Looks like Merkel is not so famous anymore, she is getting booed out in all of her speeches across germany.

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'bout time the krauts did something.

Oh she's famous. Infamous.

This is not real, it's fake.
Merkel is winning in the polls, just check them!

This is all staged, Merkel is going to win again, it isn't real.

Moderators, close and hide this thread.

Afraid? You are. Shill, you must be.

>Merkel is winning in the polls
now where have I heard that before?

She will be reelected soon and I will come here to laugh at all of you lowlifes. The godempress can't be defeated. Get fucked

Damn son, if that ugly fuck gets elected again, I'm gonna lol. But, then again, kikes, so be prepared to get raped by Ahmed.

Of course she will, Germans are oblivious to what's happening around them. Can't see past their nose.

Who will replace her though? Someone to her left? That's the question.


Damn I thought Germans loved Merkel more than Hitler

>boo, you didn't welcome the rapefugees enough

its like that every election. Merkel support starts crumbling, then before the elections they gonna run some public opinion research, find out which group of public can be swayed, taget it mercilessly with campaign and win again.
Last time during election she was talking a lot about stopping rapefugeed. Now she plays minecraft so you can already see which voters are recent targed. Of course she just makes promises and doesnt fulfill anything because it doesnt matter once you win anymore. the beauty of representative democracy

Adolf will come back from his grave to fix it

pool show that 49% of all voters have not yet decided who to vote for.

I hope so hard that the AFD will get 15-20%.

nooooooooooooooooo please no more leftist scum aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Infratest and INSA say AfD 10%. They were usually close in the past, so I trust them. And Merkel doesn't get her wish coalition of CDU+FDP.

It's like people are upset she's destroying the country. What's the big deal?

>she is getting booed out in all of her speeches across germany.

She is getting booed everywhere she goes since summer 2015. I have no Idea why she still gets so much votes.

it's sarcasm

She will be elected until she dies. She will be fed embryos and flesh of virgins like that rothschild and will reach an age of over 120 years.

It's rapidly getting to the point that embracing National Socialism would actually get her more votes.

True, but i hope its like in the US where ppl wont say who they will vote really for.

I hope the afd will get strong enough a great coalition is not possible and they will need a third party.
Remember the Reich due the weimar time ?
That was the last and first time we had a 3 party coalition and we all know what followed up.

It's happening

AfD getting 12-14% is not impossible. But not more. And they only serve as a party to force the CDU into kicking out Merkel or being part of the eternal Große Koalition.

Ofc its possible. In sachen anhalt they got 24%..
And if merkel will be replaced by a conservativ its worth it.

SA is a small state. They only get votes in the East and in BW.

I was in Germany last year and this is true. I got drunk with some old Germans and they were complaining about a return to nationalism and Donald trump (before he was elected).

These weren't inner-city shiteating libfags either, they were literal rural and suburban retards who were having migrants dumped in their towns.

something just didn't seem right with them. It is not normal to want to destroy sour own country.

And nrw holstein every goddamn state where was a election in the last 5 years.

They are in more parlaments then "the left".

So all is in. But i think its not possible to reach the 30%.

Introductory words of her:
>Without prospects, you're worth shit.

>germany booing merchel
holy fucking shit what did I do to be blessed with such a timeline?

Holocaust is German original sin. All Germans are taught thoroughly how they are all guilty of the 6 bazillion. they want to redeem their sin badly

Hang the whore before she escapes to her bolthole in paraguay.

>German cuck
>Pic related is a bull
The pottery.

Basically what said. It's not only education. It's the 68 generation rebeling against their parent generation. They are adult kids.

yeah, like draft all the muslims into the new EU army and kill whitey!

I guess the drugging was the last straw then?

Germany is amazing. We need to save Germany.
Deutschland wird ueberlebn.

I hear more cheering and clapping than booing. Germany is dead :(

I used to admire Germany a bit when I was young... And Sweden too. Those were the times when our idyllic upper middle class 2+2 family would travel to Umeå on a tax-free ship and there were over a million people using that route from Vaasa per year...
Gotta love the early 90's. Sweden WAS an utopia and Germany was somewhat noble and had some dignity left.

