America are against illegal immigration, although there are are so some who promote it. Protestantism is mostly conservative in the USouth whereas Catholicism is more liberal, the opposite is true for Europe. Catholics in Europe are me likely to be right-wing than other non-Christian groups. There's obviously a good number of Catholics who believe the Pope is a heretic, and the Pope isn't representative of all Christianity as Protestant countries do not agree that the Pope (or any person for that matter) should have authority to lead as an example.

Basically, there are good Christians and bad Christians.

What went wrong is it was never supposed to be the white man's religion. It is meek and weak and inherently cucked. Romans and Greeks attained a higher level of civilization without this foreign religion.

Protestantism is what made the US based before the likes took over. WASP lost tons of influence and are negatively painted throughout history as racist, white, protestant males, and many protestant organizations back then, were overwhelmingly opposed to any sort of immigration, and disliked Jews, Catholics, niggers, etc. Hell, protestants in the US even considered the Irish to be niggers.
