We need to talk about pic related. How do we fix it? When you're not dealing with niggers or illegals, you're having to navigate a bunch of inbred, toothless embarassments to the white race; these mongrels love to talk about their "Suhthuhn hawspitalitee," but the moment you start speaking with an accent different from theirs, their inferiority complex swings into overdrive and they turn into the nasty, shitty, rude subhumans they truly are. They fuck their kin, their idea of "fun" is rolling in the mud with livestock, and you can count the teeth in any one of their heads on a single hand. Bring up the Snivel War with one, and see how they chimp the fuck out over "muh Northuhn uhgreshun," "the South will rise uhgeen," blah fuckedy blah. These are basically niggers without the tan. If I had to choose a method of solving this problem, I'd just go with nukes and wipe their inbred DNA smooth the fuck out of the gene pool. Southerners are stupid, obnoxious pieces of shit and deserve to be gassed with gypsies and kikes. The best thing they ever did for humanity was drop dead en masse in the 1860's.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm just here to beat animeposter to first post.
>implying republicans could ever win again if the south stopped voting for them
NC is kind of either way really. A solid Republican versus a ??? Democrat (aka not the last election), NC would go Red. Imagine a Ben Carson, Chris Christie, or Rubio; we would have likely been red. Against an Obama candidate? It would be a toss up.
Wew, very nice.
You do realize that we southerners white and proud flying our rebel flags contained the niggers in the city. There are black southerners who act very civilized as well but still want white nationalism. The niggers stay in the cities and they don't usually come out.
To add southerners won't stop voting republican unless democrats start favoring white america again. Our youth hate democrats.
>implying I'm Republican
>implying there's some kind of difference between them and Democrats
Northerner here. Grew up prejudiced against southerners after watching Deliverance at too young an age. After working with many southerners as an adult on cases throughout the south I gained great respect for them. Many pretend to be stupid. This is a bait slide thread btw
>pick 1
Both of you should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
States like West virginia and kentucky are both 90+% white, so no, you guys are worthless across the board. As a yankee I am quite sick of our tax dollars being squandered by worthless parasites like you.
Labor camps for southern states is the way to go in my opinion, though the way they vote for their own low wages, it's practically headed in that direction anyway.
>low test beta yank is butthurt that the north has no culture the post
>Every topic I don't like is a slide thread, waaaaaah!
Maximum bootyblasted.
Kek, southern "culture" is essentially wal-marts, McDonalds and corporate worship. Sad!
>inbred Southerner uses memeflag anonymously here because he's too terrified to openly fly the last hideous shred of his muh dick "culture" the post
Protip: The South can't rise again if it never got up to begin with. At least use a flag with a winning record, kek
>you don't like us
>we don't like you
just let us secede then you fucking retards
>let us
Glad you recognize who holds your leash, mongrel, but the answer is no. Pick our cotton or we'll fucking kill you again. We own you.
the south will rise again, butthurt yank
The Confederate flag is now flown around the world, at football games in Italy and N. Ireland. Brazil, France, Germany. It's come to mean many things, including resistance to oppression. So it seems fitting for the left to now adopt it as their own
You never got up. As a matter of fact, you got the shit kicked out of you, and here you sit, a drunken, craven little tumor of a people, smoldering over what could have been, what could still be, if you could only get off your dumb hick ass and do something. But you won't, you can't. You belong to us. You are United States property. And it pleases me to no end watching you retards seethe about it all the time.
I would love nothing more than to see the ensuing shitshow caused by liberals trying to appropriate that ugly piece of shit traitorflag.
What the fuck are you talking about? I grew up in New England and got stationed in Florida. The rednecks I met down there were the fucking salt of the earth and I regret not being from there. Holy fuck, going from my dad's well-done shitty steaks to southern BBQ was heaven. People actually respected my work instead of treating me like some asshole (massachusetts for ya).
I remember one Chief commented in his southern drawl, "I don't understand it with you guys." (me and another pretty hard-working junior sailor) "It's like you were raised right or something."
I was treated like shit growing up and didn't work at all because I spent so much time isolated from everyone. I don't even call my dad on the phone to speak with him. I just found myself in a new environment with people who didn't have any assumptions about me beyond the work they saw me do.
