Tfw you don't fall for brainwashing of either side

>tfw you don't fall for brainwashing of either side
Why aren't you a radical centrist Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:–right_political_spectrum

Just because someone does not pick an extreme it does not mean they are a centrist.
It means that they have common sense.

>tfw to intelligent to have an opinion

Centrism perpetuates the current broken system. I don't consider myself a radical, but if preserving your traditions and people is considered far-right, then I am adamantly far-right.

>brainlets actually think centrism is someone not having an opinion

um, try again sweetie


National Transhumanism is the true redpilled ideology.

>Why aren't you a radical man who does nothing ever and only says afterwards that everyone is dumb.

Geez, I dunno.

"center" isn't a thing. What counts as the political center is completely dependent on time and place. If these self-described centrists went back 100 years, or they went to a place outside the western world, they'd be called fringe lunatic radicals for their retarded beliefs.

All "centrism" means is upholding the status quo. Centrists are just fence-sitters who want soft communism instead of overt communism.

Just look at their positions. They're totally okay with homosexuality and trannies and feminism and nonwhite immigration and all these other things. The only part they have a problem with is the people pushing for these things also saying stuff like "KILL ALL WHITE MEN!!!". That's all they care about. All these things are perfectly cool so long as they're more subtle in their destruction of white society. They're literally just tone police.

Their entire ideology boils down to "hurr durr people on both sides are passionate about something so that means that they're all the same! >tfw to intelligent to have an opinion!" the mere concept of centrism is a fucking farce, because what counts as centrist is totally dependent on time and place. It merely means whatever the status quo is, and then you're just committing the fallacy that whatever the current status quo is must be inherently the best system. They're just gatekeepers of the status quo.

Is this you?

>All "centrism" means is upholding the status quo. Centrists are just fence-sitters who want soft communism instead of overt communism.

try actually doing even a little bit of homework

Oh wow, a bunch of opinions that perfect fall in line with the typical status quo of the modern day! Imagine my shock!

Choose one and only one.

The irony here is pretty top tier.

That isn't centrism, its called having no convictions.Being afraid of forming an opinion is not a political stance. This language itself is gas lighting. Its narrative control.

The reality is that National Socialism is a centrist ideology.

This. Centrism is totally relative and is defined by what exists to either side of it. It also arguably leads to more leftism in this ear, as the Overton window in Western society has shifted leftwards over the past 70 odd years or so. Great shifts and changes are not brought about by middling "moderates". They are directed by the extremes and filtered down into the center to make it more palatable to the masses.

Literally just neo-liberalism, don't try and sugarcoat it.

The mistake is thinking Communism and Fascism are on opposite sides. Both are Utopian fantasy that quickly devolves into dystopia when put into practice.

not being a radical is being radical

things are so fucked up

>in this ear
Whoops, I meant "in this era"

Genetic engineering is the shortcut to extinction.

>hate jews
>hate nazis
>hate communists
>hate niggers
>hate white people
but I want everybody to get along to just leave me be
this is now considered being a centrist

Don't conflate your own nonsensical interpretation of things with terms that have specific meanings.
Philosophically Fascism favor and venerates hierarchy.
Communism at least claims to be against them, and is a proponent of radical egalitarianism.

The ideology are polar opposites.
You have no idea what Fascism actually is.

Ohgodyessss. As a radical centrist, I advocate for the radicalization of polarized political identities, to the end that they eventually destroy each other.
They must realize that they are both correct on some issues, but entirely wrong on others. The answer always lies somewhere in the middle.
Race realism, pragmatism, non-retardedness.

I am. This is the only true path to enlightenment/

"Middle Ground" fallacy as explained in the board sticky.
>extreme position: I rape 100% of children I meet
>opposite extreme position: I rape 0% of children I meet

>LE BASED CENTRIST POSITION: I rape 50% of children I meet

The problem is, while you may be capable of living as a fair minded, individualistic person, other people demonstrably don't care for that. This is simply reality.

Both believe in an all powerful state controlling the means of production, either directly or indirectly.

How are they opposites, you moron?

>radical centrism
>that shitty pixel sunglasses dead meme back from 2010
centrism truly need to be massacred.

>muh horseshoe theory
You're a fucking retard. Fascism is not utopian by any stretch of the imagination.

All that writting, and completely off the mark.

That's the problem with you left/right fags, you can't help but filter everything through your own prescribed worldviews.

>Why not remain neutral in the battle between good and evil, Sup Forums? Surely God will let everyone who tolerated liberal's Satanic degeneracy into heaven, right?

