Sorry stormlards, the wage gap is real

>The numbers prove drastically different when broken down by gender.
>Men: 25 to 34 years: $828 weekly/$43,056 annually
>Women: 25 to 34 years: $727 weekly/$37,804 annually

How is this shit still legal?

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No idea, but it's a pretty nice loophole. That's why I exclusively hire females, not sure why other businesses don't to it to save money.


not broken down by their actual jobs and the differences in pay between them

if i had to shit out babies and take months off at a time for that i'd make less money too.

There's two things that it doesn't factor in
>1. The jobs that both respective genders are taking. More men do jobs involving construction and plumbing, which gets you easy money for hard work.
>2. Seniority (A male worker that's been at an establishment for a while will make more than anyone that applies for the same job via raises)
The gap is real, but it is not due to some underhanded scheme by patriarchal kikes rubbing their hands and plotting against womankind. No company would employ men if they could hire women for the same jobs at a lower rate.


Now compare the amount of work they do, and the level they do it at.


> Ages 25-34
Hmm I wonder what important biological decision women make during that time that keeps them from earning money.

Know what else is real? Lost productivity from women's excessive absenteeism.


Can you demonstrate equal productivity?

maybe men and women actually do have real legitimate biological differences and we should stop trying to assimilate humans into one category and all the diversifying of nations to one race in order to preserve those races best instead of mixing all races and creating problems by introducing racism and abusing the fear of the destruction of a race.

It still doesn't take into account seniority and their performance. Moreover, you need to be assertive when *demanding* a raise when you do not get one, or you will not get it.

And it still doesn't answer the question of why there are even men in the work force at all when women apparently get paid 25% less across the board. What idiot would hire a man to do the same job a woman could do for cheaper?

When you get proven wrong, fail to admit it and then just scramble for other explanations, it proves you aren't actually interested in finding the truth.

Women are more likely to take family leave than men. Women also choose lower paying professions more often than men. When accounting for differences of choice the gap disappears.

And when you don't answer a simple question, it proves that you only know how to regurgitate what you read in clickbait news articles rather than think for yourself. Why would an employer hire a person that demands a higher rate of pay when they could hire someone for a lower rate instead?

funny even when you try real hard you fail

So you say you want more white people, but then you punish women for having children. Brilliant.

Boys club bullshit prolly. Bob from the country club helps another guy named Bob land the big executive job, even if the women and minorities who applied were more qualified

I don't want that, studies show in equitable employment environments women gravitate to more traditional roles

This is why you don't do that you antifa dumbfuck. Also you don't have a business you lying cuck. You're being paid minimum wage by George Soros or one of his even less glamorous underlings to post lies like that you're a wealthy Republican.

Women are much shittier employees and almost always less effective than men.

1) How can anybody at this point take CNN seriously? They are the very definition of fake news at this point.

2) This ignores performance. A gap of 2.4% is within a reasonable range.

3) Women have a risk factor called pregnancy. Men don't have to take time off of work to pop out a kid and then recover. Depending on the country and company it could be anywhere between a couple of weeks to a year, often paid. This makes men a safer decision to hire and promote. Since men are safer they get to demand a higher wage. This is a major factor most analysis ignores when discussing the wage gap.

>The office was like a Milan catwalk, but with the competitiveness of a Miss World contest - and the low cunning of a mud-wrestling bout

Nobody is obliged to support a family other than their own. Nobody is forcing women to work or to stay home. More importantly women do have agency in their own fucking employment and wages. Having a child isn't a punishment. It also is not an excuse to burden others.

it's CNBC, not CNN, you fucking moron

If women and men are equal, why don't companies hire all women and save themselves 100s of thousands of dollars?


Duh because men are engaged in a conspiracy to keep the woman down and will sacrifice money to employ a fellow male. We all try to sustain the patriarchy and we want to hurt women, even women we don't know. And we do so at our own expense muhahaha.

That's what feminists truly believe.

this guy, needs a break from Sup Forums.

Yeah but you'd make more money just hiring all women and niggers

>Because all careers pay the same

I have debated against you faggots on this more than a dozen times. I have no interest. Please sage this and don't bump with images.

women are a net loss over their entire lives, economically speaking. blah blah. none of this shit matters.

>at $100,000 a year that's a difference of $2,400
My god what a travesty.


You realise that most women will work at easier jobs that pay less compared to men? The higher paying jobs are ones that require you to travel to undesirable areas, work gritty job that require a lot of physical work, and will not hold your hand when you fuck up. On the other hand, women (and especially wives) will work less hours in jobs that pay less and with a lot more flexable scheduals. The reason women/wives do this is a little something you will never have, OP. A little thing called K I D S. Besides, if there was a genuine wage gap where women are payed less, than why is there men in the work force? It would clearly be cheaper for an employer to hire nothing but women.

Top kek

Holy shit you're retarded. I'm almost considering the possibility of you being a falseflagger.

Women shouldnt be in the workforce at all until 40 years old and 5 children. Anything else is a waste of resources.