Antifa doxxed by user

Surprise surprise, there's a lot of teachers

Can't paste the actual list but here's the link about it

Other urls found in this thread:

>there's a lot of teachers

Nazi punks fuck off

Go back to /leftypol/

Have a bump

What's wrong? Don't like the taste of your own medicine?

Eat a dick dude, you bitch about how muslims are terrorists and then use an act of terrorism as your mascot.

Wasn't terrorism because a) it was done in self-defense and b) fat communist coalburning cat ladies are not human beings.

>Surprise surprise, there's a lot of teachers
Its almost as if we should not have surrendered out educational systems to women, communists, and women communists.

Wow good one. What else you got kid?

>Show up to assault peaceful protestors
>Swarm car
>Get run over
>"halp terrorism"


Its a dodge of peace faggot


>Many are connected to radical Communist groups, like the National Bolshevik Party
So basically Nazbols who hate Jews got honeypotted and now the autists at cripple chan are doxxxing them.

I imported those names into a spreadsheet then separated them by first and last name. I also have their initials as filter options. I'm sure another full blown autist has everyone already in a database along with pics and Facebook links but I'm mainly using mine to crosscheck names when someone is being doxxed.

Nah, it's legit.

Did you find your own name


thought so

Pretty sure this place has nothing to do with Antifa. Don't know who made this list but seems more like a deliberate attempt to discredit the right wing, which I think is a good idea.

Like I said, I'm using it cross check names like Corey Lemley which I did not find on the list. So, maybe you're right. If you are then I just wasted an entire 20 minutes of my life.

I see.
Free Market the education system and Antifa dies.

NBCuniversal and a BBQ house are on the list.

Probably just uploaded some shit to facepalmbook and then doxxed everyone who liked it or something. This kind of loose association is glorious, hope the autists at cripple chan keep declaring everyone who openly dislike nazism an Antifa and Trump declares the Antifa a terrorist organization.

This shit is gold.

Bumped because fuck Antifags

>obvious nervous laughter
Disassociate yourself with them and you won't have to share a cell with comrade Clanton.

The white race needs you

>Consequences will never be the same
You are a faggot

Hey faggot Nazis are great! Jello Biafra was a CIA spook who got his ass kicked at the Gilman by Nazis. You might want to take a lesson.

>a few companies won't get market dominance and institute the worse forms of political correctness.