Authoritarian is not a point on the left right spectrum, little kid.
The philosophical basis at their respective cores are complete polar opposites. The terminology of left and right exists only to differentiate between anarchy and hierarchy. Fascism is hierarchical, Communism claims to be egalitarian.

Anarcho-Capitalism and Communism both advocate for abolition of the state. Therefore they're the same. See, anyone can play this stupid game.
Your simplistic worldview boils everything down to whether a state is authoritarian or not.

That guys a hardcore leftist

Which side do you fall on?

>not anti-collectivism

wow, start arguing any time.

If we alter our genes we ain't really human anymore

yeah, this why every form of collectivism should be crushed. People in general are fucked up, they are worse when they gather in a group

i post all sorts of collectivist bullshit here for the bants but if you are unironically a collectivist of any kind you are a moron

guns won't work on those nazi ghosts.

how so?

Right then Mr "anti-collectivist", what happens when a group of inidividuals form a collective and decide to ransack your little AnCap village? NAP won't save you then.

Well that's just idealistic. Humans have a natural tendency to band into groups. Have fun overcoming reality.

The difference is the left side are a handful of trolls using the right side's, which is much larger and more violent, own rhetoric against them.

Pretty much this. Most of them are low t numales, mongrels and stoners anyway

kill the leader, always kill the leader

The family is a form of a collective. A company is a collective. Your group of friends is a collective. A society is a collective. Am I a "moron" for not opposing these things?

You'll never get the "radical individualists" to accept the reality that people are naturally collective in that they form groups, tribes, etc, and aren't they perfectly 100% "rational economic actors" that work purely in their own atomized self interest.

If you listen to ancaps like Molymeme, they'll say ridiculous shit like how the only reason we can't have a "stateless free society" is because people don't act with reason and evidence due to... bad schools. He'll argue that if only the schooling was better, that we could have this perfect ancap world. It reminds me very much of how the communists will dismiss the people who say their system can't work due to human nature by saying "well, we just need to change human nature".

People with all these ridiculous ideas need to come to terms with the fact that you aren't going to change human nature. You aren't going to change the fundamental ways that people think and behave. You need to accept these things and build a system that EMBRACES the way humans naturally operate, rather than trying to force the square peg through the round hole.

I am. Everyone hates the bearer of truth though.

>judging an individual by the actions of another individual
I kind of understand the mentality here but if you really think about it it's an emotionally driven argument that leads to subjectism

Centrist is just a nihilist who won't admit he's too stupid to defend any stance he takes.

What if it's a mass of people, a horde running berserk with no discernible leader?

theres nothing funny about being a radical centrist , I rather just play the game and laugh at stuff

OP claims he don't fall for the brainwashing of either side. Meanwhile waving one sides flag.

>Far Right: Whites have a right to exist like all other people. We have a right to our own countries. No one demands that South Korea accept more African immigrants. No one protests for Singapore to give welfare to Arabs. All these people have the right to ethnic determination, and Europeans are no different.


>"Centrist": Heh. Having an opinion on things? Enjoy being brainwashed. Everyone should just be totally passive and uninvolved like me. Who cares about ethnicity, heritage, and culture? None of that matters, its just like, an opinion.

Truly enlightened thinking.

make the end goal not worth the effort, kill as many as you can and blow up your own shit.

in the center of what exactly? what is your opinion

You guys are the sorriest bunch?

>I can't make a decision from the whole

>being right or left wing means you're an extremist
>1 post by this ID
saged you lil faggot

Very true. It also strikes me as rather interesting that many self-proclaimed individualists tend to be fairly comfortable, middle-class people in relatively high-trust communities.

sorry see also nice diggits

I personally have no issue with communists if they want to go form a commune and live like that. My issue is when they want to force ME to live like that.

We should be free from taxation and statism, but also free to live how we like. This would actually enable a free market of ideas; if their way of life is actually so amazing, then the rest of us will naturally become curious and want to try it too.

If you have to force me in to it at gunpoint, it's already a failed system.

>Humans have a natural tendency to band into groups
of course, this is why you had family, tribe, village and then cities, countries, empires.The human instinct is to belong to a group. The best thing is to let individuality flourish while fulfilling the need of the individual to belong to a group.

I thought that what America was all about

ahahahahahah brainlet detected
you have completely missed the point

you don't judge a your whole family badly because one person did something bad
you don't judge a your entire friend group badly because someone did something bad
lmao wtf is this argument ahahaha

What about conservative centrist, does that make sense?
I believe our values need to be protected and that needs to be done through culture.
I think the catholics should be less shunned and there needs to be a purge of church's old leaders such as the pope.

