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Can...can he really do that?

Lmao no


stephen king is probably too cerebral for blumpf anyway lol

hahaha faggot

King missed his calling as a comedian desu

Stephen King is a raging faggot

Why isn't he blocking him from seeing that shit move Dark Tower?


>(((Sup Forums admins))) delete Rare merchant threads
>let this into first page

hack writer expresses hack politics?
no wai

Did he really just do the equivalent of "you can't fire me I quit" in a serious capacity?

Even if King was serious, theres no way he could actually stop him from watching those movies if trump wants to or not. lol Who does king think he is?

Someone post the sewer orgy scene from IT

BTFO? How, No one gives two shits about Stephen Nigger King, and his garbage shit.

Do the world a favor and neck yourself.

If the new IT movie is good. he should upload a pic of "Movie Night". Hell, Trump supporters could take a pic of their MAGA hats in the theater and taunt Stephen.

If the movie bombs, we should spam him the critic scores on Twitter until he runs off like Joss

>muh twitter blockage
>f-fuck you trump, you can't see the remake of my book
>haha, that'll show him
>I'm intellectaully superior, I'm an author of many terribly written novels

>giving money to Pedowood

I can't believe you think the new It movie being good is even an option.

Hope DJT shit posts a pic of him watching the movie in a rented out theater with yuge bucket of popcorn and diet coke

I can't even watch any movie anymore. They're all just diversity propaganda. The story is secondary.

King has always been a prankster. Haven't you seen the Dark Tower?

I can't believe he thinks giving King money by going to the theater to see his shitty movies of his shitty novels just to make a meme jab at him is a good idea.

Trump should tweet out that he is watching those movies as he is typing the tweet and say they are terrible.

Because it sucked

This isn't even close to that. It's several magnitudes worse that it's entered into pathetic territory. It's more like "You're firing me??!?!?!!? Well then, you can't see what I wrote in this stack of Post-it notes!!! So there!"

No what happeend?

It was comically bad compared to the literature.


It stands to reason that you could Trump do literally anything by pissing him off and then telling him to just do the opposite of whatever you wanted. He seems that dumb.

still cannot believe we live in a timeline where our president is sending out nonsensical tweets and engaging in social media wars

>going to see shIT

Stephen King got tired of competent directors making good movies out of his shitty books so he put his foot down and it looks like garbage.

The pettiness levels of such an act would secure his base for a millennia

>Blocks him from seeing "IT"
I find the entire premise of underage gangbangs (as described in "IT" by Stephen King) to be in poor taste, I won't be watching it. He is a shit writer anyway, Buffy-tier stuff where everything in the world happens in one small town.

>Even wanting to see Mr Mercedes

That's one of his worsts books

Welcome to Stephen King films. His literature has its own sense of dark grittiness that usually doesn't translate well into film. Only rarely have his lighter books been portrayed on film well.

lel, what? Literally never heard of any of that shit. He might as well ban Trump from his cousin's son's screamo band's SoundCloud

>implying Trump would even want to pirate his shitty fucking movies on the shitter

Also, he can't even do this, he can't block anyone from seeing any movie, just like he can't stop me from pirating and giving all his books out for free on usb drives.

Which I'm going to do now I've seen this post.

>be president
>get to see any movie you want

How does mr cuck here plan to prevent The Leader Of the Free world from seeing two works?

stephen king will never know how much he's hurt me


Pathetic. Sad!

Wouldn't it be glorious if Trump just so happen to post a picture of himself watching IT or Mr. Mercedes on twitter.


>says he's going to block Trump from seeing those works
>Trump does something outlandish like renting an entire theatre
>Give SK all that money

Stephen King is full of shit and I blocked him years ago. I wouldn't be caught dead reading one of his books.

moar twitter twaddle



If it's any consolation, he was hit by a car with a head injury and hasn't been right since.

FDR also had a supermajority in fucking everything



I hope Trump posts spoilers for those movies like he did with Fallout 4, but since Stephen King hasn't made anything original in 10 years, it might be a moot point. Since it's just rehashes of books though, he could plausibly post spoilers before they even air.

Also, Stephen King is like a crazy ex gf who can't let go of the Big Don. It's been 2 and a half months since he's been cut off from the Lord of Sunlight.

King is pure plebeian trash desu.

