Blocks your path

What do you do?

Good question.

I do this.

*unsheathes cock*
*dominates boipucci*
psssh nothing personal tranny

The answer is always RAPE

kick it in the balls

walk around the mentally ill person like any other rational human being

Kill "HIM"

Give it smallpox?

Suck its cock, fuck its cleanshaven boipucci and plaster its face in warm semen

Suck her cock

Lay pipe obviously

fuck it then denie it

raping trannies is even worse than raping woman because it makes you a gay rapist and gay rapists have aids.
Please wait in line for the gas chamber ride.

Pray the gay away

Hose him

Cuck her sock

Man you people are faggots.

Would you dilate her woundpucci Sup Forums?

push HIM to the side and continue walking.

The absolute state of the rightwing

No. I'd sew it up permanently and nut in >her ass until the end of time.

*pulls out baseball bat*

Pardon me, sir, I have an appointment.

Give it a stern talking to, Swearingen style.

woundpucci is gross. feminine penis is better

Dont you have a "war" to fight , hohol oligarchs vs ivan oligarchs?

Ufff "i feel like taking a huge shit, will you watch?"

I'd pull out my thick veiny cock and have it nibble on my foreskin.

Fuck it up the butt because I'm the dominant one.


what the fuck when I looked at your flag the flag of israel flashed in my eyes for a second waht the fuck is going on?


How big is her cock?

Nuke Amurica. A nation of fat niggers cucks mongrels and queers

there is no point for a tranny not to have a dick

dip it in the woundpucci

stick it in the boipucci

Possibly murder.
Go home, eat tendies, sleepy time.

*blocks your path*

He is going to kill himself in 5 years isn't he

she is beautiful though

>inb4 ">she"

Why is there a random woman in my apartment?


Real women have vaginas weirdo go back to Sup Forums

All trannies must die.

Did >she really cut >her dick off?

fall to my knees and kiss her thighs

>you're blocking my path, sir
>what did you just call me?
>kick it in the nuts

normal people > trannies >>> jews >>>>> people who are obsessed with trannies to the point where they have violent fantasies about them.
You ARE the untermensch.

Real women are overrated.


Stop using that flag filthy gross sodomite weeaboo freak


nah she just got ffs

Drops to knees and promptly sucks that she-cock. No shame

Idk who/what it is

>What do you do?
kick it in the cock

There is no woundpucci and I hope she never gets one.

Subhuman Amurican faggot nigger kys

I dont hate trannies but they should all be killed to stop the disease

it's violent savage brown people posting it.. gay is implicitly white. white boi's belong to white men. the angry brown subhumans are just pissed off

"Pardon me, Dude."


You'd probably be happier if you at least tried to be your real self instead of trying (badly) to mask it with hate now that greece is full of niggers. I hear they'll fuck anything.

disease will stop when you remove the jews. Trannies fell victim to their propaganda.

paths your block

The surgical procedure she underwent recently was to get a boob implant and for her nose and brow line. She stated multiple times that she doesn't want to chop her dick off.

All sex that isn't for making babies is equally degenerate.

Find a single flaw with dead trannies

probably not going to like my answer

*Present Myself
"Show me what you can do that other girls can't..."
I mean that's their biggest use.

Damn look at those cheek bones, he took the bogpill and the bluepill.


It's not inheirited it's caused by somthing being broken deep down at the core of the brain. Unrepairable and if you just kill them all more will just be born. The only solution that works for now is letting them transition so they aren't completley crazy to the point where they can't contribute to society.

Well yes ideally the whole structure will be removed. But killing trannies is more practical

>animu reaction image
Opinion discarded go away gross faggot manchild


You are fucked up in the head get help you subhuman weirdo

Fascism is not inherently against traps. Calm down. Your symbol is an actual faggot.

innocent person died? well that wasnt too difficult...

fuck u greek poster I thought you were cool, only nuke the west coast, chicago, detroit, and NYC

It's not though blacks have the most lgbt peole then hispanics and asians. Whites have the least but there are more white people here so you see more white lgbt people.


That should be criminalised and categorised as necrophilia
Once they do this they are basically dead. Seeing as they have 80% chance of killing themselves afterward
I can't believe so many of them are stupid enough to get rid of the very thing that makes them unique than actual girls

Would you let a depressed person slice their wrists? Letting these people chop off their junk is very harmful. They need psychiatric help not surgery.

>Would you let a depressed person slice their wrists?

I appreciate that he has had a somewhat positive effect on a people who are otherwise hard for us to reach. I'd shake his hand and move on.

You're shake his dick, faggot.

maybe the transtrenders but for most it's a severe mental illness that's impossible to fight (trying leads to you being either chris chan or the greekposter). It's an inescapable hell pit. God's laughing at us.

>inherently against traps
Kys tranny abomination are aberrations and against nature

There is no such thing as an innocent tranny/sodomite. They are all vile reprobate beasts they are fundamentally evil

Maybe make a virus that only targets queers and effeminate weeaboo Sup Forumstards

>Being this much of a faggot in denial
Anyone can tell man. Just accept what you are like any adult should do.

I held out on trying internet and my buddy told me about this Sup Forums site. This is fun! I am not a very good typist

Speak English, foreigner.

>what a nice little non-argument

It is a illnes that could have been treated. But instead it was declared normal and even encouraged.

I bet you he accidentally fapped to a trap and has been on a vendetta ever since.

Listen, its not a natural phenomenon. If people became fufilled with their and did not feel forced to transition, it would still be pushed because liberals are obsessed with the idea of androgyny

all the brown people like you haven't been killed yet? if we're going to cleanse then the brown roach who reproduce are even more vile and need to die first. if you're sterilized or killed then even if we've got to give up trannies i don't mind.

white boi's aren't "lgbtzhraisdn232+++" or whatever stupid shit that crap is. they've got a feminine penis and a boipucci that's all

Grab his titties and tug on his dick while i fuck his boipuss like a mad savage

Only proven treatment for "transgenderism" is pic related. Make trannies and sodomites afraid again

That's not what happened though, I'm sure he'd be gone if Blaire got SRS but all she did was go to Dallas for FFS and came out looking even qter.

This is what they want. You're just giving them what they want.

There is no treatment. Hormones are the only thing that works.
And no one acts like it's fucking normal. Trannies are freaks. Most people don't like them but will tolerate their presence at most. No one wants to be this unless they're literally retarded.

unsalted butter