The north gave me life, but the south gave me an identity, as an American and as a man, that I can live with and be proud of. If I hadn't lived in the south I wouldn't even know what the fuck people are fighting for when they serve this country.
Don't like it? Stay the fuck out
The US flag is also a "traitor flag" dumbshit. But keep sperging out, it's hilarious.
I'm not southern, but you're mistaken to believe the south has no industry. Over the last 30 years the south has attracted thousands of companies to relocate there. Detroit automakers, for ex, didn't move overseas, they moved to the south. Other companies have relocated there. Many such cases. So, economically the south is rising
OP is a liberal stooge bitch who's never left the city in his pathetic weasily little life. And he knows nothing about the south.
He just talks shit because he knows if he went there, he'd get his head mud stomped in within hours.
Us country boys can get along with city dwellers and country folk no problem. But city boys like this can't function.
The dumbest hick is still worth more and has more potential than any other specimen currently on earth.
It is well known that straight white males are the healthiest, best genes, etc.
The poorest white county (Appalachia) has higher test scores and lower crime rates than the richest black county (Prince George, MD).
I.e., OP is a faggot.
>shut-in with daddy issues identifies with fucked up people
I wouldn't be caught dead in your containment zone. Make sure you stay put like a good cuck.
Show me on the post where I said "industry."
>"Ahwmuh keel yoo, hurrdurrr, ee caint funkshin"
>t. Internet tough guy
Thanks for proving my point, dipshit.
Oh hey, looks like KEK agrees, Southcucks get the Zyklon-B.
You know what makes us different, user?
We actually won our war for independence. The South is just a mosquito-filled shithole full of assblasted losers who lash out at any mention of their eternal shame.
>Sup Forumstard makes fake Antifa D&C image
>nu/pol/ gobbles it up
Speaking of falling for bait.
Teach more science in public school. Get rid of homeschooling. Get rid of private schools. Everything will get better.
Sounds like you are the one with an inferiority complex. I'm in law school and my Southern Drawl is an asset to the ladies. Especially the judges.
Precisely why I defend the south in bait slide threads
>on Sup Forums
>"ladies man"
Pick one, Matlock.
>law student
>influencing judges
Come on, user. But good luck with your clerkships. Southerners are excellent storytellers, and even northerners enjoy a good story told by a southerner. Think Shelby Foote
t. asshurt commiefornian upset he got called a carpetbagging nigger
>OP is a liberal stooge bitch who's never left the city in his pathetic weasily little life. And he knows nothing about the south.
Muh muthafucka
>Southerners are compulsive liars
Ftfy. Something else I noticed about them. They lead inconsequential lives, so they resort to telling big fish stories at every turn, it's pathetic.
>t. someone who has never been to the south
Only an Antifa faggot could hate the South with this much ass blasted passion. No troll could be this genuine in their butthurt and genocidal feefees.
OP will choke to death on urban nigger dick in future.
>West Virginia
Yankees are retarded. Y'all killed 350,000 of your own men too keep us from seceding and now complain about spending tax money on is while we choose your president. Get fucked faggot, you reap what you sow. Enjoy your high taxes, shit weather, and sjw women.
>The best thing they ever did for humanity was drop dead en masse in the 1860's.
Didn't they have a 2:1 k/d ratio in the war? That alone is impressive enough to warrant statues of Lee.
If you really want to know, I'm a Missourian; close enough to witness your niggardly ways, far enough to not have to put up with your smell. Naturally, Southerners are prone to shitskin-like chimpouts over trivial muh dick reasons, so we had to spank them to remind them who has the triple-digit IQs.
FACT: Without the North, the South would collapse.
It's still an interesting story told in an interesting manner.
I would hit back with how shitty the south is, but youd probably respond with
>muh BBQ
>culture of Grits
>the moment you start speaking with an accent different from theirs, their inferiority complex swings into overdrive and they turn into the nasty, shitty, rude subhumans they truly are
You've never been to the south have you?
Imagine being this delusional. I feel bad for Yankees, shitty expensive lives full of hate and nothing.
>confirms he has never been to the south
yankcucks can't into arguments at all.
