Now I will explain the complexity of the situation

Now I will explain the complexity of the situation.
Russians love other countries, their culture, their contribution to history.
Russians love Japan for anime, they love the USA (the best country in the world) for their films, cars, big cities, charismatic people. Russians are good people, but.. if they are not people born before around 1985-1989. Because many of these people, who born before that date are freaking crazy. Look at video and understand why.
They shout: Do not you like it in Russia? Get out in the United States!
And THESE people isn't normal. They live in barracks, they support Putin, becouse the don't know what is normal life. They (russian unnormal) says: "In Africa much worse, my friend" - It shows the whole essence of these people, these idiots compare poor African countries with their own. Do you in France or in Spain or in Argentina compare poor Africans with you? I thing not.
Russia is the biggest county in the world, we have a wonderful literature (Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lev Tolstoy and others.), wonderful contribution to music and ballet (Tchakovsky for example). We have a rich history and language, and these madmen compare Russia with African the poorest countries?

At this moment in Russia a complete mess. Total censorship on federal channels, ignoring the problems of the regions.For example...
I'll write it below, it does not fit

We have the first place in the world in terms of the number of policemen per capita but there is paradox. THEY FEAR POLICE MORE THAN CRIMINALS.
It's really sad, we (normal half of Russia) people too. We want to live, have family, be healthy and rides on good roads but with these people...
And more details will below. I write it because Russia is a beautiful country with beautiful girls with smart people but we live like an terrorist's and we slowly turn into northern Korea.. Russians, please do not spoil the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

About that example:
At this moment in Russia a complete mess. Total censorship on federal channels, ignoring the problems of the regions.For example, the other day there was a terrorist attack in Surgut, and the news does not reveal the whole truth. First they say that it was a drug addict, then a psycho, and even where they told about this topic, they did not specify that it was not one person. But this doesn't have matter because of all the terrorist attacks taking place outside of Russia, they shout at the top of their voice. "How bad it is, you look, the decaying West"
By the way, the Russians used to blame Obama for all their troubles, and now they're thinking ... And they blame the opposition (I do not want to say anything about it.) The government has a special place where people get money for dislikes(it's funny) and pretend that our government is wonderful, and yet here's the statistics: shows which country has requested the most to remove materials from the site (for YouTube 22,215 total, 13,209 applications from Russia for 2016)


Statistcs about police (From British media)

We need more Russia Red Pill threads. Many people are delusional about the real state of affairs in this country.

Did you know, for one, that Stalin is more popular among the youth than among older people (among whom he's popular nonetheless)?

I will tell you a little about the salaries in this country. The minimum wage is ~ 7800 rubles, which is ~ 131 dollars. The average salary in Russia - according to official data is 36,000 rubles ~ 609 dollars, but in fact, here's the real statistics, less of 50% people receives a salary of 26,500 rubles ~ 448 dollars

Russia's problem is basically snarls of criminal conspiracy so severe the police are involved in criminal conspiracy, too. There isn't a local Discordian demi-conspiracy working to desnarl these things.
Hey, did anyone see that seedballs thread? You take building breaker plants and mix 'em up in muddy balls that can take root outside a target idea. So I've got this idea for a relatively harmless political activism stunt. Do it nationally against the cops. The ones who are on the ball will clean up no problem. They're in control of their environment, yeah? Well, some of them probably are. Pay attention to which police stations get overrun with vines.

I'm so tired. We are poor, we do not have good medicine.Our laws are contrary to the UN Convention. us OFFICIALLY LISTEN, sorm, sorm-2, recently sorm-3 (but sorm-2 and 3 full shit, but it's not the main thing) is instruments to listen our phone calls and internet-traffic. by 2019 Medvedev (premier-minister)decided to make internet whitelists in whole country

Eбaть вaтный жиpoбacинa гpoзный нa видeo.

>Russia is the biggest county in the world, we have a wonderful literature (Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lev Tolstoy and others.), wonderful contribution to music and ballet (Tchakovsky for example). We have a rich history and language, and these madmen compare Russia with African the poorest countries?
This argument always cracks me up. You live in a country that completely collapsed and lost half of its population 25 years ago.
>We are white
>We aren't stupid africans
>We should live like kings!
Yeah, entitlement is a bitch. Capitalism is a bitch. Life is a bitch. You do not deserve anything, except for what you get. Welcome to the real world.
>Get out in the United States!