You know how I can tell IT will actually be good? King had little to nothing to do with the adaptation.

The tower sucked cock. You probably would like it then. Kings a retard.

Was it that bad? What if i've never read the book?

lmao he's just shilling his trash would he do that? hire security to guard every theater in the Country. I doubt trump was going to see that shit movie anyways.

The only good movies based on Kings works were The Green Mile, Shawshank and The Shining. Everything else has been crap. IT will be crap just like the Dark Tower.

It's just a bad movie, I didn't read the books and I didn't like it. Some of the scenes were pretty cool but the overall movie is generic as shit. I'd say watch it but don't expect it to be anything special.

I saw it with mom, I thought it was alright, mom hated it, but she's read the books and I haven't. I tried to view it from an entertainment perspective only, mind. The villain and his plot fucking sucked though. Apparently glass shards block bullets, the gunslinger can fire some bullets far faster than others, and the whole point is abducting kids to take their 'shine' away, literally putting their minds on the Big Black Tower.

Holy shit do we even have electron microscopes that can see the shits given? Do these types really think their 1½ hours of bland entertainment matter at all?

I hate this fucking piece of shit, I hate that I ever shared a state with him. He should stay in Florida and shut his worthless commie mouth -- would have been much better off if the van driver put it in reverse and crushed his skull on the ground.

I can't remember a good book from him since the 80's

I hate it when shitty hack writers get respect. It makes me hate America even more.

Trump should boast about pirating it

Oh, apparently despite the man in black's magic not affecting the gunslinger, he can just will things to fall down on him. I think to myself, if you're concerned about the gunslinger at all but really can just decide to fight him any time, why not just drop a tree on him in his sleep and be done with him years ago? But nah, he's gotta be an edgemaster I guess, killing everyone he hangs out and fucking with his head instead.

The bad guy in the Dark Tower is also Penny Wise from IT and Randal Flag from The Stand. The shine shit makes sense if you've read the books because King books all exist in the same Universe. The movie was still poorly done though.

thats it, Gronhald Blumpf is finally finished

>why not just drop a tree on him in his sleep and be done with him years ago?

Because Roland's journey is pretty much religious prophecy in the series. He's destined to make it to the Tower and start his Journey over and over and over. It never ends.


Boycott the Who from Whoville

Stephen king is a paedophile

did he accidentally ban everbody from going to see the dark tower too? this fucking guy should've died after getting smeared on the side of the road by that van.

Yeah, but why does the man in black give a fuck about Roland's journey? Dude was a fedora short of euphoric enlightenment. From what I understand, they bastardized away from the book hard.


Holy shit, I knew the guy was kinda hackish but this is just trite:

I love cheesy sci-fi and all but this is just too much.

man there's literally people who got like 10 followers who go around saying Trump blocked them and post the same copy paste image of it saying " Trump has blocked you " and they act like they're the ones with their free speech being suppressed when in reality Trump- no one - gives a fuck about them and the only one trying to suppress free speech is them.

But we already know he doesnt like clowns because he blocked you out, King.

Two scoops of ice cream as well?


this desu

what the fuck

>this fucking guy should've died after getting smeared on the side of the road by that van

Agreed. I regret my time spent reading his shit novels 25-30 years ago when I was young and looking for anything spoopy to dig into.

Fuck Stephen King.

Doesn't anything of import. So go fuck yourself halfwit.

Trump has
>a supermajority in fucking everything
republican house
republican senate
family members in wh admin major legislation has been passed during the Trump administration, and the president has yet to deliver on a number of promises he made during his campaign.

...Trump has spent more time undoing the work of his predecessors than accomplishing anything new or significant.

What a baby.
>your not speaking to me?

wat do??????
need frendo
oh nos

>oh wow they got blocked by trump how ever will they spam snarky liberal autism at him


>Trump isn't doing anything of import when he tweets
So we agree! Maybe he should be doing something more productive

"Little by little, Trump is isolating himself. Soon he'll be Oz the Great and Terrible: little man, big voice, hiding behind a curtain." - Stephen King


*blocks your path to the theatre*

>go float yourself

Lmfao look at this retard being unable to use a search engine to find out what "supermajority" means.

No he can't, it's a public realeass so anyone who pays can see it
>president Obama visits an amusement park and pays to get in but they say he can't because of his political views