The human brain is a heuristic machine that works on pattern recognition. You're damn right you can have up-front judgements of people based on things like demographics. This is far FAR more reliable than pulling this "everyone is le atomized individual" bullshit and attempting to treat everyone as completely separate form everyone else.

Would you walk through a ghetto you've never personally traveled through? Would it be wrong to assume it's dangerous based on the looks of the area and the people who reside in it? Or do you have to personally get mugged in this particular ghetto before you can say that it's probably a bad idea to walk through it?

Ryan Faulk did a good video addressing this. It's long and rambly, but give it a shot if you have the time.

This. It is simply fear or apathy towards commitment masquerading as an ideology of its own.

Nazi Germany was a wonderful place to live before the war started, for Germans of course


let me rewrite what you just said

>my brain is inefficient
>i judge the character of one individual based on the character of another
>groups have only one kind of people

>non argument about ghettos ? ? ? ?


Shoulda coulda woulda. The ONLY WAY to fight back against a united collective authoritarian threat is to act as a collective in self-defense. A bunch of atomized individuals is never going to be able to stand up to a huge threat like the cultural marxism and white genocide we're facing. Just bitching about how "waaah these marxist collectivists are being mean and I just want to be left alone" IS NOT GOING TO ACTUALLY MAKE THEM LEAVE YOU ALONE.

Why did far right "fascists" arise during the 1920s and 1930s? It was a direct response to the threat of communism, in the form of revolts, uprisings, attempted coups, etc. When you're facing a collective threat, you NEED TO ACT AS A COLLECTIVE IN DEFENSE OR BE DESTROYED.

think of it this way. You may like individualism, but when you're being attacked in a war, you still need to band together as an authoritarian military to combat the threat. A military is extremely hierarchical, authoritarian, and "fascist" in how it operates. This is needed to combat enemies. And likewise, whites are the only group of people by-and-large to form individualist societies. Shitskins flooding in and breeding us out will put an end to individualism. Therefore, the only way to SAVE our individualist way of life is to band together as a COLLECTIVE and keep the shitskins out.

Very intellectual honest argument right here. This is why nobody takes you seriously.

If a criminal committed a particularly heinous act, I might ask what kind of upbringing he had that led to his crime. That means I could be judging his family to a degree.

no, actually
if you spout a load of collectivist shite to anyone with an IQ above 100 irl you will be laughed at

drop the collectivism you are acting out of fear and emotion

You have still to make a single argument, Sargon. Or are you just going to read off the ramblings of another jewish anarchist?

How is his point about ghettos a "non-argument"? It's quite a reasonable assumption to make that given the nature of the people who reside in them, as indicated by particularly high crime rates in them, it would serve you well to take extra precaution when traveling through one. Perfectly sound reasoning.

does it mean that his family have necessarily done anything wrong? no
you have torn down your own argument

>you are acting out of fear and emotion
I suppose you are above human emotion then and act as a perfectly logical, calculating robot? Emotional reactions are not inherently negative things as you seem to be implying.

What are your thoughts on the validity of the concept of "family"?

Maybe not criminally but they may have brought him up in a rather shitty way leading to his dysfunctional behaviour later in life. Therefore they are responsible to some degree.

>You're all stupid and I'm a genius
Centrists are the biggest cunts I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. I used to know some and they'd complain about literally everything whilst putting themselves up on a pedestal.

so is every single person that lives in this ghetto a criminal? not necessarily

Let me put it like this
>American civil war
>one smart ass soldier dosent want to pick a side between Yankees & Confederates
>decided to use yankee coat & Confederate leggings burning battle
>gets shot by both sides
Enjoy being smack middle of the crossfire

Who ever argued that?

it's a real and valid concept

what if they didn't though
you are making an unfair presumption

the level of autism in this post is staggering

It's sort of like how Rockwell and Pierce would talk about how most people are spectators/lemmings, except instead of just being ignorant, the "radical centrists" are extremely strongly-opinionated in their desire to not have any convictions.

Revelation 3:15-16

>15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
>16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


>it's a real and valid concept

Not super relevant but in the process of reading up on this topic I found this picture of a "think tank" that I quite enjoyed, maybe some of you will too

Cheers, everyone

>tfw to intelligent to keep up with a conversation.

What's autistic about what I said? I just said the centrists I used to know back in uni were cunts.

My opinion is that both altright idiots and leftist degenerates have way too much fucking time free time to tackle this garbage.

Get to work fagets.

because the people in the family play a role and live together and form a part of a healthy person's life

not an argument

Super simple for you.
>family members are your natural friends
You don't to be a collectivist to have friends.

I reread your post. I thought you actually believed that there is such a thing as radical centrism.
My bad, you commie nigger

>tfw two intelligent for political disscourse