Well, what can i say..if you dont like russia, go to usa or europe !

No seriously, we suffer here aswell. Maby we earn more but we pay more then you. So dont be butthurt and whiny, the world isnt a nice place. And 448 Dollars is pretty damn good salary in russia.

Of course! I just said: There are many people. Millions of people who are slaves. They live in poverty but sympathize with the policies of the current government. They believe that the US and Europe are guilty of everything, and not the government. They do not believe that there are our troops in Ukraine, they do not believe that new idiotic laws are covered with a lie about terrorism (there are almost no terrorists in our country), but in fact they take your last money. This is a Stockholm syndrome, and it affects a significant part of the population, this country is no longer able to save

no but seriously, why not just go to the US?

>They believe that the US and Europe are guilty of everything, and not the government
Of course they are guilty you dumbass. They try to destroy russia and kill you and your family and take all the resources. What kind of world you live in ? It is brutal competition and survival.

Bump for effort

If you're lucky enough not to be a brainlet and know how to make money online, you can live pretty much anywhere in the world.. Like on a far away tropical island away from all the SJWs, niggers, commies, depressive violent alcoholics and Putin shills.

It's nice to break some silly stereotypes though.

Your words here do not matter. My elderly parents will not even look at anything other than Russian propaganda like many other parents, I feel unwell when I understand that they will die in a dirty apartment, and I can not properly provide them

>They try to destroy russia and kill you and your family and take all the resources
Kek, if Europe is really so badass, why won't they do a shit about all the shitskins? Maybe they're not as badass as you claim?

In fact, I can go to Europe (The United States has closed visas for Russians, beutiful i lived for this) but, other peoples can't. I have brother, mother, friends and they can't. It's like leaving them in concentration camps

>I feel unwell when I understand that they will die in a dirty apartment
What you think we dont have such people here ? Always amaze me this russian idiocy thinking somehow russia is worse then west.
why not ? go to europe and see for yourselfs instead of whining, maby you will earn SO MUCH MORE money and will be able to sent it to your family to russia. right ? =)

Bcё тpeд yмep нaхyй, дyмaл люди пo диcкyccиpyют, a нeт, вce и тaк знaют, чтo вcё хyёвo, нy кaк тaк, нy йoбaнa, и мнe тyт жить? Eбaл этy cтpaнy, eбaл этих людeй eбyчиe cвиньи, cyкa кaк тaк мoжнo нaхyй. Им лeгчe зaкpыть глaзa нa пpoиcхoдящee в cтpaнe, чeм paзбиpaтьcя, вeдь нaхyй, лyчшe нa зaвoдe в 15к a дoмa мaнькa и пиздюк, ничё cкopo пoвыcят ипoтeкy вoзьмём, кaк люди зaживём. пиздeц я eбaл

because we have 2,2 million open jobs and not one taking it, so we need immigrants to keep our economy boom up. their will be stagnation if no one is taking those jobs.

go to Latvia like you planed, nobody cares. we are watchin you btw.

Yeah, i think so, thanks man

Уeбывaй нaхyй из "кoнцлaгepя" paшки пидopaшки. Или люби Poccию, пидop. Boт тeбe двa cтyлa, выбиpaй. Дpyгих нe зacлyжил.

I hope you save your country

Back to sosach, pleb.

>whaa whaaa everything is shit

Everybody can write rip horror did about their country , cretin, with the exception of Swissfags

Want a better country?
Build it.

You're just another millenia l faggot that fell for the current political hysteria perpetuate Ed by the Russian opposition which is mostly jews btw, who rile up people into emotional turmoil

Before ebil Putin your country had to beg zgermany for food so large part of your populations don't starve do death

Piss of faggot

Mass migration is a ponzi scheme in the first place, migrants are imported for ideological reasons above all. You are being cucked and guilt-shamed, soon you will have swarthy kids all over your country, in every school and kindergarten, and you literally have no balls to oppose it (not that Russia is too much better in this respect, I see swarms of swarthy kids here too). And if you have no balls to stand for yourselves, how can you subjugate such a cucked, AIDS-infested shithole as Russia? "Kill you and your family and take all the resources" - LMAO, you didn't even stop the savage sovietist separatists in Donbass, how are you supposed to influence anything, idiot?

