Mexicans are the real slavers

The decendants of the spanards who killed, enslaved, and stole from the indigenous populations of south, and central America, and the caribbean. This slaving, looting, and genocide committed by these Mexican ancestors far exceeds anything the European did to Africans.

We need to purge the discrasful Latino culture, namesakes, and is monuments from the United States.


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So what you're saying is America was founded by Mexicans...
seams legit.

>mexicans girls look like
Trump was right. They really aren't sending their best.

We are sending peasants

He's right you know. I used to tell this Mexican guy, (works with me) who was obsessed with talking shit about white people, that the first people on this continent were Spaniards and did far worse to its natives than Europeans ever did. He always looked dumbfounded.

Spainairds aren't white.

Nice dive and conquer, ShariaBlue

Fuck you dude.



Jane, you ignorant cunt.

>aren't white
>divide and conquer

>Spaniards killed all south america population.
Native American Population on US -> 0.9%
Native American Population average on LATAM -> 3.4%

It really activates my almonds.

No, I'm Americann. My point was that the Europeans were more innocent than his ancestors you absolute bunch of mongrels.


Jesus, I thought it was the left that cannibalized their own. You fuckers are worse than BLM

It's squat mestizos who are coming over. We get the absolute worst from meheeco

There you have look at pic related.
US is at the 6th position. All top 5 countries with native american population are hispanic.
You don't know nothing. Spaniards never killed native americans on purpose just search for "tratado de indias".

Sorry i didnt selected file.

Look at And about the "Leyes de indias".

En materia de trabajo se dictaron disposiciones que trataban de beneficiar a los españoles, llamados naturales en esa época; sin embargo, los intereses económicos de los conquistadores se vieron perjudicados si éstas disposiciones se aplicaban en su integridad:

Proteger a los menores, Ley 3a, Título 13°, Libro VI
Reglamentar la duración del contrato de trabajo, Ley 13a, Título 13°, Libro VI
Trato humano y justiciero en las relaciones obrero-patronales, Ley 13a, Título 5°, Libro VI
Obligación de hacer los pagos puntualmente cada semana, con dinero y no en especie, Ley 12a, Título 15°, Libro VI
Libertad de trabaj.

"Porque es justo y conforme a mi intención que, pues los indios han de trabajar y ocuparse de todas la cosas necesarias a la República y han de vivir y sustentarse de su trabajo, sena bien pagados y satisfechos del, y se les hagan buenos tratamientos..."4

Just look at the facts. Spaniards never killed south americans, in fact we mixed with them. That's why everything went wrong.


Uneducated Stormturds BTFO

Notice how these people are always trying to force a narrative no matter how ridiculous it might be?

The stormtard doesn't care about the facts, all that he cares about is is proving his opponent wrong and "win" the argument by whatever dishonest means necessary.

Any of you queerbaits ever read Tai Pan? Papists are the lowest of swine. They're high strung hysterical faggots, full of primitive superstitions and murderous predilections. Bunch of bitchy cunts.

In fact we mixed with niggers (not native americans).
Estatuto jurídico de los negros esclavos
Tenían un estatuto jurídico sui generis, por una parte era considerado persona y por otra como cosa:

Este estatuto le otorgaba ciertos prerrogativas al esclavo y obligaciones al amo:

Derecho a un peculio de su oficio propio: Con el producto de este peculio, el esclavo podía comprar su libertad.
Derecho a unidad conyugal (contubernio) entre esclavos.
Obligación de alimentación al esclavo y a su familia por parte del amo
Prohibición de dar la libertad a esclavos mayores de 60 años a menos que el amo le otorgare una pensión alimenticia vitalicia.

"El amo, si quería casarse con esclava, debía pagarle una suma de dinero (con este dinero compraba su libertad)."

Basically it was fine for us to marry with a slave as long as we paid her.
And by "negros esclavos" it refers to african slaves not american slaves. American slaves were just "indios".

Yeah actually slavery in south america continued like a century longer than in the US. I think it was still happening as late as the 1930s.
In the name of "purging the discrasful" culture, I will take a few hot hispanic girls to be my sex slaves.