Dont do this please

dont do this please

>A fucking Nazi flag in public

go away CIA niggers

This or right wing terrorism. You chose

Le Scary flag XD

But the Nazi flag is so cool...

>muh pr

Carry the flag and carry a gun.

Hi leftypol

I'm already planning on taking over the world right from inside of my own province.

seriously, don't. just makes people dismiss you as an attention-seeking faggot.

This guy is an FBI plant
Notice the brand new creased flag

Hello there fellow pedes, wouldn't it be jolly to partake in illicit crimes against people of colour in the name of the Emperor God? If so please (you) me!!


Tell that to the federal agent in the picture, not us.

Those guys are obvious plants

What kind of supposed neonazi wouldn't iron his fucking flag? It reeks of bullshit

Look FBI, at least get the fucking creases out of the flag you bought before you go around yelling about Jews.

That was a fed faggot.

Which one? Will gladly help if nearby

Go away t_d

hadn't planned on it.

but to be fair I have come to accept that all of the camps in west Germany were not death camps, and that the door in Auschwitz gas chamber would be insufficient for protecting guards on the outside.

yes pr you stupid faggot do you not care about how we present ourselves to the world? do you not want to win over the masses? do you not want to win?

Just Alphabets doing Alphabets things.

Fuck Britain, but the lime has a point. We're not Nazis; we're American. Adopt American symbols or get new ones.

Pic related is the flag I shill whenever this comes up.

Except (((america))) was on the wrong side of the current state of affairs. America is the brand that needs to die.

Why not?

So if the right actually won, destroyed the commies for good and we have a thousand years of peace and harmony can we then finally get over the hangups about Hitler and the Nazis and acknowledge the man was right and that the Swasi is the most aesthetically pleasing and emotionally stirring symbol to the aryan soul and has been since before writen language.

I bet this guy's gonna regret shilling for Soros when we focus our autism on him.

Confederate flag yet you advocate for the district of cloumbia who crushed your rebel ancestors and turned you and your children into debt slaves for jew bankers...god bless USA

I agree entirely. The Zionist States of America is a cancer. But the American nation (people, not country) is worth fighting for and saving.
I don't have a problem with the Swastika other than it's for German nationalism. Italian nationalism has the Fasces. British nationalism has the flash and circle. American nationalism needs it's own symbol.

What part of the American people is worth saving? More than half of all Americans are non white and are large proportion of whites are dregs too.

pic related
america is a great country, it's just been corrupted
because it's bad optics, dipshit

people see the swastika and are immediately turned off
>American nationalism needs it's own symbol.
the stars and stripes? obviously

we need to make white nationalism synonymous with american patriotism
70% of america is white if you include iberians

Iberians? You mean mixed Chicanos? Iberians are Spanish.

"white hispanics" have 75% spanish dna on average

wow, look at all the folds in those flags... really butters my cashews

>white nationalism synonymous with american patriotism
winna winna
there's a purpose to the swastika though, i don't think we've seen the last of it
like waving a red cape in front of a bull.

>non white
Then they're not American. You can't have a nation cross racial boundaries.
Blacks are blacks
Hispanics are foreigners
Whites are American
Natives are dead

The reason Americans are worth saving is, I'm assuming, that you're one of them. We came to this land, hostile and unknown, to try to make our own way. And thousands of miles from home and beset by hostile natives, not only did we survive, but we have THRIVED. Think of all the advancements Americans have brought to the world, including the computer and internet that you're using right now. We were great, and we actually can be again, and that makes us worth saving.

or Antifa Plant... and so is the woman.

No self respecting southerner or Nazi would have to buy a flag just for an event. They'd have extra just laying around.


But how else will I get my Soros shekels goyim?

What's edgy about fascism?

I'm for adopting our own form of fascism. But I'll be damn if I support Civic-Nat or a re-branding of modern conservatism.

British Columbia

The damage is done. Something will have to rise from the ashes of the coming race war and I hope it isin't democracy, egalitarianism and multiculturalism. It will have to be an iron fist, meritocracy and race/culture...and we will have to win it first.

I don't disagree that some boneheads would do this sort of thing, and I wouldn't even care if they did - it is not a big deal. But this doesn't look right. It looks like he pulled some tactical pants from the supply room or local PX -- got the nearest confederate shirt he could find (that doesn't match the outfit.. it's weird choice) and pulled a nazi flag out of the package. It looks like some other guys are wearing the same pants for some reason. Really looks like a plant.

>dont do this please
If we instead murder some cops like BLM did, will the kike media love us?

>strawmanning this hard

Nazi dude is Antifa. Run it down.

Why not?


Hitler and the Confederacy lost. I don't care for losers.

>muh PR
>if we keep letting the Left control the narrative and bully us with words, surely they will let us win!

you impotent faggots have been "leading" us for the past 60 years and all that's happened is it's gotten worse and worse. it's time for you weak faggots to get the fuck out of the way.

So they ever ID this guy or what?

