Imagine working along side this guy

Imagine working along side this guy.

>Imagine working along side this guy
I'd rather not

If he got me fired for misgendering him I would probably come back one day and cave in his skull with a brick

I'd fucking kill myself if I worked in HR and had to listen to that for months

These people needed to be bullied more in school. They can't handle honest mistakes, never mind spicy banter. I was constantly ribbed and picked on growing up, I learned how to take a joke and grow a thick skin. Can't fucking stand people who constantly play up being offended, triggered, or literally shaken. They expect to be treated with kid gloves all their lives? Fucking pathetic.

>If people say the wrong thing to me two(2) times they get fired
I would just avoid the fuck out of that delusional fuckwit

If I was in IT I would be self employed rather then be next to that

user, subtle is the way to go, leave a glass dialator sitting on his desk for everyone to see, the next day a womens pad covered in ketchup greeting him on his desk when he returns from lunch. No reason to harm him, he will take care of that on his own as most trannies do.

>a womens pad covered in ketchup greeting him on his desk when he returns from lunch.
I kind of want to do this to regular people just for the reactions.

He was apparently so dysphoric that he started hormones before he went bald. Oh, wait! No he fucking didn't because he's an AGP piece of shit trender. I hate these people so much. If you're going to be a girl, then make sure you do it good.

It's hilarious, many years ago in middle school I would leave one sitting in the hallway, it was it was magical seeing the reactions.

We used Kool-aid and a tampon.

all I read is me me me me me

>if you call me by the name I've always used up to now more than 2 times you'll get fired
I'd to my best to avoid addressing that dude, honestly, or actually just avoid being around them

>call me the wrong name or misgender me and you'll be terminated

I don't know, I'd probably quit if that was the work environment.

I go to work to get paid, not to walk around on eggshells lest I accidentally offend some special snowflake

>Implying people probably ever talk to this guy


so he posts his particular gender for the day on the board or what? mass email? does it change during the day?
>inb4 using gender neutral pronouns

>Implying people probably ever talk to this guy
That will probably get you fired from certain (((companies))) these days

No, what you do is you call them by their proper pronoun and make a disgusted face at them, providing no one else is looking. Undermine them as much as possible while denying that you're doing it and that you did it because of their gender. If you get sent to management about it, tell them that the person hit on you, asked you out, you politely declined, and that you think they may be angry at you for that reason.

>2017 current year
>Not gaslighting mentally ill faggots.

it's not true. don't believe this bs.
this guy doesn't exist, and people are not fired because of mistakenly confusing sexual identity of someone confused itself

This shit would never happen at my job though, we would all just call him a faggot and the owner would dump him in a hole in the forest if he caused problems. He would never even work with me though. I am a man and I work among men.

Somebody is getting ricin coffee.

This. We had a convicted pedophile slip in some how, had an ankle bracelet he always covered up but we found out anyway and me and my buddy made sure to show every single person the 10 year old online news article about his arrest. I refused to work with him but one day when he had to be up on a ladder a female manager straight up told me if I rammed the ladder with my tractor she saw him slip off, not me ramming it. Fucking Chesters

Why ricin? Distilled nicotine is just as good and won't likely be detected.

I second this opinion.

Like with a stanley blade ?

Everyone avoids them, they claim it's discrimination and everyone gets fired anyway


>things are going well because i have blackmailed the company higher ups with the threat of a lawsuit for discrimination on the basis of gender identity

The ol' noggin gets a joggin'

> hold 18 separate meetings for mentally ill fag
> government education IT job
sounds about right.

If when you do have to associate with said prick never use a gender, just "insert name here" and hey you or hey twatless wonder.

Call him dude on purpose.
Get fired.
Sue for wrongful termination.
Keep calling him dude.

I am sure glad that my government provides me with an excellent level of service. In addition, I really feel like they have their priorities in order and only hire the best.

Super citizens with superior rights.

A guy is fired because one person wants a non standard gender pronoun, nice.

They are also the same ones that think it's ok to kill a white person for having any kind of pride

This, I've always said these anti-bullying campaigns would have unexpected and undesirable consequences. A few teenage suicides is a small price to pay for a functioning society.

that HR department spent 18 months figuring out what they legally need to do to fire this weirdy
soon as heshe steps out of line they are gone, and good luck finding a non-government job

that is just it
a massive self-centered self-pitiful self-wanking public ejaculation
to the story world in they septic tank brains they get to be heros
as another bong mentioned above, you'd just neck yaself if you had to put up with that shite for any length of time

This.. We have allowed the drama club and freaks to control and they all should have been put in there place years ago.

Sure am glad I'm Iranian and can call than Nancy boy fuck whatever I damn well please because muh islam or some shit

"I didn't mis-gender him. I call everyone "dude" or "'man"because of my hippy upbringing. Besides, gender is a social construct, so I was referring to him by his biological sex."

>that hairline

I would never talk to it unless i had to and all it would get is one word responses.

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It”

>18 separate department meetings

Jesus christ, what a colossal waste of time. This is why NASA put a man on the moon in 1969 and we can barely get shit into LEO in 2017.

>social science.jpg
Social sciences did not use to be that way. It was the old cultural anthropology and archeology that drew me into the field and how I eventually ended up with am Anthropology degree. Unfortunately that picture is now correct and all the social sciences have been infected with Marxism. It is a shame because there is so much left to learn. Even if it does not approach the purity of something like Chemistry that is no reason to throw out the discipline completely.

Fuck you Marx, you are the reason I had so few quality professors. Instead I had the occasional old timer who was great and a bunch of younger professors that wanted to turn me into an evangelist for Marxism to help the doctrine. We should give the whole university system helicopter rides and start over from scratch.

>18 separate department meetings
half my week is usually wasted on conference calls or 'webinars', a colossal waste of time for the most part, and I'm an engineer, HR has a fucking field day with this shit

physical removal you say?

It was really Walter Boas.

Who was also Jewish, to be sure.