Why the South lost the War of Northern Aggression

At the First Battle of Manassas Junction (7/21/1861), Confederates soundly defeated the retreating Federal army.
Instead of crossing over to DC and immediately capturing the federal capital, the Confederates decided to eat, rest, hang out, and have a good afternoon.

It could have ended then. But Southern cheerfulness stayed their hand.

Federal dead/wounded: 647,000
Confederate dead/wounded: 427,000

Southerners continued to be more competent and able warriors, serving disproportionately in all American wars.

/The End


Suck a dick, shillfags

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The South lost for any number of reasons, but, the Yankees are finally on the point of achieving total victory in their long crusade against Southerners.

The cringing scalawags such as Mitch Landrieu are yielding without a fight.

The South had the will but the North had the industry

Conservatives on the 2016 election: the election was last year, you lost, get over it.

Conservatives on the civil war: hur dur we should have won, could have won, would have won if only this or that even 150 years later.

Also the south didn't have the resources to build a response to Northern blockades that choked southern resources.

>tfw we could've prevented every disaster of the 20th Century had we succeeded in overthrowing the United States government.

Look up Lame Cherry on Mannassas

Only results I got were a Baskin Robbins in Northern Virginia

>equating the modern Right-Left political spectrum with the political spectrum of the 1860s

Ok nigger.

We had innovative intellect. And we invented the submarine in response to the blockade.

>inb4 "dumb rednecks"

NEITHER group was on YOUR side, faggot. The South believes in States' Rights. Lincoln and Northerners believed in sending blacks to Africa/Liberia and making them second class citizens.

I believe in States' Rights too though

Also post rare Hunleys

Try it as one word.

because they were a bunch of rural and suburban retards who got btfo by high iq urban liberals in the North

Meant to address the wafflefaggot.

HL Hunley was badass. Don't forget that we invented the first ironclad too! --CSS Manassas

(CSS Virginia pictured)

Tried it with Bull Run (Yankee name for the battle), found it.

>"rural and suburban retards"
>tfw your "retard" navy made every navy IN THE WORLD obsolete with ironclads & submarines

>"Muh high IQ federalists!"

>ywn watch the CSS Virginia charge right right into the middle of the Union blockade and decimate it with contemptuous ease


>That is the amazing thing about Bull Run. No one made a mistake, and the Americans on both sides had masterful battle plans, adjusted their orders of battle and none of them made any mistakes. It all fell to a battle line formed which did not exist and was without any importance before the battle and only became important in a left flank battle.

That's a little naive to say the least. Neither army had much in the way of combat experience and soldiers on both sides had mixed performances because most had barely any training.

Manassas was a sobering experience for both sides. The Union realized unlike the Mormons, Mexicans, and Indians they had fought previously, the Confederacy were no pushovers and would stand and fight. The Confederacy also realized the war would be much longer than bloodier than most had anticipated.

No, you would have a divided continent. WW1 would have happened on its own, as it was an European war about ownership of colonies.

>tfw the inventor of the gatling gun--Richard Gatling--was from rural Hertford County, North Carolina

>"ignorant, rural" Southerners inventing the machine gun
>Narrative BTFO

>Instead of crossing over to DC and immediately capturing the federal capital, the Confederates decided to eat, rest, hang out, and have a good afternoon.

I see we've got a military genius on our hands here.

Well, did you stop to consider the cohesion of Confederate forces in the area? Do you truly believe it to be so simple as carrying the standards across the river following the action at Manassas?

Do tell.


Are you sure it wasn't because Jefferson Davis was a retard?

The U.S. played a major role in exacerbating WW1 by selling bonds and arms to the Entente Powers. No doubt the British and French were also emboldened to make humiliating demands to Germany in the Treaty of Versailles because they assumed the United States would continue to back them up if Germany refused the terms. The Treaty of course poured fuel on the fire of Nazism and was partially responsible to propelling Hitler to the national spotlight.

The South will rise again

Jefferson Davis was both a decorated combat veteran and had served as Secretary of War in the run-up to the Civil War, hardly a moron. his main problem was that he didn't get along with the Confederate congress and state governments, and did not have the means to force their cooperation.

Give us quick rundown of history, regarding the run-up to civil war.

Uh oh... Triggered!
Here's a Hunley

The whole war? That's so long and convoluted you'd need a whole series of books to describe that.

As for Davis, he was made Secretary of War during the Pierce Administration and introduced major reforms (ironically reforms that contributed to the Union's victory a decade later). He opposed secession in 1858 and 1860 but when Mississippi left the Union, he went with it. He was later elected President as a write-in candidate (probably the only instance of that actually working).

nah before it

Too bad "dumb rural southerner," William C. Powers, didn't get to develop & tweak a larger version of his helicopter before the war's end...

Indeed. Was the North the aggressor? What factors and actions led to war in the first place? Why were the Southern states so eager to leave the Union?

Might want to here if you want research that. I've mainly read about Bleeding Kansas which was when John Brown made his name.


Just like Hitler they threw pearls at swine.

Never give your enemy a breather.

A Swede built the first submarine

Whites have to die because of Kike slaves aka pet niggers.

They weren't trying to take Washington because they didn't want that power. They just wanted to be left alone. It was a war of secession. They probably thought that it would send a message that they should be left alone. The poor bastards underestimated yankee wickedness.

>it's another "I'm gonna scapegoat ethnic groups I don't like rather than think critically about a long and complicate subject" post