Russia diaspora here, I want to move back to Europe but refuse to move back to Russia.

It is a terrible place, politically and geographically. Its a huge flat frozen swamp ruled by collectivist scum.

I move to france!

> savage sovietist separatists in Donbass

Hohol or liberashka detected

>>ch is your place pidor

Don't get mad, just explain, how are you supposed to "kill me and my family and take all the resources" if you're not even able to stop a bunch of stalinist criminals from seeding havoc on your Eastern frontier? Huh?

>you didn't even stop the savage sovietist separatists in Donbass, how are you supposed to influence anything, idiot?
i dont do anything, iam just a shitposter like you and a worker. i eat, sleep, work thats it and shitpost of course.

iam just saying countries try to destroy others and russia is constantly being attacked by eu and usa.

>Уeбывaй нaхyй из "кoнцлaгepя" paшки пидopaшки. Или люби Poccию, пидop. Boт тeбe двa cтyлa, выбиpaй.
May I love this Russia, then?

I've been exploring the endless russian steppe and countryside by Google maps. There is no life outside the megapolises. People are so poor, their houses are so bad, it's just...heartbraking. So much miserable people. Cannot even afford vodka to buy. Instead they drink boyarishnik. Russkie bro, tell me more about the life here, please.

the western countries trying to kill russia. thats a fact. also i was replieng to this whiner latvian guyy. not u

Hahaha, get real, EU and USA can't do a shit against Putin's kleptocracy and warmongering, they're IMPOTENT


No it's not, idiot, they can't even defeat themselves from shitskins in their homeland, how can they "kill Russia"? Get some brain

it is full of albanians, they suffer also. what u think.

And I say, yes. You said it's a dilemma. I accept the challenge and I chose to love Russia. My Russia.

TRYING, you dont understand ? fucking moron.

yes, the left here likes to compare us with every African shithole to show us how privileged we are.

Dumb americans so quick to say "based russia based putin, ect "

Russia sucks and has for thousand years, its a difficult place to live and can only be defended with a tolitarian collectivist approach.

Russians are naturally a collectivist people too, very sad. Instead of going back to be slavic tribe they worship Putin and Stalin.

Fuck "Russia", I hope my fellow slavs return to their glory days, as wild and free barbarians

I live in standart russian shitville. Education is bad but not the worst, health on this level too. Life is hard but not too hard. Or you try to live as a cultured person and die in 30 or like bydlo and drink vodka every friday

You call that trying? Those are low energy, half-assed attempts. The West has no real men even to confront the shitskins. How can they destroy us, LMAO? Even Putin is much better at it than them, we already have an HIV epidemic

Hy вcё, пoгoвapили. Caмoe глaвнoe чтo любиш Pccиюшкy.

I didn't say it to you. You can love that Russia of course, provided you're content with it. It's just that if you want to change something there are two ways.

Damn, that's a lot of snow. When was the picture taken? Also, why is drinking vodka every friday bad?

Are you a fag / hipster complaining for being a fag in russia?
What's the problem, boy?
Do you remember eltsin?
Maybe not.

You have to pay the damaging toll of communism for a few more generations. Sadly when you forget how you paid that toll, the commies come back and try again.

Putin will be given a free helicopter ride.

That's precisely what you said. "Get out of the Russia's concentration camp, or love Russia". I made my choice. You dislike that? Are you a Russophobe?

Picture is every avarege town with common winter. Vodka is bad because... How you think? You will lose liver and die in 50

No we like russia. I play russophobe to raise your patriotism.

Жизa, бpaтaн.

>You dislike that?
>Are you a Russophobe?
No. Are you?

>Do you remember eltsin?
He messed up a lot, but there's at least one thing he did right. Glorious.

Thank you for not hating all of us.

Cool story bro. Nobody gives a shit about your liberashka tears.


Go back to your hole.

How strongly do you love real Russia? Are you ready to give every vatnik a helicopter ride? Every Donbass separatist, every stalinist, every putinist?

>No. Are you?
No, either. But I still have doubts about your loyalty.

>so we need immigrants to keep our economy boom up. their will be stagnation if no one is taking those jobs
Niggers aren't moving to Europe to prop up your economy cuck. They are coming for your tax dollar handouts and your women.
Niggers. Don't. Work

Then why do you support the guy who wanted to exterminate 60% of russians?