I have been to the south unfortunately. Shitty weather and fat people. Tell me the part of the south im missing.
The north had 20% more deaths than the south, user
They just outnumbered them 2 to 1
North texas, central texas, Virginia
Oh yes, Southerners reveled in their fratricide. They were the initial aggressors, and had no qualms with murdering their brothers to keep their pet niggers because they'd rather kill other whites than pick their own crops. Add the compulsive lying to that, and they're basically cotton Jews.
I've been to Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida. Out of them all, Mississippi was hands-down the worst. So yes, I know all about the south and their bullshit.
Yeah, because who needs toothbrushes and education?
Yankees are truely the worst americans
And the best German on their best day is still watching his wife get pounded by Muslims, what's your point, kraut?
So essentially the northern and western most parts of the region. Everything else is neegars and saturated fats
There are some well educated normals on Sup Forums.
You won't find them in the South.
North texas is still pretty south. Look at the map, south georgia is north texas
North texas has no less minorities than the rest of the state. The weather is nice, which was the point.
Most of the south is on the gulf of mexico, and thus gets bad weather.
You sound like you're just not able to deal with living in the real world.
Houston is the 4th largest us city, and 3rd largest us port city.
Tons of great living going down here. Not our fault you can't survive outside of climate controlled hegemony.
You can't find them in the North either
>poor white folks dying in a war to protect the profits of rich land owners
>build monuments to rich land owners
The definition of cucks.
Well, thanks to all you buttmad Southerners for replying so much to my bait thread like the dumb fucks I took you for, but I actually have a job I have to get to. For the deep-South retards here, a "job" is something people do to make their own money, instead of taking a paycheck from the government every month. Have fun with your hurricane, you fat pieces of shit.
Sounds like someone lost his chick to a Southern man. No wonder you're assmad.
>You do realize that we southerners white and proud flying our rebel flags contained the niggers in the city.
Yeah, and now you're all rural poor and on disability.
The city is where the jobs are. The city is where the women are. The city is where everything is, and you dumb motherfuckers gave it all up.
>daddy issues
You can't fix inbred white trash. Let them wallow in their filth (and meth).
Lol, it actually went the opposite, user: My chick is from Louisiana. Played yourself a little.
I have had Southerners in December give me a very stern gaze, and tell me "You bess git yerself a coat, boy. It's a diffren kinda cowld down 'ere in the winner." The next morning, it was 40 degrees, so I put on a windbreaker, and I shit you not, every last one of those pussies was bundled up in parkas, scarfs, gloves, caps, top fucking kek. They couldn't handle the bay door being open for any longer than it took for a forklift to get in and out. These were grown men.
>Waste an hour of your own time shit posting the same stale memes
>"Ha j..jokes on you guys"
Yankee "banter" everyone
>Muh flag
>"heritage, not hate!"
>ridin muh truck through da mud
Southern culture
>Waste a second of your own time getting assmad at it
Southern "intellect," everyone.
I do it for the same reason one would watch a dog fight, or a train wreck: You're tragically entertaining, and can be set off by the slightest provocation.
Are you a tard? Nobody cares.
>Working in a warehouse
>Calling others poor and dumb
northern culture
>spend 150+ years LARPing about rising again, "fuhkin neegers," etc.
>government cracks down on their seditious bullshit a second time
>"H-heritage, not h-hate . . . plz no bully ageen"
>"P-please don't take our st-statues, America-kun . . ."
Even the fucking Insane Clown Posse hates Southerners. Yech. What a bunch of sunburned dipshits.
>People are responding to me because their assmad
>I've literally responded to every (you) because I am le epic trollman and not upset at all
chris christie's approval rating in NJ is like 17% you uneducated fuck
You sure? Because you brought it up.
>"Aw shucks, since I got BTFO by muh own implication, I've decided nobody cares now"
Fact: Southern women love Yankee cock, because women love WINNERS.
t. Welfare reb
For better or worse, Northern culture is American culture
>Louisiana, Kentucky, West Virginia deep blue?
>Oklahoma leans blue?
>Virginia leans red?
