This is truly compelling stuff. Simply unbelievable. Drumpf simply cannot recover from this...

This is truly compelling stuff. Simply unbelievable. Drumpf simply cannot recover from this, it's all over on September 12.

>In a recently released excerpt of [Clinton's] book, entitled What Happened, Ms Clinton says she felt "incredibly uncomfortable" during the debate, and claims she considered confronting Mr Trump about how closely he was trailing her as she spoke.

>This is not OK, I thought. It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women," she wrote.

>"Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces."

>"It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled."

>Ms Clinton admitted feeling unsure of how to conduct herself, and considered lashing at out him verbally before deciding on "biting [her] tongue" and "digging [her] fingernails into a clenched fist."

>"Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space?

>"Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you CREEP, get away from me! I know you LOVE to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate ME, so BACK UP!"

>Trump's actions during the debate were viewed as bullying even before the moment that Clinton recounted.

>Washington Post's (((Sarah L. Kauffman))) wrote, "Trump paced and rocked and grimaced as she spoke; he broke into her time by shouting over her"

>"When it was his turn to speak, Trump got ANGRY, POINTED at her, and swung his arms around with ALARMING FORCE"

>"If a man did that to me on the street I'd call 911," political commentator and former Republican strategist Nicole Wallace said.

>What Happened comes out on September 12, and promises to provide a never-before-heard insight into the 2016 presidential race.






if you watch the video she walks over to his chair

he didn't even move



>"Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you CREEP, get away from me! I know you LOVE to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate ME, so BACK UP!"
So brave.YASSSS
>If a man did that to me on the street I'd call 911," political commentator and former Republican strategist Nicole Wallace said.
Officer, a man pointed at me. Hurry please!

hillary is so tone deaf and always assuming herself as the good guy. her book might unintentionally have more keks than that shattered book. hope we get threads when it's out.

>and Donald Trump was looming behind me


I cannot forgive you guys. It's been nearly 10 months since the election, and the wounds haven't healed. They've only gotten worse. They've been ripped open by Tiki torch mobs, by Trump's defense of them, and his never ending narcissism. I find myself more angry now than I was in November. It's an anger of pain, of torment over what has befallen our nation. It's an anger at injustice, the injustice of the Trump administration and the injustice of the lies and smears against Clinton, and the willful ignorance of those who spread them.

I will not forgive Trump voters. I will not forgive the people who spread and continue to spread Kremlin propaganda, whether it was targeted at the right or potential Democratic voters. I will not forgive my uncle who voted for Gary Johnson. I will not forgive Stein voters, write-in-voters, or all around rat fuckers. I will not forgive the people who spread lies about Hillary Clinton and in so doing ensured the country would fall into the hands of a White Nationalist, a Nazi enabler, and a fascist.

In November, 2016, America stood at a cross roads. Representative democracy, what some decried as the "status quo" lay on one side, and fascism on the other. The 67 million Americans who voted for Clinton chose democracy. Hillary as an individual was the least of what was on the ballot. Instead, it was a choice about the soul and future of America. Would we be inclusive or hateful? Would we embrace progress or turn the clock back to the era of Jim Crow? Would we move forward as an representative democracy or would we descend into fascism. 67 million Americans chose democracy. The rest chose fascism, whether by voting for Trump, someone else, or not voting at all. I fault all of them, every last one, for what this country has become, for what Trump and his Tiki torch Nazis have done to it.

It may not be politically wise. It may not be emotionally healthy. In fact, I'm sure it's not healthy. But I cannot forgive, and I will never forget.


>That Trump CIA stance



Shitting on your thread OP


Is she forgetting that her husband is Bill Clinton?


It reads like a trashy tell all from one of her husbands victims. She should have paid a lot more for a better ghost writer. Supermarket tabloid feel. Bad move.

Is this copypasta or are you about to kys? Please kys

Ghost writers really should get payed a lot more to make up this kind of stuff.

Big if true.

Fuck you tard. The U symbol is more reliable than "certified organic." Kikes used that symbol as a way to mark which foods they did not poison.

Nigger. You have to understand the ramifications if we announce that whites, blacks, asian, usw. ARE different species. There would be eugenics and racial killings out the wazoo.
I think most people acknowledge (privately) that niggers are less evolved, but we don't want to run around announcing that shit to the world. (Not yet at least.)

Not really it's never a bad time to red pill on jews but I'm not sure why you're doing it desu

The ghost writer probably voted Trump...


>can't take the trump
You can't take America

Here he comes...he is coming up behind you...look out! Don't stare directly at it!!!
Too late.

That Clinton bitch is a fucking clone.

>Choke so hard that you feel compelled to write a book about it.

Here's the TLDR version of the book

"Im a piece of shit corporate whore that gags on the establishment's cock and kills innocent people to keep them from telling everyone about how i'm such a piece of shit corporate whore that gags on the establishment's cock."


hillary is literally a whiney ass cringey bitch. this shit is being used by conservative media to portray her in a bad light.