You see my flag? I'm already here, you corrupt pig.

>russians love the USA

You are appreciated


I just sort've feel bad for Russians. Not the rulers but the people, they're always under somebody's thumb. They were free for a few minutes in 1917 but then they were simply under a new thumb who acted like the Royals, they simply didn't talk like the royals.

And then I thought they were going to be free when the USSR collapsed, but the CPSU just stopped pretending to have ideology while it was looting, and it increased its looting and formed into factions to loot quicker and harder, and now one of those factions runs Russia.

I don't know how Russian people can ever be free of all of the harnessed that greedy men keep putting upon them, it is a tragedy. How do you fix what you won't even admit?

They showed the world what the face of Venus looks like, but they also had dangerous morons like Lysenko, I feel like the world should pay more attention to Russia, can be a major force in our world to help or hurt humanity.

If they're younger than 35, that's absolutely true. Everyone is trying to escape and sure enough USA is the main destination.

>every vatnik a helicopter ride
>Every Donbass separatist, every stalinist, every putinist
So you want to exterminate 95% of russians, is this correct?

It's true. Stupid barbarian aren't, I said thats before

No, really i can get this, what the hell you are complaining about?
Life is hard? Yes, it is, almost everywhere.

And if you think that other countries can come to you and save you, you're a fool.
That's complete bullshit.
Putin gave back dignity to your country, that after the soviets was a complete mess.

So, you don't like your life? Try to change city, learn something, or go to other countries.

More like younger than 15.

Why dont Russians try to move to somewhere else in Europe?

My parents brought me to USA, I wish they took me to France or UK or Italy

They aren't TRUE Russians you know. True Russians idolize US and want to emigrate.

Honestly I'd rather have you guys than spics and niggers, come on over

You're not even trying, fag.

It's true though.

No. We'll just limit ourselves to a core group of sovietists (including you).


But you said every vatnik, donbass separatist and putinist? Which is it?

>Putin gave back dignity to your country, that after the soviets was a complete mess.
Do you really believe in that bullshit? Putin is a pure sovietist. He subverted the nation to miss the USSR.

Language. Plus USA is too famous and obvious. Of course some move to European countries like Germany, Czech, Poland and Finland, but not so much.

In Argentina we do compare with Africa.

Russia is saving the world, it's not an easy job. You suffer, but for a good cause.

Holy Russia will prevail!!!

Appreciate it.

Yeah, lol, "average". Thank God we have people like him, maybe we're not lost for now.

Which is you. You hate Russia, deal with it, russophobe. Kiss the casket if you don't.

How are you there?

Honestly, really bad. Last time I was in Argentina, it really sucked.

Full of hippies, liberals, gays, and uneducated people.

Really, don't go there now. It stinks.

Nice bullshit. Except less people miss USSR now than before.

What do you think your country would goy without "sovietism", maybe with a more western-friendly govern like NAVALNY the clown?
I give you some hint if you want:
rainbows, prides, debt, private insurance healthkek, companies sold to J.
Basically the same shite you're leaving + transgenders.

Now you haven't pubblic debt, and russia found his own FMI called BRICS.

Not bad to be a soviet bad bad guy driven nation.

Low energy. It is a dilemma in the end though. To love, to leave or to deny reality and suffer. Applies to other countries too, but you probably know that by now.

Any pros? Like, is it white? What about crimes? Quality of life?

>the number of strong, decisive sovietists actually increased
Kek, and under Putin, most young Russians were subverted into loving Stalin

This man deserves a good helicopter ride

cкoлькo cлeдил(чyтoчкy пoглядывaл) зa apгeнтинoй, вpoдe вceгдa вcё кpyтo былo нy типa бoльшaя cтpaнa, кpacивaя, нo тyт я yдивилcя этo дa. нy пpocтo нe cлeдил и лaднo

Because people realized that under Stalin we were actually a strong country and Putin doesn't do nearly enough to BTFO the degenerate liberal filth still remaining from 90s.
On the other hand Putin himself shits on Stalin, gives awards to Solzhenitsyn and makes the church propaganda.

I pledge my allegiance

Also stalin went to church when hitler made him shit in his pants.

That's besides the point. The point is there are regular church officials on TV preaching how Stalin was bad mkay.