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Made me think so much

everything about this is perfect

the overjoyed reaction of the nigger at not being a father, the obese disgusting woman driving way in disappointment, the jubilant audience. just everything. if there was a god the roof wouldve collapsed under its own weight and killed everyone in it

>drives backstage
The absolute state of America

>fucking that thing

gas us please someone

Americans are worse than niggers

Jesus Christ


Some staged shit you saw on t.v from Hollywood isn't America

>that happy nigga jumping around like a monkey
>those fat asses on literal mobility scooters
>that show
Holy shit this is hilarious

another example

Good lord


>Art imitates life


The same people who believe fake news is a thing also believe these shows are real.

Really makes you ponder.

Fucking kek, his facial expression. He does look like he honestly still had some hope that she didn't cheat on him and then feels the disappointment rushing in.

Please do not bully me. I'm on my way to work.

Are you driving your mobility scooter to work?

Fuck off, D&C faggot


How'd I do?


she looks like she ate the kid jfc


Don't laugh at murica please

This is my favourite

>nigger literally chimps out in front of camera
>fat white women can't even walk

America will never be great again. It deserves to fall into an abyss due to its own sins.

>Against pride in one's heritage
Who could have foreseen this?

>tfw your a hungry skele at 155lbs
I seriously don't understand how people get that fat, I've never broke. 160lbs in my life


holy shit, did he use a forklift to fuck that?

I'm not an expert.... but I don't think you need a DNA test to know that that's not his kid.

Your Jewish masters did a good job on us.