Thank you for sharing this.


Do not think that she will not cheat to win. Soros, servant of Moloch demands it.

If Adolf Hitler has daughter, it looked like Angela Merkel

look at her, she looks very much like Adolf Hitler

they say that Adolf Hitler was Rothschild

and they say that Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler daughther and Rothshild too

Angela Merkel Is The Daughter of Hitler And Hitler Was a Rothschild

was Hitler Rothschild

Hitler pretty much finished Germany.

Hitler was zionist and father of Israel

Now Hitlers daughter Merkel destroy Germany what is left of Germany

oh really?


she allways show these illuminati handsigns

Illuminati & Freemasonry Signs in Politics - Merkel hand sign,

>did something

What did they do? They're clearly upset about being literally invaded and slaughtered for no other reason than to appease white guilt liberals. But they don't have a choice, they can't vote any one in who will deport them. They should be rioting and burning things down, not simply booing at the person who is getting their children killed.

about time.

I say AfD must get 13% at least otherwise Protests should occur, we Need to redpill the CDU and CSU even more, Seehofer now wants a closed border and some guys in CDU say Hipsters are degenerate.

We perhaps then can force out all SPD and Grüne coalitions, like in Sachsen Anhalt and Mecklenburg.

We also need to become popular in Niedersachsen.

(Pessimistic view)
Merkel can be defeated and we will be able to get a better coalition, but we must make her unpopuar, as she is what makes the CDU popular and represents it, we Need to take her out by confronting her and showing she is weak, we need to achieve something like that:
Merkel has a high amount of Support and must be defeated in combat, her backing needs to be destroyed.
This is about the future of Europe, we can win with a majority of CDU/afD of 50.1%, or take FDP to it if it becomes too close.

It is actually impossible to vote her out.
It is worse than that. If you vote AFD, you empower the current parties, you basically vote for big coalition.

Nice system we have here.

why does she talk so much about Uber?

They will never make a coalition with AFD.
Voting for AFD just means one more term Black/Red.

Vote FDP, it is the only change we get.

Time to start a new party, Hans.

Anyway, a thing that has come to my mind in watching this video is:
any german doing a speech reminds me of hitler
i'm sure this is by design, but it really does the job

A new party, called the National something party.

fuck merkel

We have a lot of parties. There is no shortage of that. There is a party for everything, from the most libertarians to literal Nazis to literal communist marxists.
You cannot change the system from within.

The parties are just too powerful.

We have to wait for stronger polarisation and build own decentralised structures.
Germany's strength comes from the decentralised organisation, not from Berlin.
Germany has to die so that there is a future for the German people.

The German government is overrated, so is the election.

is there any generation of krauts that does not beare the guilt of the 6 niggorillions?

guess you could say she's UNfamous. Dumb bitch.

>Germany has to die so that there is a future for the German people.
Then be the change lad, go out and start something.

Do Germans not have tomatoes to throw or something?

Is Merkel a FURHER?
I really love the new GOOGLE DEFINITION for Furher after their censorship rollout

>choice is puppet merkle or puppet shultz
rip german bros

huh? what changed?

frickin' basked!

The germans are mad at Merkel for all the shit she did but on the other hand all of them know there's no alternative.
You can vote for CDU and Mama and there is no alternative beside throwing germany completely away by handing it over to the commies.

The real problem in Germany are the centre-left social democrats, who should be the big opposition party to Merkels christian democrats, but instead are her biggest supporters (even stronger than in her own party).

Also the opposition to Merkel (basically only AfD, as the leftist Left Party is cucked too) is a joke. They want to return to the West Germany of the 50s, there sex before marriage was illegal.

So nothing is going to change, until the rotting corpse of the SPD gets replaced or AfD gets over their stupid nostalgia.

are you fucking stupid?
as long as we are an american colony nothing changes, the only change we can have if something in america changes first and it involves your jew overlords and ropes.
fucking faggot.