Is this map even serious? I mean, what timeframe was this from? If this was from the '90s Clinton era, I could probably understand, but the deep south has been solidly deep red for almost a decade now. Well maybe except for Florida and Virginia (swing states), and Maryland and Delaware (blue as fuck like Massachusetts).
>literally keeps feeding me (You)s
>keeps bumping my thread
>after being told specifically that it was a bait thread
A tard and assmad. Such is the life of a yank.
>Claim it's a bait thead
>Not even OP
>Showing your ass in every post
No wonder you're getting yous
Southern "Achievments" worthy of note
>culture of trans fats
>walmart for groceries
>poor, fat and uneducated blacks
>poor, fat and uneducated whites
>sunburn and chub rub
>sweat and mosquitos
>the endless sound of cicadas
>trailer parks as common as pay day loan offices
>drive through states
>Cuntry music toby keith WEEEOOOHAAAA
>everythings bigger in Tejas hombre!
>Greasy BBQ with sugary sauces
>deep fry everything, YUM!
>only drink available is bud light
>Not even OP
Good god, you people are fucking stupid. I didn't imagine satire would take on such a life of its own, yet here we are. Never underestimate the hubris of a Southcuck.
>a bunch of inbred, toothless embarassments to the white race
I live in Louisiana and this couldn't be further from the truth.
Having lived both in upstate New York and in the Midwest I can tell you redneckery is far from universally Southern.
I am one of them from the South.
Nice divide and conquer thread you got here OP
Fucking kill yourself.
t.Southern Engineer
Kek, I live near Toby Keith's ranch.
What you say is all true, in a sense. Most whites here are fat, unintelligent, and evangelical christcucks. That said, they are the nicest people you'll meet in this country and Southern Hospitality is a real thing. I'd prefer them over the arrogance of a cosmopolitan any day.
That's because you mongrels keep migrating north for gibs.
>banjo music intensifies
Inbred toothless embarassments to the white race?
Have you never been to the south? I have never been treated badly by a southern white person. Southern hospitality, they call it.
They are usually good people that just want to work hard and support their family.
I would take a toothless inbred redneck over a nigger or liberal race traitor any day.
How do we fix it? "Dont fix what aint broken".
Also, nigger slide thread detected. Saged.
>t. Southern retard
You shouldn't be phoneposting at work, your overseer needs you on the floor moving stuff
>What is sage
>flag check
Opinion deported.
Some of the nicest personal farm properties you can but in the country.
The North has shitty climate, and it's too expensive, while all the good land is owned by the government out west.
I moved from an urban region from FL to greater applachia (KY/WV border)
you couldn't be further from the truth. The people here are extremely nice. there is no animosity about having a different accent. traffic is non-existent. you can strike up a conversation with literally anyone and people will not look at you like you are mentally ill for doing so. its God's country and church is important around these parts. Most small businesses are closed sunday. it's a bit of an inconvenience but its something you learn to appreciate. sure the health disparities are more discerning over some of the libcuck hellholes, but its honestly something you learn to overlook. There are going to be fat people everywhere, there just happens to be more of them around these parts.
and the women have that sexy southern twang. I'm dating a girl with a country accent and I love it. and there are fit girls you just have to look a bit harder.
fuck FL, never going back.
If anything, the opposite is true, faggot. Your union politics and failures to compete with foreign manufacturers has undone you. Good riddance.
Are you illiterate?
OP is probably a (((White))), disregard anything him and his fellow (((White))) people say
Sorry to burst your bubble, Bubba, but that warehouse job you're disparaging? That was an entry-level position several years ago. In the south. And I was the only Northerner there. Everyone else was a homegrown Billy-Bob and Cooter several decades my senior. Now I work in an office as an operations manager back home in Missouri, since. You know. We have jobs here. Best thing about that warehouse job, though? I took it from a Southerner. I took food off the plate of one of your own, and believe me, the pay was awesome. Way to play yourself, though.
The work is all in the city? Like what?
Construction is in the country, or the outskirts of cities, where nignkgs dont want to go. Farming is in the country. Oil rigs are in the country or off shore. Many plants/factories are in the country.
Smart Mexicans find their work in the country not in the cities. Unless they want to do landscaping.