>I truly thought Donald was going to rape me, right there on that stage, with millions and millions of Americans watching

Maybe the left can meme after all


Book should be called:

"I'm a liberal cunt and I have lived my entire life without having to take responsibility for my actions so I blame my massive failures on other people"


I enjoy the animu edits

>woman can't even handle a 70 year old man standing behind her without literally shaking
>thinks she can run a country

The most annoying thing about this bullshit is that she knows she's making it up based on media coverage from the time.

Trump literally stood in one place while she walked over to his side of the stage and stood in front of him. He didn't follow her at all.



Even if she did genuinely think that, what about the fact that she chose not to say anything? She refuses to stand up for herself to an outsider presidential candidate, how could she be expected to stand up for the country to Putin or Xi or whoever else? This is a really bad move because not only do most people see right through it but it also shows her to be weak which is what a lot of people are concerned about with a female president, Hillary in particular.

It's just a pathetic pity party she's throwing for herself and all her voters who can't move on

I like it. Would probs selll copies if she just told everything. She's fucked anyway. Right???? Right!!!!?????!!! If she doesn't go to jail you teach an entire generation of girls that they can just do whatever. This is why she needs to go. Girls need a reckoning. I hope the admin gets how important this is for future generations.

Hillary Clinton is the biggest failure I've ever witnessed. Fuck that bitch.

my skin crawled. i had ptsd shortly after, like a benghazi soldier would. i was literally triggered and shaking.

this. roasties need a good btfoing.

Crawling in my skin

complains about trump being to close while she slept with a man who raped a bunch of other women

ya naw she is a cunt who belongs in jail

Remember when we meme'd her into having a stroke, and losing the election?

>"Trump paced and rocked and grimaced

What the fuck does that even mean?

"keep On Rolling, Stroke Chan"

Stroke softly, stroke chan!
Keep On Rolling, Stroke-Chan

WHAT HAPPENED to obama's records?

WHAT HAPPENED on the tarmac between lynch and bill the rapist?

WHAT HAPPENED in benghazi?

WHAT HAPPENED on 911 when clinton collapsed?

it's called a stroke, h-dawg

Anarchists are dumb. It's factually that simple. Go tear shit up and get hit by cars in Venezuela, since you admire that shit so much. I've never made a meme before, but this kind of retarded shit is inspiring people that would stand by to do something, anything to reject your mongoloidian horse caulk.

absolutely this. unfavorable camera angles from Trump support her lies.
WHAT HAPPENED with her weird downlit podium and getting the questions ahead of time?

nothing here is new. kys faggot

The Nazi flag really gives it away, but I had s good laugh regardless.

Weak ass bitch can't even handle someone standing a few feet away from her and doing nothing, and you think she's capable of handling being in charge of an entire nation?

The idea is simply laughable.

what kind of autism is this

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


>"the magnitude of my failure, incompetence, and disdain for America is so massive that the only way I can sleep at night is to right a fucking book blaming everything from the layout of debates to volunteers to voters for my failure"
>"I was destroyed by someone actually capable of leading and ruling a nation, but rather than accept my failure I will instead lie about the cringe-worthy and in no way made up "genuine inner thoughts" I had on that stage as the world saw my decimation"
there will never be a bigger fucking joke and failure in life than Killary Cunton

her greatest legacy: ensuring that no woman will ever sit in the Oval Office

This is from an article published less than 24 hours ago you industrial cock inhaling commie faggot

he's right though, just more excuses from a sore loser

Hillary's skin already crawls on it's on xD

Gonna have to add
>pulled the rape card after she lost to try and steal the presidency
to this


>This is not OK, I thought. It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women," she wrote.

Is she seriously suggesting she thought he might grope her?

They do like that cheap labor

Lmao it's amazing how she is clearly a charlatan but the left just eats it up.

Remember when everyone was going to call trump a sell out when he lost he election and would open his own news station to make money? Now they love hillary doing it

Someone should make the Virgin vs Chad version of that debate

>"Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you CREEP, get away from me! I know you LOVE to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate ME, so BACK UP!"

Females are a fucking joke to the human race

I remember a graphic about the positions of trump and clinton during all three debates, and clinton was more often on trump's side than the other.

Not even factoring in how retarded a person would have to be to entertain the idea that a presidential candidate would grope someone on stage in the middle of a nationally broadcast debate, her thinking that there's a person on the planet that would willingly grope her saggy wrinkly old ass is incredibly delusional.

I feel uncomfortable everytime I'm forced to be around non-whites, but you don't see the world changing for me.

TL;DR - I lost the election because I'm easily intimidated

>>"Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you CREEP, get away from me! I know you LOVE to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate ME, so BACK UP!"

>Trump's actions during the debate were viewed as bullying even before the moment that Clinton recounted.

Is this the real life?