>American colony
yeah blame others.
So German of you.


choose only one.

Archived that satire/fake news site for you.

>der-postillon com/2017/08/fdparfuem.html

It would be change by definition, the only change you get. FDP is better than those red commies women quota SPD.

If you vote for anything else, you will keep SPD in the government. You cannot vote against Merkel. I don't like this either, it is just the way it is.

are you retarded, our whole media complex is controlled by the CIA.
our whole education system is still in full denazification mode.
you have to be braindead to not see the obvious. nothing will change, we are still an occupied country.

Yes the people want


Our education system is as stupid as every other state education system. It is not changing.
The US set it up, but it is up to every state to change it.

The media is fake news. Nothing to do with the US. Does not matter who controls them.

>They want to return to the West Germany of the 50s, there sex before marriage was illegal.

Bullshit, you fucking retarded shill are lying here all day. I hope you are payed well since nearly nobody here is dumb enough to fall for your low IQ tier shilling.

So even more German pepe's is what you're telling me?

>They want to return to the West Germany of the 50s, there sex before marriage was illegal.
>In the 50s Germany is 90%+ german
>in the 50s degeneracy didn't exist
Wait, you actually think going back to the 50s is a bad thing?
Is it that you want Germany to become an Islamic country or are you just stupid?

whats your damage? you basically agree with me but are not able to see the problem.
if you try to change shit you die, just like in the JewSA.

How to reach normies in Germany? Shitposting Der Speigel's FB comments?

>Merkel is winning in the polls, just check them!
Gosh, I don't think I have ever seen the polls be wrong.

reminder: the left is also against merkel even though she follows the same path.

>If you vote for anything else, you will keep SPD in the government.

Bullshit FDP shill, AFD is the only choice! fdp are opportunistic cucks who bend over for everybody.

Don't pat yourselves on the back just yet, Burgers. You may have elected Donnie the teflon suit, but everybody working for his interests have more or less been pushed out far enough not to be able to influence him, and he's now going wherever his masters tug on his leash. Until some actual arrests are made, and real change happens, don't celebrate anything.

It's the same problem as everywhere else: either full on revolution and open war against the government, which the vast majority of people can't be bothered with, OR try to solve it through political means. The latter is what will be tried until the former is necessary.

They've really perfected the techniques for this within the EU - just railroading people into voting against their interests with opinion flipping hard the other way just a week after whatever they've pushed for. With some stuff, they've even made countries vote again when they voted "wrong".

Post pics of Merkel in commie uniform. That's pretty meme-worthy.

what the fuck is all the whistling, did they pass out neck whistles to give supporters something to drown out the booing?

So what does AfD want instead? I think Björn Höcke is a good example what AfD really stands for. The election posters are cringeworthy too.

And do you seriously believe establishment parties are so afraid of the AfD they pay people to post on Sup Forums? Or da j00s?

Anyway, I will vote for Die Partei and laugh both at AfD and the Social Democrats.

he is a stupid shill and/ or just retarded af.

anyone clue us in on what shes saying?


That will be the end of the EU elite. lol

Do you think the white police and military will just go along with the slaughter of their people? There would be massive defections along with weapons.

The way out of this mess for everyone- even Germans. Embrace race realism, white racial identity and do it under the banner of classical liberalism.

You are right. I don't like them either. They are just the lesser evil to the SPD.
But if you vote AFD, you help the SPD to stay in power. Just do the math. If FDP does not get enough votes we get SPD again.
If you vote AFD, less votes for FDP, more power to SPD.

She's a politician, does it matter?

Yes, because the 50s are gone just like the DDR.

They had many things in common with what Islamists want to society to look like (ban of pre-marrital sex, you had to wear somewhat formal attire to unversity etc.).

I neither want the 50s, DDR nor roach land 4.0.

So he got a heart attack. Happens.
He got to publish all his books, you can buy all his books, nothing is censored.

Things are much darker than you really seem to understand. Merkel is the best of the viable choices. This says a lot about the future of Germany. Any reasonable folk should abandon the failed state while they still can.