Long Live Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

this could potentially be a plant...
it would be an effective dissociation psy-op.
it isn't outside of the range of possibility

>if we keep letting the Left control the narrative and bully us with words, surely they will let us win!
no you retard it's because normal people are repulsed by nazi imagery

your pathetic neo nazi movement has existed for over 60 years and has achieved precisely nothing, time for you to fuck off and let the grown ups continue making progress without you

Frogdammit, for the last time, Cargo pants are NOT gay.

the only bad publicity is no publicity

Don't let the left divide the nationalist cause by demanding that we denounce people. When they tell us to denounce someone, reflect it back at them and ask them why the left never denounce Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Marxist-Leninist agitators. We're being destroyed because we cuck to the media too often. We should drop the swastika though. If people want to promote fascism, they should use the fasces or eagle.

we already have publicity idiot, now we have to win over the hearts and minds of millions of white americans and that won't happen with you acting like an autist in public

what progress is that exactly? your civic nationalism? your Jewish "muh god emperor" Trump?

you sad submissive faggots accomplish nothing. strong groups of people do not care about the labels that others put on them, that is only something that weak people do who need permission from others to exist.

waking up whites, giving them a sense of identity and belonging, telling them the truth about race


Pussy niggas

Your solution is a feedback loop:
>stick up for being white
>stick up for white identity
>identify differences in race
>someone calls you a Nazi
>"n-nn-no I'm not"
>they point out every way that your ideology aligns with Hitler's and Nazi Germany's
>"y-yeah but I don't like Hitler"
>they point out again that your ideology is no different
>you have no argument because they are right
>return to your natural state as a submissive cuck who is brow beaten by words


>stick up for being white
>stick up for white identity
>identify differences in race
>someone calls you a Nazi
>they point out every way that your ideology aligns with Hitler's and Nazi Germany's
>"Yeah I don't care, Hitler was right"
>"b-b-b-bbut you're a Nazi!"
>"Yeah that's fine, Hitler was right and here's why"
>all they can do is get angry because you will not submit to words
>stick up for yourself
>stick up for your race
>problem solved

wow, gee sure is hard. until you get past the taboo of white nationalism and undo the effects of the historical propaganda against the last group of white nationalists, you're not accomplishing shit

hitler wasn't right though, edgy faggot, and he isn't relevant in today's world. by constantly going on about world war 2 and "muh holohoax" you keep the image of hatred and genocide fresh in the average goy's mind which is exactly what kikes want. i don't care if i get called a nazi, the more they call people nazis the less potent the smear gets

what was Hitler wrong about then?

You're literally retarded

invading poland and then the ussr

we shouldn't even be discussing this, it's history and has no relevance to today's politics




and when you announce your views on race and wanting your own country you will be compared to Hitler on an ideological plane. we're not talking about war strategy, we're talking about ideology. and now that you have no argument you're trying to change the subject. all you do is make yourself look like a pussy who can't stand behind his words and his views. you are brow beaten by labels until you muster up the courage to try again later, then you are brow beaten again. rinse and repeat.

pretty sure this is a set up. leftists who brought nazi flags for this swiftboat operation, and were funded by podesta and clinton. its her feeble attempt at staying relevant

Ontario user here, down for world revolution under every right wing flag if we can get someone in every province.

>not relevant in today's world
yet the first thing (((they))) say to their opponents is "Hitler"
kill yourself faggot

In all seriousness, if you want people to listen to us, don't go parading around LARPing a "nazi" or a kkk member. It's not doing us any good.

i told you what hitler did wrong, but i don't care, because it has nothing to do with the present day
>another inbred spastic trying to push the "muh hitler dindu nuffin" in the face of a existential crisis
keep doing it and whites will be scared away from standing up for themselves for fear of being associated with people like yourself

oh, and >underrated


that was purchased for the sole purpose of that event

any genuine neonazi would have a well used flag and this isn't the only instance.
They were false flaggers

also "unite the right" was organized by the same guy as occupy wallstreet.

So yea, Goldberg...don't do this.

I'm sorry that you're too stupid to anticipate your opponents' arguments

May Soros please stop demonizing white people for one second while I straighten out my life.

nice argument

yeah, this pic is cool and all, but where is the others?

>dont do this please
Why not? Are you scared of being arrested or something?

anyone got that kkk infiltration kek story?

>because it's bad optics
>normal people are repulsed by nazi imagery
>people see the swastika and are immediately turned off

>Are you scared of being arrested or something?

Was 25 dollars an hour in Soros money worth running the risk of doing jailtime?

Ya I always iron my Nazi flag before I take it outside

>Was 25 dollars an hour in Soros money worth running the risk of doing jailtime?
Are you saying that Cantwell was a plant and not a true leader?

Meh who knows. I certainly thing Richard Spencer is likely.

>Pictured with Barbara Bush

Well connected for a neo nazi. Also his "Hail victory" bull came two days after Soros held a conference behind closed doors asking what is to be done with this Trump upstart.

Cantwell less likely I think seeing as he got fired which might have caused the guy to combust. No I was refering to the bike lock professor and other "rebels" who actually are getting the same treatment but aren't in the public eye.

>there are people actually dumb enough to believe that the alt right will ever appeal to scared aging boomers and brown people

>scared aging boomers
no they are dying off, we are a youth movement
>brown people
no thanks, this is about white nationalism

>we need good pr to win over the masses
>we dont need the masses we're a youth movement
a youth movement based on being edgy and now you're cucking because of a little MSM kvetching (again). Literally the same thing cuckservatives did for decades but instead it's nazism.

actually, most boomers have reservations about whites becoming a minority, but don't care because they won't live to experience it, we can still use their votes though

the "alt right" is 90% millennials, but white nationalist sentiment can be found across all generations

Way to not address anything I brought up.

Its the entire foundational myth of the current world order. It absolutely matters because you can't be properly redpilled without being repilled about history. For christ's sake, it was only a few generations ago.

We will redeem everyone who fought on the side of truth. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Forget about Hitler. Look forward.

sorry faggot no one is ever going to support nazism, you are doing irreparable damage to our race by delegitimising our cause with your toxic bullshit, eat shit and die anti white scum

Speak for yourself. Both sides in Charlottesville were on Soros' payroll. It was a play put on by the left to give them an excuse to crush dissent on the internet.

>controlled opposition everywhere
go back to your tinfoil hat

I agree we shouldn't be doing that but like 1000 racists and only 1 guy with a nazi flag is a pretty good rate.